Well…let me start by saying I am really excited this week! You know I have been more than enjoying bringing you my radio show on CBS every Thursday night, it’s my passion and I am really having such a great time being able to talk live with you about what it transpiring in the stars. I want you guys to know how thankful I am to you all for giving me the courage and confidence to step into this, I couldn’t have done it without your encouragement and I am so awed by each of you for being trail blazers and open to looking at the fact that your own energy patterns are valid and worthy of exploration! In a timeline that spans 2000 years of emperors and kings, scientists and world leaders embracing and patronizing astrology, it has only been in the last hundred plus years that so much disinformation and targeted devaluation has been aimed at this science, leave it to you who are on the front lines to step up and claim your true energetic entitlement!
So, yay, yay, yay, having said that, there is an interesting correlation between the stars in the heavens and our stars here on earth, and to this end, from time to time this year I plan to bring you otherworldly interviews with people I feel have something special that will be of interest to you! This week is such a week!
I will be interviewing the lovely and talented MR. MAX RYAN. Max is a multi-talented actor and producer, one of Hollywood’s rising stars and a very interesting man. He has played opposite Sean Connery in “A League of Extraordinary Gentlemen”, with Jet Li in “Kiss of the Dragon” and Steven Segal in “The Foreigner”, the list is long, but all the BUZZ lately is about his recent role as Samantha’s love interest, Rikard Spirit, in “SEX AND THE CITY 2”! He has departed from his action background to cause quite the stir in this role and we are going to get up close and personal with him on Thursday night! If you want to see what he has been up to prior to the show, his impressive resume can be found on IMDB.com.
So SAVE THE DATE, this Thursday, 8pm eastern/5pm pacific, The ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW on CBS Radio. You can tune in to listen here: http://www.newskyradio.com or call in to ask your questions here: 248-545-7685 I know you are going to be charmed and inspired so again, SAVE THE DATE and bring your love for him, I’m vouching that you are all going to be amazed at what he has to offer, I just know you are all going to hit it off!
OK, now, let’s take a look at what the week is bringing outside of this really cool night ;)~
Monday the Sun moves into Cancer, marking the Summer Solstice and illuminating a month ahead where you will find a lot of focus on your home, the issues around who you want to live with and why, any moves, renovations, your security issues, how you feel grounded, and any topics involving country, family, mom/mother figures, and food! If you’ve managed to expedite life by ignoring your feelings, this transit will not allow for this luxury, emotions are paramount now, so ask it loud and clear, “DOES THIS FEEL LIKE HOME?” The universe has decided that you should have a bit of a surprise or change right off of the bat here and it will come from something you most likely didn’t see coming. As you receive this, remember that you are supposed to be deciding on where you put down roots and what you do there once you do, take that as the reason for the change or shift.
Tuesday the Scorpio Moon squares Venus in Leo. This is intense to say the least. You will find yourself at another completely different cross road, one involving your heart, who you love and how love is shared. It is big. Is sex an expression of love or does it involve power, control or manipulation? Is there a triangle involved that is not healthy? Are the joint finances part of this picture? Is divorce something that needs to be dealt with? Is your creative project being torn by a triangle that needs to be opened up? Are the children or is the child an issue and are all parties playing fair? The LUNAR ECLIPSE on Saturday is triggered today and builds the rest of the week, it is asking you to step up and lead your life in the direction that is true to your ambitions and who you are supposed to be when you grow up, is this what you wanted for yourself? Is there something you can do to rectify this? Look at what is happening or what you are feeling today and ask if you are on the right path.
Wednesday you may decide you are going to dive into the home or property matter regardless of how big of a leap it may seem. There is definitely a stretch here as you feel the universal push to expand your foundation in life. It is a great day to plan or act on travel plans, media or publicity matters, teaching or taking a class, or legal issues. You just have to get out of your own way, employ faith.
Thursday Mercury is incredibly active. This means there are important meetings or talks, news or information, ideas shared or agreements in play. There are two sides to this. Early in the day there will be some form of obstacle that tries to drain you or limit you in some way. You may have a responsibility that has been plaguing you or an area of life you have wanted to sever in some way, whatever it is, you WILL have to discuss it or hear about it. After this comes and stomps around a bit, Mercury meets up with Neptune in the most remarkable of aspects to help you open up meetings or talks about romance, the arts, or spirituality. So you may meet or talk to someone tonight who could turn into a romantic potential, provide a meeting of the minds spiritually or open doors for you artistically, say yes!
And on that note, may I remind you to come bring your love for my guest (lol):
Friday Mercury moves into Cancer, following the Sun into this realm of home, family, country, and emotion. Expect to be talking from this perspective and to meet or come to agreements about these things now. Realtors, get ready with those contracts! First, though, there is the square to Uranus that the Sun had to endure on Monday, so a surprise or obstacle, change or radical approach comes on board this first day in, think on your feet! The Sun opposing Pluto today means that you will be face to face with someone of power or a situation that holds power and your goals or ambitions, reputation or career will be pivotal as you feel your way through.
ARIES: (call to schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Monday gives you a boost at home or with anything involving the living situation or property matters. The Sun will be touring this part of your chart for the next month but today it gets kicked off by your energy as Uranus sparks the need for change or physical freedom here. You may introduce something or someone unusual or quirky into your environment or need to set up something that promotes you and your image over the internet or with groups at home.
Tuesday brings up the financial issues, sex or divorce topics and how these areas of life are shared with lovers, children or through your creative ventures. You need to deal with a woman in this and be willing to open up to new ways of balancing power or getting beneath the surface. The ECLIPSE is officially triggered today so look at how your goals and ambitions, career and reputation are being activated. There may be a boss or older, authority figure you are dealing with as well. Things peak in a big way by Saturday here, an ending or celebration.
Wednesday the topic of media, publishing, publicity, teaching, taking a class, travel, import/export, beliefs, or legal matters will be on your mind. You should find that you are flowing in towards these arenas now in a positive, beneficial manner but you still need to make some adjustments at home or with a property matter to support this.
Thursday is lovely in the arena of travel, education, media, or legal realms again with nice vibes flowing through money you can earn creatively or spend on loved ones. Talks or meetings about health, work or pets will challenge you a bit today so if you can hold off, then do so. If you must deal with something here, then just expect to have to push for your needs. The talks or meetings tonight with a friend or group will be lovely with romance, artistry or spiritual topics in the groove.
Friday Mercury follows the Sun into Cancer and kicks off more important talks and meetings with Cancer folk or about home, real estate, moves, roommate situations, renovations, food, family, or mom/mother figures. People will be expressing their ideas with more feeling now and can be touchy or easily hurt so watch how you deliver the news. The Sun/Pluto opposition is intense and sits you in a position around home or property matters opposite a change involving career, a boss or authority figure, your ambitions or goals, or your reputation. This is a halfway marker on a personal journey you began December 24th last year regarding how things were going at home or with a living situation so think back to Christmas Eve and then look at what still needs to shift.
TAURUS: (call to schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Monday the Sun moves into your communication zone so there is now going to be a month of illumination around talks, meetings, agreements, short trips, neighbors/neighborhood/moves, siblings, ideas, writing, and news. You have something to say it would seem and can rest assured you will be the topic of more than a few meetings or talks. There is at least one wild card in this today so take a close look at what it reveals about what is hidden and what needs to see the light of day.
Tuesday is emotionally charged around the relationship and what is happening at home or with a living situation. Love or money is the pivotal issue here and a woman is key. Is there a way to work through how things are being shared here or is it time to sever the situation? How does the triangle affect your feelings of security? The ECLIPSE is officially triggered today so look at how travel, media or publicity, beliefs, teaching or gaining higher education, or legal matters are being activated. Things peak in a big way by Saturday here, an ending or celebration.
Wednesday may bring some news your way about the artistic endeavor, research, hospital, or spiritual pursuit. There is something big playing out in this mystical or romantic energy pattern. The Moon’s move into Sagittarius sparks energy around sex, divorce or finances, one of these shared/unshared zones is about to take a positive and unexpected turn but most of this rides on your ability to communicate your position or needs a bit differently.
Thursday brings harmony between home and sex, divorce or finances so focus on issues here today. The talk about income or spending with a child, lover or someone involved in a creative project with you will challenge you, so whether you are asking for more money or setting limits, today may push you to get a bit more creative. The talk later today is much better around earnings and career, especially if your ambitions involve artistry, spirituality or romance.
Friday Mercury follows the Sun into Cancer and lights up negotiations, agreements, meetings and ideas big time. If you began to put yourself into these arenas at the first of the week, today will truly kick off the interaction. Short trips, neighborhood, siblings, and writing projects now get the spark as well. You will be adapting to what you hear today, again from a hidden source, film, music or fantasy project, research or investigation, hospital or other institution. The Sun/Pluto opposition is dredging up any ego or personal issues you have around something written or an idea of yours and the publishing house, media, publicity, law, educational arena, or travel plans. Think back to Christmas Eve when the Sun started out on this journey to transform here, this is the midpoint, what do you want to change?
GEMINI: (call to schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Monday the Sun slips into Cancer and lights up your income zone for the next 30 days. This is a great time to increase earnings, to put yourself into the equation in a bigger way or to spend on things for yourself, your body or image. A friend or group will throw a wild card at you today that will spotlight this new placement so pay attention and put your money where your heart is.
Tuesday emotions over a health issue, work or the pets will have you on edge a bit as you talk or hammer it out with a woman. This could get contentious so take a deep breath and do your best to get your point across. Not the day to ask for a raise or to sign up at the gym. The ECLIPSE is officially triggered today so look at how intimate or sexual connections, divorce, major financial matters, reproduction, or death and transformation are being activated. Things peak in a big way by Saturday here, an ending or celebration.
Wednesday the money/friend topic is in play again, there is something you are expanding upon here and if that challenges you then look at your value system in the mix. Does what you are spending on with the friend or group or what you are being paid equal the effort you give or the bonds that they bring? The rest of the day is all about the partner or representative in the picture with a bit of happiness or socializing thrown in, not bad. Just know that this really hinges on your ability to deal with the earning/spending topic.
Thursday all is good in relationship land so open up and share your heart or ideas about money today. Talks about any limits or burdens in the home will be challenging, you may need to set boundaries or feel that an older authority figure type is not dealing properly with you at home or with property. The day moves on towards very dreamy, artistic or romantic talks involving you and the media, someone at a distance or the topic of travel, beliefs, education, or legal matters.
Friday Mercury enters Cancer so talk is about the money, you may meet now about a source of income or decide to spend a bit more on something homey. There is again a wild card coming from friends, groups or aspirations in this. The Sun/Pluto opposition is the midpoint that began on Christmas Eve last year between what you earn/spend and the money through loans, inheritance, settlements, debt, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, or any other outside resource. Where are you in this balancing act? Is a divorce or sexual intimacy playing a part? Only you know what still needs to change.
CANCER: (call to schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Monday the Sun enters your sign and will tour here over the next 30 days. This marks a brand new beginning for you, a emergence from hiding of sorts and a time to step up into the world on some new level. Look at your body, image, identity, and personal needs this month and put your energy here. There is a wild card coming at you today through career or reputation, fame or ambition that will quickly focus you in on these things about yourself.
Tuesday emotions over a creative project, love interest or child will be front and center as you deal with income or spending. Ask yourself if the woman in question can be dealt with here and if this is all about love or money? The ECLIPSE is officially triggered today so look at how a partnership, relationship with an agent, attorney, manager, producer, specialist, or competitor is being activated. Things peak in a big way by Saturday here, an ending or celebration.
Wednesday stretches you on the career front in new ways and puts your name or image out there for the world to see. There is wonderful energy around health approaches or work you can do to reach a goal. Be original and outside the box in your efforts to expand your horizons here and remember it is about making some adjustments around your needs, body, image or identity.
Thursday the work is flowing and the money is there so put the energy here. You will likely be having a talk in private or hear news that translates to a ‘no’ or limitation around an artistic project, romance, spiritual pursuit, addiction, or hospital. Don’t let it throw you. The rest of the day moves talks and meetings into deep, profound arenas where artistry, romance or spirituality can be discussed in powerful ways.
Friday Mercury enters Cancer so expect to be the object of at least a few conversations. You will be asked to meet or communicate, write or come to agreements with others now. There will be at least one wild card coming your way via a career opportunity or change that you will have to act on in the moment, breathe. The Sun/Pluto opposition today is marking the midpoint of a transit that began on Christmas Eve and is now asking you if you are halfway to where you want to be with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, manager, producer, or the competition? Can you find someone who is powerful and in balance with you? Look around.
LEO: (call to schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Monday the Sun enters Cancer and kicks off a 30 day cycle of rest and work behind the scenes. You may wish to enter a hospital and take care of something with your body or image, take a retreat and rejuevenate or some of you will recede into the fantasy realm of film work, music, investigations, or research during this transit. There will be a wild card today around the travel, education, legalities, or media/publicity so do your best to think on your feet. If you are digging around for info, you may get a zinger in one of these arenas.
Tuesday may bring up emotional energy around the news or talks with a friend or group. There is something in the idea of it all that has you pushing your own feelings into or onto them. Take a step back if you can and look at what it is that you want that hasn’t happened yet and then focus in on making that happen through your own abilities. The ECLIPSE is officially triggered today so look at how health matters, work, a connection with a co-worker or employee, a service you provide, or something involving pets or animals is being activated. Things peak in a big way by Saturday here, an ending or celebration.
Wednesday you will be looking at a sexual, intimate, divorce, or high financial matter in the picture and how it is affecting your standing with a group or with a friend. Can you find a way to stretch here a bit and still do what makes you happy? There is great energy moving into the home so take a trip to your own front door and find ways to tackle intimacy or empowerment from here. If you need to find the money to do something here, your ability to make a personal adjustment with a group or friend will help you get there.
Thursday the flow is so groovy around love, children and creative project and you getting to be seen in a great light so enter in and enjoy. Talks with friends or groups about income are challenging and may involve a ‘no’ or certain restrictions or burdens if entered into today. The talk or meeting at a social occasion or through a friend or group can lead to positive outcomes where a partner or representative is concerned, especially if romance, artistry or spirituality is involved.
Friday Mercury moves into your hidden part of life so talks and meetings now are more clandestine or involve the mystical, artistic, romantic, addictive, obsessive, or self-undoing thinking. Watch that you are not employing the latter more negative of these energies as they have a way of self-undoing you. Instead pour your creative potential into ideas that are original and about something artistic or spiritual you can contribute. The Sun/Pluto opposition today is intense and will show you the halfway mark of a journey you set out on Christmas Eve to put yourself into these hidden, addictive, or artistic, spiritual, romantic ideals and find a way to empower the health, work or animal issues you feel moved by. Are you utilizing this down time in positive, life affirming ways?
VIRGO: (call to schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Monday the Sun moves into your social realm and lights up the next 30 days. This means that you will be seen as the one to invite to the party, to the group, to a friends outing, and that you will find that you can shine when you put yourself and your aspirations first. There will be a wild card today coming through financial venues, divorce or a sexual liason or issue that will point out just what needs to change here.
Tuesday emotions are out there for everyone and for you this will come through talks or news you hear, a meeting or idea, agreements or a writing project, the neighborhood or a brother or sister. There is something you didn’t see coming here that involves love, money or a woman so steady as she goes when discussing the options. The ECLIPSE is officially triggered today so look at how a love affair, the idea of love, something occurring with your lover, matters involving children, or an important creative venture are being activated. Things peak in a big way by Saturday here, an ending or celebration.
Wednesday you will want to look at your aspiration and then see what you can go for through financial channels, a loan, settlement, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, or any other outside resource, or in dealing with a divorce or sexual intimate. Your wide open horizons are beckoning if you can go for your dream. Home and property matters are favored here so work from home or put in the effort to see what can be done financially, through the divorce or in sharing intimacy here.
Thursday is great for hiding out at home with a lover or for finding positive financial solutions through research or for finding the right property for an artistic project. Talks about goals, reputation, fame, career, or with a boss or authority figure will challenge you today with a ‘no’ or some type of limit or added responsibility. Talks or meetings that put you out before the public or on the career front will do great if you are involving work or health and some form of artistry, romance or spirituality.
Friday mercury follows the Sun into cancer and sparks a talk or meeting with a friend or group. You will do well in social situations now and should take the time to ask for what you want by way of your aspirations over the next few weeks. You may have an important friend enter your life now. Just watch for the wild card around intimacy, divorce or finances. The Sun/Pluto opposition is showing you how far you have come on the journey you began on Christmas Eve when you saw what was really there in a love relationship, with a child or a creative project. You are now out there in the social or worldly arena half way to what you envisioned or needed to have deconstructed so you could rebuild. Ask yourself, “Where is the love?” “Am I creating the world I dreamed of?”
LIBRA: (call to schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Monday the Sun moves into Cancer and lights up your career Midheaven. This is a month long cycle that puts your image or name out in the public eye, helps you to achieve your career goals, meet with authority figures or claim fame for your own. If you need to pitch yourself or launch a business do it now. There will be a wild card today that will point out anything you need to know about your next move and it comes from a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor so be ready to act in the moment.
Tuesday emotions may be charged up as you look at the money you are making or are owed, or the money you have spent recently or want to spend. There will be a female friend or a group that is spurring you here so see what you can do to move things along in the right direction. The ECLIPSE is officially triggered today so look at how home, living situations, roommates, renovations, real estate deals, moves, security issues, your sense of family, or matters concerning mom/mother figures are being activated. Things peak in a big way by Saturday here, an ending or celebration.
Wednesday the energy is again around your goals, ambition, reputation, fame, or the career. You will be standing up or out here on some level and dealing with the partner, agent, attorney, or competitor. This is getting big isn’t it? Can you do anything about opening up your horizons today in this matter? Talks or meetings, agreements or something written seems to do the trick, start there and be willing to give just a little ground.
Thursday is all warm and fuzzy with a friend or group so you may have done your magic yesterday. There is positive alignment to love or money coming through this person, most likely a female friend. Talks about the trip, with a person far away, about the media, publicity, education, or legal aspects will be somewhat limiting or bring a ‘no’ if a hospital, hidden agenda, film or other artistic topic, clandestine romance, or spiritual pursuit is involved. However, talks or meetings about same legal, travel, educational, or legal matters can later flow positively through a love interest, child or creative project.
Friday Mercury follows the Sun into Cancer and opens up talks and meetings in earnest about your career, reputation or with authority figures. Ask for the promotion or launch the business in the next few weeks, but not today. There is some surprise coming through the competition, representative or partner in this and again you have to deal with the changes as they occur. The Sun/Pluto opposition today is the midpoint on the journey that began Christmas Eve that was about transforming through home or property matters or deconstructing and rebuilding more powerful foundations and security structures in your life. You are now seeing where you are in the career aims or with an important goal in this. What still needs to change?
SCORPIO: (call to schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Monday the Sun moves into fellow water sign, Cancer, and puts you in the spotlight over the next 30 days in all travel, media, publicity, legal, educational, and marketing matters. This is where you shine now but first you will need to deal with a wild card coming at you through the work, health or pet arena, it is meant to show you what still needs to change.
Tuesday emotions are charged up over your own needs and identity and the career, your goals, an ambition, your reputation, fame or with a celebrity or an authority figure. Love or money is in the mix here and most likely a woman is key. The ECLIPSE is officially triggered today so look at how communications, talks, meetings, writing, ideas, agreements, short trips, moves, neighborhood or neighbors, or matters involving siblings are being activated. Things peak in a big way by Saturday here, an ending or celebration.
Wednesday you will want to step up over the travel issues, media matter, education, or legalities and see what you can expand in your world through work, health or with pets. There is positive energy around earning money today and in unusual work or changes to current approaches here. All in all you can get what you want if you are willing to make a bit of a personal concession legally, through travel, in the media/marketing/publicity, or through teaching or taking the class.
Thursday income/career ties are strong and positive with a woman in the mix who is benefiting you here. A talk about some outside financial resource, sexual conquest or divorce issue will most likely bring a ‘no’ from a group or friend or else you will find there is some kind of limit or restriction in the mix. The talk or meeting you have about shared resources, intimacy or divorce that focuses on home or property matters is slated to go well if you can bring romance, artistry or spirituality into the picture.
Friday Mercury follows the Sun into Cancer and opens up talks or decisions, agreements or meetings around the trip, with the person far away, with the media or publicity venture, the education, or legal matter over the next few weeks. You will have to navigate the wild card in this again from work, health or pets first. The Sun/Pluto opposition is marking a halfway point on a journey you began Christmas Eve to profoundly change your local arena through empowerment, deconstruction or a move, your writing or agreements, talks or ideas through new ways of sharing, or a relationship to a neighbor or sibling through transforming the paradigm. You need to look at where you are in the travel, media, education, or legal arena and ask yourself if you want to be here or do you want to be there?
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Monday the Sun enters Cancer and puts you into deep water for the next 30 days. This can be a good thing so no worries, it’s about intimacy, sharing, power, sex, reproduction, divorce, or major finances. It’s a time when you can change things through these arenas by showing up physically and putting your needs into the equation. If you don’t want to get pregnant or divorced, watch what you are doing with your body this month. A wild card comes your way today through a lover, child or creative project that point out what it is this cycle will likely be about for you.
Tuesday emotions are hidden and most likely worked up a bit over the woman who is far away, the love that you met while traveling, the money involved in travel, education, legal matters, or media ventures, or something addictive or self-undoing that is going against your own beliefs. Look to see if you can meditate or find a spiritual inner core in this today. The ECLIPSE is officially triggered today so look at how income, spending, values, or a possession in question is being activated. Things peak in a big way by Saturday here, an ending or celebration.
Wednesday puts you back in the fray through sex, reproduction, divorce, or major financial matters and the big thing happening with the lover, child or creative project. You will find that once the Moon moves into your sign the connection becomes happy and generous with the lover, child or creative outlet as long as you are willing to make some personal concessions around what is happening to the financial picture, with the sex or reproduction, or in the divorce.
Thursday the flow is ever so nice for you through a trip, education, ceremony, media or publicity outlet, or legal matter. Love or money is there in this and your connection with the woman is positive as well. The talk you have with a partner, agent, manager, attorney, or other representative about a career or reputation matter or involving the authority figure is likely to yield a ‘no’ or some form of limitation or restriction. The talk or agreement you have with this same person can later lead to something positive being shared artistically, romantically, spiritually, or regarding the addiction or need to be in the hospital.
Friday Mercury follows the Sun into Cancer and talks or decision will finally be made about the divorce, sex, reproduction, or financial picture over the next few weeks. There will be a wild card again today in this from the lover, child or creative project so be ready to dance into position. The Sun/Pluto opposition is marking the halfway point on the journey to deconstruct and rebuild in the area of income for you that started on Christmas Eve. Look at how you are being treated or how your needs are being met in the area of shared finances, debt, credit, the partners money, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, insurance, taxes, or outside resources, or how the sex, reproductive matter, or divorce is affecting your earning potential or spending. What still needs to change?
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Monday the Sun moves into your opposite sign, Cancer, and kicks off a month long cycle putting you in the spotlight with partners, marriage, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. You will do best when combining forces and there is going to be something somewhat fated here or karmic so pay attention to who or what is transpiring. There will be a wild card today around home or living situations, real estate or family with this person so be ready to field it.
Tuesday emotions may be on edge as you move through your feelings about an aspiration. A woman tied to issues with divorce, finances or sex/intimacy will be the instigator here so see what you can do to reach out to your friends or a group in working your way through this. The ECLIPSE is officially triggered today so look at how something about you, your body, personal needs, image, or identity is being activated. Things peak in a big way by Saturday here, an ending or celebration.
Wednesday the partner, representative or competitor will be where your energy is with something going on at home, with a living situation or real estate deal. Look at how things are expanding and what you can do to open things up. The Moon moving into your 12th house today will help you to take emotions behind closed doors to deal with the home/real estate matter successfully through research, work done behind the scenes, clandestine romantic encounters there, or in some fantasy or artistic realm.
Thursday brings lovely energy for love and intimacy behind closed doors, fantasy, artistry, and any financial matters that need to be dealt with here. The talk or agreement at work, with a co-worker or employee, about health or the pets will have some kind of legal, travel, educational, or media limitation to it so bide your time. However this same talk or agreement points to positive alignment for making or spending money.
Friday Mercury enters Cancer and the meetings, talks, ideas, agreements, writing, and short trips will now involve partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. You will have a few weeks to bring this together but again, there is a wild card today here around home, living situations or real estate. The Sun/Pluto opposition is marking the halfway point on the journey you began Christmas Eve around transforming yourself in some way to partner or find the right representative or to be able to compete. Today you see just where you are in this and what still needs to change.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Monday the Sun moves into Cancer and lights up your work, health and pet zone for the next month. This puts you center stage in these arenas so you will want to get busy physically to get your health in order, join a gym, start a diet or do the work before you. There is a wild card in this today coming from news you hear, something from a neighbor, move or sibling, or from a written agreement or project, note or communication. If you are looking for work, get out there, if you need to write a better resume start today.
Tuesday emotions are stirred over career or reputation or with a boss or authority figure. A female partner or representative, competitor or specialist is in the mix and there is also something here about love or money to be considered. What can you do to move this along towards what you most desire? The ECLIPSE is officially triggered today so look at how the mystical, spiritual pursuit, artistic project, hidden agenda or enemy, secret romance, research or investigative project, or dealing with a hospital or other institution is being activated. Things peak in a big way by Saturday here, an ending or celebration.
Wednesday is about the work, health or pets again with expansion possible on the local scene or something you can write, come to terms over, meet or talk about that should help to make you happier here. There is a friend or group who holds the key today if you open up or can come to an agreement with them, be willing to adjust your position a bit on the level of the work involved, health or pets.
Thursday the alignment between the friend, group, aspiration, and partnership is golden and flows with love or money. A woman is key here. Talks or agreements with a lover or over a love interest, with a child or over something involving a child, or with a creative venture will meet up with a ‘no’ or some kind of limitation around the divorce, finances or sexual/reproductive connection. However, talks with the lover, child or creative project can lead to something pretty romantic, artistic or spiritual for you personally.
Friday Mercury follows the Sun into Cancer and opens up talks and agreements about the work, health or pet situation. You have several weeks to meet up, write about it, involve the neighborhood or local scene and share the idea here. There will be a wild card today coming through news you hear, a meeting, or someone changing their mind, so be ready to deal. The Sun/Pluto opposition is marking the halfway point on the journey you began on Christmas Eve around wanting to transform what was going on in secret, tied to romance, artistry, spirituality, a hospital, or some form of work going on behind closed doors. What you need to do to work, shift something with your health or deal with pets will highlight just where you are on this journey and what still needs to change.
PISCES: (call to schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Monday the Sun moves into your house of true love, children and creative projects to tour here for the next month. This puts you in the spotlight in matters of the heart and your creative flow. There will be a wild card today around money being earned or spent or over value systems so pay attention to what is important and be ready to deal with this as it arrives.
Tuesday emotions around a trip, ceremony, legal matter, education, or media venture will be peaked. This is going to be tied to a woman at work, involved in your health or who is around you with a health issue, or tied to your pets. You will have some kind of challenge you need to meet in dealing with this issue through the trip, education, legalities, or publicity/media. The ECLIPSE is officially triggered today so look at how a friendship, group affiliation, matter involving an associate, networking opportunity, social occasion or celebration, or a big dream and aspiration of yours are being activated. Things peak in a big way by Saturday here, an ending or celebration.
Wednesday again puts you in the love affair, with the love interest, with a child or involved in the creative outlet and you will have to look at how to earn money here or how you are spending it. You want to expand in this somehow so see what you can do today. As the Moon changes signs your ambitions and career agenda will take center stage with lucky, unexpected ways to make money or spend it on the goal. Be willing to make some personal concessions to the lover, child or creative process to reach this ambition.
Thursday the career/health/work alignment is wonderful. Love or money can flow nicely between these avenues, women are beneficial. Talks about home, living situations, moves, family matters, stability, real estate, or security issues will hit a snag with a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor, you will likely see some form of limitation or restriction here. However the same talks or agreements about or from home, real estate or family can bring romance, spirituality or artistry into the picture here behind closed doors later today and this looks good.
Friday Mercury follows the Sun into Cancer and talks, meetings, decisions, agreements, or short trips now flow around true love, children and creative ventures. If single you could meet someone out in the local scene, if you need to take a meeting about the child or creative venture, do it over the next few weeks. There will be a wild card today in this, again around the money being earned or spent so just like on Monday, you will need to deal in the moment. The Sun/Pluto opposition today marks the midpoint on the journey you began on Christmas Eve regarding the major transformation you wanted to see occur around aspirations, your social position, friendships, and group affiliations. Today there will be something that puts you in the spotlight over love, creativity or a child to point out where you are so far and what still needs to change.
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