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You have read here about the long Saturn in Virgo cycle of the past 2 years and the tests we have met over health, work and our relationship to animals. This weekend, on Saturday, the Sun will square Saturn in Virgo and shine a big, wide beam of light on anything you still have to wrap up here. Look at putting in the effort now, wrapping up the details, cleaning out the mess, organizing, and committing to new ideas in these arenas. This Saturn cycle ends the third week of July so you have until then to get it together!

The Sun’s connection with Neptune on Saturday bodes well for social occasions, group activities and time with friends involving the arts, romantic connections or spiritual realms. Say yes to invitations, make those calls, meet up. If you write or share creative ideas within this atmosphere there are only good things coming out today.

Sunday brings a Libra Moon to Mercury in Gemini. This means that all talks, meetings, agreements and decisions between you and a partner, agent, attorney, manager, specialist, or competitor should flow smoothly. Writing and signed agreements should involve one of these people.


Saturday the Sun will bring talks or news, decisions or things you can do locally that will help you in the last haul of Saturn through your work, health and pet zone. Attend to details here, talk or meet about what needs doing, work on the agreements, it seems that you really have one last test here physically so look at what you still have to do to get your own body in its best working order or in how you are tackling the work or dealing with the pets. Friends and groups are supportive and bring artistry, romance or spiritual help. If you need help with a hospital matter or research, ditto.

Sunday talk to the partner, attorney, agent, manager or specialist, there can be a meeting of the minds or you may find they have insight or advice that is truly helpful. You don’t have to do it all on your own.


Saturday the Sun will shine it’s light into the income zone for you to look at the money you are earning or spending and what it is you still need to do to structure, tackle, take the lead or commit to in creative projects, with children or children themed topics, or with lovers or the theme of love. Age, responsibility, limits, and leadership are very important in the creative outlets now, and with children or love, are you spending too much, earning enough, what do you need to work on or adjust in your health regime to get this all to work for you? The career Midheaven is aligned beautifully for you today so express your artistry or spiritual nature and go after income if necessary.

Sunday the Moon in Libra meets Mercury in Gemini so you will have the opportunity to work and earn money through ideas, communications, writing, or something going on in the local arena. If you are out of work, use today to beat the pavement or pull together your resume and send it out.


Saturday the Sun is going to shine its light upon your image, body or identity. You get one big last push towards what you need to do for yourself to deal with the responsibility, limits, leadership or structure around home, property, moves, living situations, or mom/mother figure. Are you getting what you need here? Are you allowed to be who you truly are in your own environment? Is there something physically you can do to make it all work more beneficially? There is strong favorable energy for you personally to step up in a media venture, with someone at a distance or through travel, in an educational matter, or through legal channels, any of these steps tie in to positive artistic, romantic or spiritual outlets.

Sunday the Moon in Libra meets Mercury in your sign so you will have a golden flow between you and all things creative, fun, involving lovers, or children. You should use this energy to write, meet, talk, make a decision, or sign an agreement around one of these themes as it will surely benefit you.


Saturday the Sun is shining its light into mystical/hidden arenas in your life to give you a last big push towards your leadership, responsibility, structure, or limits through writing, talks, your ideas, communications, agreements, or meetings. You will need to look at how you are hiding away or isolated, what you need to do about your body, image or personal identity or needs tied to a fantasy, film, music, or other artistic project. Is there is something you are doing that works against yourself or if there is there someone working against your needs in this artistic, spiritual or behind the scenes work? Do you need to go into a hospital or deal with something institutional? What needs to be said here? You really just have until the end of July before you will be out from behind the scenes in this arena, what needs to be done to get you there? There is great energy tied to the financial institution, divorce or sexual intimacy for you today so express your nature here.

Sunday brings a talk or meeting, news or an agreement regarding the person or situation working against your aims, hidden agenda, film or fantasy work, music or other artistic outlet, research or investigation, hospital or other institution. Regardless of where this surfaces it links positively to your security, home, the foundations you are building upon, or mom/mother figure.


Saturday the Sun is helping you to look at the long Saturn transit through your income zone so that you look at how your aspirations, image of yourself within a group or with friends, or physical abilities in a social dynamic are affecting earnings. What can you do to reach out to network or connect with people who can help you set your earnings on the right course and how can you be more responsible, take the lead and build structures around making money or spending the income you have? The connection to partnership or representation is golden here so find someone to stand beside you in this artistically, romantically, as an advocate at a hospital or other institution, or spiritually.

Sunday brings an important talk or meeting with a friend, group or associate. You need to be proactive in this since there can be a meeting of the minds over justice and balance. If you are writing with this person or working on an idea this day is so beneficial to your efforts.


Saturday the Sun shines its light on the ongoing Saturn issues you have been hosting over the last 2 years. By now you have been streamlined to the true core of what is real and necessary in your life and you are now at the last big obstacle to overcome through any way you may be limiting yourself or holding yourself back from something important in your life. Look your fears squarely in the eye now as you have only between now and the end of July to wrap up the details or put in the personal effort at this brand new 29 year cycle of life you are about to enter. Look at where you are with one important goal, your career, reputation, fame, or ambitious agendas and ask yourself if you need to do more, where effort may pay off and where you should cut losses. The work you do today or attention to health or pets benefits your goal.

Sunday the talk, meeting or agreement you can come to over the income and career agenda will suit you to a tee. There is great harmony between what you come up with or communicate in this area so send out resume, take meetings or interview, launch the business or get your name out there.


Saturday brings a big spotlight on the media venture, publicity, publishing, travel, with a person or situation at a distance, import/export, a class you are taking or teaching, or a legal matter. This is the house of higher mind and dissemination of information so you have something you need to work on with yourself here through your image, identity, body, or personal needs being met. This is going to help you to wrap up the last leg of the Saturn in Virgo cycle through your hidden agendas, self-undoing, addictions, secrets, hospital issues, all artistic outlets from film to music, any fantasy or illusion, research or investigations, or clandestine romances. You have until the last week of July to work through any of these buried or hidden issues or approaches to how you work behind the scenes in artistic or spiritual projects so you begin your new 29 year Saturn cycle clean. Potential is there for you today through lovers, children or creative projects.

Sunday the news, talks, meetings or agreements are lining up to please you greatly in all things related to the trip, media/publishing, education, or legal matter. If you need to open up a line of communication, write or come to terms here, do it today.


Saturday the Sun squares Saturn to give you one last personal challenge in the testing period you have been through over the past two years. This has either limited your social activities and friendships or loaded you down with more responsibilities or work with groups, friends or aspirations. Today you need to look at how your image or identity is involved here tied to divorce, sex, reproduction, or the financial situation. Did a bankruptcy or the debt you are dealing with limit what you can do socially or with your aspirations? Is there something financial or caused by divorce that is pushing limits with a group or aspiration? What can you do to put in the last bit of effort, time, and boundaries so you can step up as an authority in your circle. There is wonderful energy tied to home, moves or real estate matters for you through the divorce, loans, settlements or other financial realms or through an intimate connection here.

Sunday the talk, agreement, meeting or decision will favor you so see what you can do to connect intimately, sexually or deal with the divorce, go after the loan, handle the settlement, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, or other outside resource. Time spent behind closed doors benefits you in this or there may be a link to a film, fantasy, spiritual pursuit or research that rewards.


Saturday brings a spotlight on how you are feeling about your identity, image or personal needs being met in relationship, with a partner, or through an agent, attorney, manager, specialist, or from a competitor. This is to help you turn a last corner on your way through the Saturn cycle in your career Midheaven. What limits are here, what responsibilities are you taking on or do you need to take on, how can you lead yourself forward on the career front or towards an important goal? It looks like this significant person is key at this point so you need to look closely at whether that means seeking them out, committing to them or severing ties. Talks, news, agreements, or news are favored with the significant person if you speak your mind over the artistic need, romantic or spiritual topic.

Sunday the Libra Moon meets Mercury in Gemini so talk about the partner, agent, attorney or specialist with the friend or group because they have positive feedback for you. If you need to sign an agreement or write something up, again today is beneficial for you.


Saturday the Sun connects with your ruler, Saturn, in his last leg of his tour through Virgo to light up anything about who you are and who you are becoming at work, with co-workers, employees, in health or with pets. This is because the added responsibilities or limits you have been navigating legally, with marketing or media, long distance or through travel, or in education is now almost at its end. Do what is necessary to get your health in line and define the way you want to work now and see how you can be of service, render a service, hire an employee, tackle work differently, or align your health to reach the ambition. There is a great link to earning money or the money you spend on health, pets or work now so feel good about what you are doing here or go after the income.

Sunday is all about the beautiful link between the Moon in Libra and Mercury in Gemini. For you this means talks or meetings you have over work, with co-workers, employees, health care workers, anyone tied to health such as diet or nutritionists, gyms or other active physical people, or those who are involved with pets or animal issues will go smoothly and help you to reach a big goal. Hint this goal involves a partner or representative, specialist or competitor.


Saturday brings a big corner to turn for you that has been ongoing over the last two years around the way you are being treated in a love relationship, with children or the topic of children, or over a creative process. Who are you exactly in this situation and what do you need to change. The Sun is casting enormous light into this realm and pointing out the limits or added responsibilities that are tied to this through a divorce, sexual topic/connection, or through major financial realms such as loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, insurance, taxes, or other outside resources. You have a couple more months to see this through but what you decide now is key, be true to yourself. The connection to Neptune later today brings positive flow to creative projects, love or children to soothe the issues over divorce, money or sex.

Sunday is a beautiful aspect day with talks and meetings about or for love, children or creative ventures leading to positive outcomes through travel, legal channels, media or publicity, or education. See what you can do to increase knowledge and share ideas, signing agreements is favored today.


Saturday will shine a huge light on what is going on at home, with real estate matters, living situations, roommates, mortgages, renovations, moves, family, or mom/mother figures. This is about a fork in the road over the ongoing, long two year testing period with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, and competitors. You need to act on what it is you need to feel rooted and secure. Do you want to share your home with someone, are you feeling hemmed in, do you need to move, buy or sell property, is there something about the living situation that needs to change so you can have the kind of partnership you want or is there a specialist or representative you need in on the property matter? These are the questions to ask yourself now. There is wonderful energy flowing here through time spent behind closed doors, in research or fantasy at home. It is also a great day to tackle work, attend to health and care for or interact with pets.

Sunday the doors are open on the intimate level to connect deeply in talks about home, property or the living situation. You may spend the day in passionate embrace here or steer the day’s 8th house energy towards the major financial realm and opening up things tied to home or property here. You can also deal with the divorce/property matters today favorably so step up if necessary.

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