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TUNE IN Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Worldwide Radio ~ New Sky Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php 248-545-7685 to listen to or call in with astrology questions for THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW! You can also follow this link to scroll down and listen to past shows archived there!

Mercury Direct on Sunday helps launch us into our week with a new mindset and willingness to see that through. Communications, meetings and agreements pick back up. Any miscommunications, technical breakdowns or transportation glitches should be ebbing. Life is good 

The week ahead is going to be VERY active as Mars is the key player. Mars is leaving the testing field of Saturn this week so let’s look at that too. When we look at Saturn transits, we look at 2 ½ year cycles that ask us to get very serious about a certain area of life. We get these tests once every 29 years and we need to do the work to either commit or extricate during this time because after the transit passes, we will be building on the choices we made during the test for the next 29 year cycle.

Saturn moved into a 2 ½ year cycle of tests to relationship on July 21, 2010. Relationship means marriage partners, business partners, potential marriage or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or advocates. It is imperative that we all get real about how we are relating to others, what/who we want to commit to, what/who is weighing us down (Saturn is lead alchemically), and what/who needs to be cut away so new growth can take place.

Saturn rules fear and limits so it will be easy to go into these feelings or excuses to not do the work necessary for evolvement here. You have time (another Saturn word) because this test and the changes that will come will not complete until October 2012. Having said that, Saturn is making everyone serious about their one-on-one time with others and on a big note, he tends to take things away until we do the work or if we refuse to do the work, make the tough decision, commit to or end the relationship.

So, now that we get an idea about how serious relationships are to everyone right now, let’s get back to Mars. Mars and Venus decided to meet in Saturn’s placement test over the last few weeks, to stir passions, anger, to bring the sexes together or drive them apart, all in an effort to shake you from any slumber you may be experiencing around relationship issues. IT’S A TEST and to pass it you must step up with each new energy, this week is about take action Mars! Those who do not DO SOMETHING about where they find themselves in relationship now will have more to handle up ahead. If you work WITH the energy flow it will help carry you. So, what are you supposed to do?

Mars leaves Libra’s relationship house this week so you should already have a pretty good clue about who you want, who you don’t want or what you need to do to find the one you want. He will now go storming into Scorpio, following Venus who dove in before him. In Scorpio Mars wants passion, intimacy or sex to bond deeper with the relationship or he will need to act on the divorce to break away from a bad bond, express anger in a way to release frustrations over bad relationship practices (please watch out for this and be cautious around others who are angry), or he will need to go after the financial backing to handle the partnership/representation or competition that may also be one of the relationships in question. So as you face your week of action, know you can let it happen to you or you can harness Mars and be proactive, it’s a week of pursuing love, expressing love, ending love, getting into therapy to heal your own heart, putting yourself out there to meet love, or it’s action around divorce, loans, bankruptcy, inheritance, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, settlements, or your partners resources, all playing out in the intimate, divorce or financial sectors.

On Monday Mars will make a pretty spectacular adjustment to Uranus and Jupiter. As this energy pulses here you will feel it as a determination to take action or express passion or anger around something that is hidden or has only been a fantasy until now, it could be an artistic endeavor such as a film or music, a clandestine love interest, a spiritual pursuit, or something going on behind the scenes in a hospital, through research or in dealing with an addiction. Excitement, change, inspiration, shock, luck, expansion, and happiness seem to all be on the line here.

Tuesday is just one of those days. Yep. Big. Pluto, the lord of all things deep and intense is stationing Direct after months of Retrograde action. He is the ruler of the place Mars is entering today and yes, that’s the other big shift, Mars moves into Scorpio. So we are really ready to make a major change in the realm of our ambitions, our intimate partner, in a divorce, with our financial picture, through career, in our quest for reaching our highest potential, the world is going to rock today.

Wednesday brings the opportunity to take a legal approach, to publish or broadcast, to travel, or to learn something major in an effort to stretch more towards that secret thing or person you are so desirous of. There is a very serious tone to the day as you focus in on what you want and move the mountains to get it, again, Mars is active in the sexual, divorce and financial arenas where you will likely be experiencing the action.

Thursday Venus peaks out from all this Mars energy and expresses her love or money needs through the sexual experience, divorce or in dealing with the joint financial resources on the table. If you can train your mind on work, health or something that makes you of service, you will do well today.

Friday the Lights align. Breathe. There is harmony and a calm before the weekend kicks in and more wild times come on. This is a day to enjoy what you have achieved in the week, to put yourself into the effort before you with a good feeling about the goals being reached, you will shine at work, with health or your pets today so share your energy within these realms.

ARIES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday your ruler is asking you to do something about the person you are sharing time with, the one who represents you or the one you want to connect with. This person may make a move that requires an action from you as well. Whatever comes from out of the blue today could be very lucky and exciting for you if you are willing to step it up and deal in the moment, stretch a bit and show your courage.

Tuesday Pluto goes Direct in your career Midheaven and the major powerhouse is now moving forward here again for you. This can mark a huge empowerment finally beginning to happen in the career field, you may have something heavy occur with a boss or authority figure as well, and anything you have been working towards taking more responsibility and leadership will now have some real tread behind it. Your ruler leaves Libra and moves into Scorpio so you will have all kinds of energy at your disposal to tackle the divorce, connect sexually or take on the financial matter.

Wednesday you should spend the first part of the day dealing with any legal matters, travel issues, media or publicity topics, or learning what you need to get a handle on. A social occasion, networking event, friend or group will likely be involved in this in a beneficial way. The rest of the day is bringing big time drive and determination to go after the financial matter, divorce issue or sexual conquest with true potential to achieve your aims.

Thursday brings some way to soothe the sexual, divorce or financial matter through love or a woman. The relationship will require work today and you may feel that it is limiting on some level or that they have something limiting them so you have to go it more alone. Talk, meet and come to terms over work, health or pet matters today as these will go very well.

Friday the Lights align and you are in flow on the career front, with a boss or in your own leadership capabilities. This makes the talks and agreements surrounding work, health matters or animals flow beautifully so if you need to ask for something better at work, take a health leave or get better benefits, strive for a health goal, or handle a pet adoption or doctor’s appointment, today is the day.

TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday will gear you up to take on the work, get the health matter under control or delve into environmental or animal issues. There is something big going on with a friend or group, a social occasion or networking event and you will do very well to stretch here and allow for new or unexpected turns of events. Be spontaneous and if you need to connect with a group or friend over the work, health or pets do your best to set it in motion now.

Tuesday is huge. Seriously. You are on the precipice of one of the biggest love/relationship potentials in a long time and today as the ruler of your relationship house goes Direct in the field of travel, media, foreign people and places, publishing, publicity, higher education, legal matters, and ceremonies, you are ready to move mountains to make things happen. Mars moves into your house of partnership today and gives you all the motivation and passion you need to move!

Wednesday brings deep intimacy, sexual attractions, the energy to deal with divorce if that has waned, and all kinds of spark around financial realms. The goal is in sight and all you have to do is field the social agenda today to make it happen. Tonight is all about the relationship and the trip, visit, media, publishing, education, or legal/ceremonial matter, this looks amazing.

Thursday Venus gets into this mix adding love or money into the equation of relationship and travel, law, media, or education with a nod to the work or time you need to attend to some serious matters today as well. Talks open up over love, fun, children, or creative projects and how to expand or share beliefs and knowledge together. The energy is very positive here.

Friday the Lights are holding over the day bringing good feelings about the trip, person at a distance, media or publishing venture, class you are taking or teaching, legal matter or ceremony as you shine in matters of the heart, through children, lovers and creative ventures. Enjoy this day.

GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday your emotional energy will surround one significant relationship as you see what is opening up big time around a goal you have with this person. You will need to talk or meet about the home or living situation and this is challenging but necessary. Mars is gearing you up in a big way to motivate on creative ventures, with lovers, children, or in pursuit of love. This is passionate or angry energy but will thrust the topic forward as you do your best to expand your horizons here as well.

Tuesday is very big. Pluto is going to station Direct in his own house rulership which means that anything major that has felt blocked or disempowered sexually, in divorce matters, or with a major financial matter such as a loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, insurance, taxes, settlement, or other outside resource, will now have all of its transformative power back and is ready to move forward. Mars moves into your work, health and pet zone so you will have all kinds of motivation here as well to tackle what needs doing, go after what you need, and motivate with gusto.

Wednesday is about the relationship again and today there is something far away involved in this or a trip comes up, a media venture, legal matter, or educational opportunity may surface in regards to them and it looks good. The rest of the day is about deep intimacy, sex, divorce, or a financial matter that will motivate you to take action or share passion with an eye on what needs to be done to help.

Thursday Venus gets into the mix so the sex or divorce issues will soften with love surrounding the day or the financial matter that is up in the air over a joint account or debt will find positive solutions through your own earning potential. Lovers or kids are more effort today, have a limitation or are very serious. Talk or meet about the home or living situation as you are under positive stars, especially where hooking up intimately or finding divorce or financial solutions are involved.

Friday the Lights are beaming harmony into home, moves, real estate deals, roommates, and other living situations for you with a lovely and powerful tie to a deep bond with another, the settling of divorce matters or handling of the loan, mortgage, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, or other major financial matter.

CANCER: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday is going to push you at home or to tackle something about your home, move, mom, real estate, or living situation. You need to expand and follow your freedom through travel, a visit, media or publishing, teaching or taking a class, or the legal system in settling something about the house/living situation and all of this ties in together in some way that means you have to stretch yourself a bit to get the foundations under your feet that you need.

Tuesday is rather intense. Ok, it’s extremely intense and will revolve around a huge shift with a significant relationship. This could be a marriage partner or potential mate, a business partnership, or with an agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. Things are going to go deep, feel powerful and move where they have been stagnant on a certain level recently. Mars moves into your house of true love, children and creative projects so you are ready to take action here, express passion, anger or motivate to get things moving in the direction of your desires.

Wednesday you should focus on the work, health or pet matter early in the day while you have power behind you to get things going. The rest of the day is about a relationship and passion or action going on that involves true love, children or creative projects. Find ways to connect with someone to enjoy this excitement.

Thursday Venus gets into the mix adding love or money topics into relationship with an opportunity to share with a lover, a child or to really make things happen on the creative front. There is something serious going on at home or that needs to be addressed at home so deal with this as best you can. The talk you have with the partner, representative or specialist today is significant and can work in your favor so open up.

Friday the Lights are illuminating communications and meetings with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or even dealing with the competition. It’s a harmonious day in all talks you have, agreements you need to come to or pitches you want to make alongside getting together in the local scene and enjoying the company.

LEO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday brings something highly active in the local hood, with a sibling or neighbor, a short trip, a writing project, talk, meeting, or agreement. You are going to be wired for sound and ready to expand in areas of sexual attraction and connection, divorce, or financial affairs. Open up and get it out there now.

Tuesday is huge and important as Pluto is going to station Direct in your health, work and pet zone. This means any sluggishness here or problems at making major life changes will now have the weight and power behind them to shift. You can transform your working conditions or the type of work you do, redefine your body or make major changes with your animals. Mars moves into your home base so all the action is going to be at home, with moves, the people you live with, mom, real estate deals, and any security needs in the picture.

Wednesday brings more energy around lovers, children or creative ventures as you connect with a representative or over partnership and field any intimacy, divorce or financial matters that pop up. The rest of the day is a motivator with a focus on tackling the work, dealing with health matters, and handling the pets. Again, expect home to be where this is focused.

Thursday Venus gets into the mix so love or money matters enter into the home arena or a woman gets in the picture here in a positive way for handling the work, health or pet situation. There is at least one serious talk or ‘no’ you hear today about work, health or pets so be willing to roll up your sleeves and deal with it. There is a positive talk you can have over the money you need to make or what you want to spend.

Friday the Lights are bringing good feelings to work, health and animals while putting you in the spotlight with money coming in or what you are spending on here. This is a day of harmony and good vibrations so pour your efforts into these areas.

VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars is going to motivate you to go after the income or do something about expanding your earning base. It may also charge you up over what is being spent. There is a partner or representative in the picture here that is in some way involved with your efforts and you will want to try new approaches or do what you can to handle their new approaches because there is some luck in it for you.

Tuesday is major. Pluto goes Direct in your house of true love, children and creative projects and any stagnation or slow movement you have seen here is now going to shift. There will be major empowerment now and you will feel motivated to push for the changes. Mars moves into your communications zone and this can motivate you in writing projects and agreements, in action going on in the neighborhood, with siblings and in talks or meetings. Watch for passions and anger to show with these areas as well.

Wednesday the home environment is all cranked up again with lots of positive work happening here. You will need to accommodate someone in all of this as they may be a bit quirky or out there today. The rest of the day is highly active or passionate with lovers, children or creative ventures with at least on big talk or meeting in the mix that should please.

Thursday the focus is all about the lover, child or creative endeavor. There is a woman to talk to or meet today that brings opportunity in one or more of these areas through love or money so open up. Income restrictions are felt, work around them. Something that has been just a thought until now is ready to be shared, again, a positive energy that is in flow with the timing of things, express yourself.

Friday the lights are going to put you in the spotlight with a lover, child or creative endeavor once again and today it is all beauty and fun, harmony and flow, so think about what you would like to do to share your joy and get yourself there.

LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars is going to light a fire underneath you so get ready. In fact, if you can get to bed early on Sunday night you are advised to do so, it’s that hot. You are going to be experiencing the last of his active, motivating, angry, or passionate nature today as he pushes you physically to charge towards work efforts, tackling health issues or dealing with pets. You may feel you are stretching but that is good, there is luck and expansion in alternate efforts today. (It’s a day when accidents can be higher so take care out there).

Tuesday brings a major change. Pluto stations Direct in your home base so massive changes are now underway again at home, with moves, roommates, mom/mother figures, or real estate matters. Any slow-downs or sluggishness here is now a thing of the past as major life changes are underway again. Mars leaves your sign today and moves into your income zone which gives you all the energy you need to go after new sources of income or ways to increase current income with zeal.

Wednesday starts with positive talks or news about creative ventures, love interests or children. There is more finessing the negotiations or meetings around work, health or pet topics with challenges here. The rest of the day highlights ambitions and action towards earning money from home or with things tied to property matters, this is under positive stars.

Thursday is about home, moves, roommates, real estate matters, or mom/mother figures. You will have a woman enter the money picture here in a positive way so be open to her while allowing for any limits you are feeling personally under Saturn’s glare. The talk you have privately or that is fantasy/film/music influenced today is going to bode well for things to come involving your security or home.

Friday the Lights are in harmony and all is well with your world in the areas of home, moves, roommates, real estate, and anything you are working on behind closed doors, a retreat and rest there, something involving the imagination, fantasy, clandestine love, secrets, research, film, music, or other artistic outlets, spiritual or psychic pursuits, or time alone to daydream.

SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars is charging into the hidden realms of your world with a passion, major action, anger, or motivating forces. This means you may feel driven in the arts, spiritual pursuits, to deal with a hospital or other institution, an addiction or secret, a research or investigative project, a clandestine love affair, or something you have been strategizing, dreaming about or working on behind the scenes. There is a creative outlet, lover or child that you wish to expand on, excite, or do something different with that opens things up and you will want to stretch towards all of this today.

Tuesday is huge. Pluto, your ruler, has been Retrograde for months. This has slowed you down on many levels, ebbed your power flow enough so that you could catch up to the last power launches that got you to where you find yourself today. Now with your energy moving forward again, you will have all that power back to move your mountains and this is all happening through writing, talks, meetings, agreements, and in your local scene on a financial or sexual level or in dealing with divorce. Mars, your co-ruler, moves into your sign today! Oy, talk about the Scorpios coming out in full force!!! This gives you all kinds of motivation, action happening around and through you, passion and anger coursing through the veins, and the drive to go conquer your next horizon.

Wednesday you should focus on ways to make money in the first part of the day, there is positive support here for you especially from home or involving home or a property matter. Money for the creative venture, child or lover is a bit more frustrating and you may have to find patience as things can only grow at their own rate. The rest of the day is about ambition and career meetings, talks, ideas, and agreements with lots of action around you and your image or needs, all very positive.

Thursday is all about the communications. They go something like this: a woman you will talk to or meet who is going to align with what you want in a positive way through love or money, a communication that involves something being done on the down-low, behind closed doors or in the planning stage that could get a ‘no’ if you push too hard today, don’t snoop if you don’t want to find something limiting, and lastly a very positive talk, meeting or agreement with a friend, group or about an aspiration of yours that should have you feeling pretty great. Talk.

Friday the Lights are in harmony and in your world this means a day with a golden flow between anything you say or write and the group you have around you, the social occasion you attend or plan, the friend you connect with, the networking you do, and any agreements or local activities you can involve, it’s a go!

SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday the focus is on your and something big happening at home or with a move or real estate matter. This is positive but you may find that talks about the career are a bit frustrating today. Mars is going to gear you up in a very big way in something social, with a friend or a group and you are going to need to stretch where home or moves are concerned to really experience everything now.

Tuesday is huge. Pluto stations Direct in your earnings zone so anything that has felt disempowering or slowed down here is now ready to transform and move forward. Look at ways your partners money will increase or give ease now to your own income or spending situation as well as ways to increase your own potential here. Mars moves into your mystical/muse area of the chart and you will take passion behind closed doors, motivate on all things art related, spiritual, research oriented, or tied to hospitals or other institutions. This is where the action is and you may really want to pour your energy into things you can do behind the scenes.

Wednesday brings a positive talk or meeting about something romantic, artistic or spiritual with an opportunity for you to expand in some way. Home issues loom so take these as they come. The rest of the day is all about income and the potential to make things happen in a big way through what you are drumming up in the artistic or spiritual realm. Some of you will feel motivated to spend on a secret romantic getaway or on hospital matters as well.

Thursday brings a woman onto the scene involved with your earnings or something you are spending money on and this is positive. Something is limiting in the friendship or group realm financially so pace yourself here. One talk with a boss or about a career matter looks very positive for your bottom line so ask for the raise or to get paid if you are in arrears.

Friday the Lights bring harmony to the money field for you and the way you are standing out on the career front or with a major goal in front of you. Again, a very good day to be seen for what you do and to ask for the money you deserve.

CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday the focus is on what you can do behind closed doors with some very big and positive talks, agreements or meetings achieved. There is news or a talk about a trip, media, legal, or educational matter that will likely frustrate so be prepared to work through it. Mars is going to motivate you big time on the career front or with a major ambition today and this will all revolve around a talk, agreement, news, meeting, or negotiation that excites, stimulates and shows promise of expanding your horizons greatly.

Tuesday is huge. Pluto stations Direct today in YOUR SIGN. This means that all that power and transformation that has been pushed below the surface over the last few months in sexual, financial or divorce arenas is now going to be ready to move forward in a big way through your own experience, your physical body, image, identity, and needs being met. Shorthand: You are ready to move the mountain. Mars moves into your social arena which will amp up all kinds of activity with friends, groups, networking, and in pursuit of your aspirations. You will find your passions and your angers will come out easiest within this environment.

Wednesday puts you behind the scenes working on something money making in the first part of the day. This looks very positive for you. There is a talk or news that comes in that is about something changing that may frustrate you at the last minute or that comes out of nowhere, deal. The rest of the day is about you and a friend, group or social affair and all that is going on here. It looks active, positive, passionate, and powerful!

Thursday Venus gets into the mix so expect a female friend to pop onto the scene in some kind of positive way where love or money is concerned. There will be some kind of limiting or added responsibility on the career front today so expect to work harder here. News or a talk long distance, regarding travel, media, legalities, or education is under very positive stars for you so open up.

Friday the Lights are in harmony and its all about you and your needs being met with someone far away, through a media, publishing or marketing matter, a trip, an import/export issue, a class you are taking or teaching, or a legal or ceremonial matter. Enjoy the flow.

AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday is about positive energy with a friend or group and the money you are making or spending. This is pretty big stuff here and it looks good. You will need to talk or come to terms over a financial, sexual or divorce issue today and this may frustrate something with the friend, group or social function. Mars is gearing up BIG TIME today around a trip, legal matter, ceremony, media or publishing topic, class you are teaching or taking, or the way you are marketing something. This is where the action, passion or anger is going to stir for you and it is tied to income in a big way, stretch as best you can.

Tuesday is huge. Pluto is stationing Direct today in your hidden part of the chart so anything that has been hidden, part of a fantasy, retreat, film, music or other art form, a spiritual or psychic pursuit, dealing with a hospital, prison or other institution, an addiction or self-sabotaging tendency, a clandestine or secret love affair, or just reclusive time where you were the hermit is now going to feel a huge shift. Things are now going to go forward in big ways with changes and empowerment. Mars moves into your career Midheaven today so this will bring action, passion and anger out on the career front, to motivate you towards big ambitions and activate any fame or reputation topics.

Wednesday puts you in flow with a friend or group over something artistic or spiritual in a positive light. Money and friends don’t mix so well today so watch that part of it. The rest of the day brings passion or motivation behind closed doors in very powerful ways, positive and transformational.

Thursday Venus enters the scene so you will have a woman involved in the arts, spiritual pursuit, romantic liaison, hospital or addictive matter and you should find ways to reach a love or money goal through her here. Saturn is limiting travel, media, legal, or educational matters with a challenge to be worked through. Talks or agreements about divorce, sex or major financial matters should go well today.

Friday the Lights are illuminating your sexuality, deep intimacy, any reproductive matters you are dealing with, your needs in the divorce, and any connections you have with loans, debt, credit, inheritance, insurance, taxes, settlements, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, or other outside resources. You can pull the curtains and tackle any of this behind closed doors in a positive way today.

PISCES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday the focus is on career and ambitions in a way that should reward you personally or draw attention to who you are in a big way. A talk or news from a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist is challenging. Mars is gearing up in a major way today through deep channels with others. This means there will be a drive to take action sexually, intimately, through divorce, reproductive outlets, dealing with a death, or any major financial realms from loans to inheritance to bankruptcy. It requires you take new approaches and be willing to stretch your current version of yourself.

Tuesday is huge. Pluto stations Direct in your house of friends, groups and aspirations. This is about any slowed or sluggish energy around major transformations, financial realms, divorces, deaths, or sexuality with a friend, group or aspiration, that is now ready to move forward with major change and empowerment. Mars moves into your arena of travel, media, law, and education so this is where the action is going to play out now. Book the trip, sign up for the class, tackle the legal matter, delve into the media or publishing matter, and expand your horizons through your actions.

Wednesday is about career and ambition with something positive coming out of the work you do behind closed doors or through following your intuition. You need to get out of your own way today as you feel a bit unpredictable or itchy. Connect with a friend or group through travel, media, legal means, or education today for positive results.

Thursday Venus enters the scene so you are going to connect with a female through travel, legal, media, or educational means in positive ways. A financial, sexual, death, or divorce topic is going to challenge you with this friend. Talk about the positive you can find for them through agents, attorneys, specialists, or advocates or in reaching out to their partner.

Friday the Lights are in harmony for you with the friend or group and the representative, partner or specialist. This is a lovely aspect to help things flow between significant people in your life in ways that show just where you fit into the picture and help you to feel peace.

ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Thursday nites at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php
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