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You can still read your LOVE RELATIONSHIP FORECAST for DECEMBER here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2010/11/zoe-moons-december-rel...

Oh yeah, here we go, an interesting week ahead as Mars kicks it off on Monday in square to Jupiter and egging everyone to do something big, no matter what that is, expect it to really push you. On the same day, Venus leaves her tour of Libra and heads back into the deep waters of Scorpio where she will travel until January 7th, 2011. You know all the backtracking you did regarding passion, finances, divorce, and sexual attractions? Well, you are now really moving forward again into these intimately shared arenas armed with more awareness of what you want in matters concerning love, money or women. Any day that Mars and Venus are both active can translate into fireworks between the sexes, forewarned is forearmed 

Tuesday Mercury changes signs leaving the adventure zone of Sagittarius where we were concerned with thoughts of expansion, knowledge and wisdom, and moving on into Capricorn where we will be thinking about our status, ambitions and career goals. Emotional squares today will either help us to get to the bottom of some differences in belief systems or ideals or they will help us to deconstruct certain issues.

Wednesday the Moon and Saturn embrace in Libra, a time of serious, committed feelings in our one-on-one relationships. You may feel motivated to make something solid and long term or to sever ties, depending on how your current situation is looking. Mercury and Venus dance today in a truly beautiful angle suggesting that you may talk with someone, sign agreements, meet, or hear news about a goal of yours and this should be pretty promising by way of love/chemistry, financially shared and income matters, or separation/divorce.

Thursday is a day to target for taking action on something important to you. The Moon will be in deep Scorpio and feelings will be focused on sexual attractions, divorce proceedings, or major financial matters and all the opportunities that are available to you who take the reigns in talks, meetings or agreements towards your goals. Mars is dancing with Neptune today as well which means the action taken legally, media/marketing wise, in education, or involving travel should involve something pretty magical with a friend, group or aspiration getting a boost.

Friday Mars butts heads with Uranus so it’s anybody’s guess. Not only is this a wild card kind of volatile, explosive, passionate, angry, revolutionary combination but it may bring something about that you really had no idea was brewing or last minute changes that throw you in a new direction. As if to emphasize how wild this is, there are no other aspects occurring today, hold on to your hat!

ARIES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday your ruler is over active in the area of law, travel, education, and media/marketing. You can expect this to mean a desire to do something here or to react to something going on here that in some way is aimed at expansion through hospitals or other institutions, an artistic project, healing of an addiction, a research matter, investigation, clandestine affair, or secret. Venus is moving into Scorpio and you are again going to be focused on a woman and the money, sex or divorce issue or you are going to be focused on how love or income is being affected by these things.

Tuesday Mercury moves into your career Midheaven which is a good time for you to begin speaking professionally, asking for a promotion, seeking a better position, or sharing something you have written to further your position in life. Emotions are strong today, first over talks about the legal, media, travel, or educational matter and how you feel about work, health or pets, and then about a relationship and what is going on with the balance between you.

Wednesday you reach a serious marker with this partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or other significant relationship, you need to set limits, commit or end something here. Mercury and Venus are in wonderful alignment helping you to open up on the career front or with someone in a position of power or authority to really get ahead a bit financially or in matters involving love and passion.

Thursday the focus on sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, or major financial matters takes top billing and the energy is superb here for you to meet, talk or come to terms with a goal in one of these areas and to make some major power play or transform the situation in a positive way. Mars dances with Neptune and brings positive action through travel, media, marketing, education, or legal channels involving a friend, group or aspiration. Look for ways to meet artistic, spiritual or romantic goals here.

Friday Mars is out of whack with Uranus and this really means just about anything can go today. It’s highly charged electrical energy being met with fire and action and for you will play out over the trip, class, legal matter, or media, publishing or marketing, with the unexpected coming out of the blue, tied to hospitals or institutions, a secret, hidden enemy, clandestine affair, research project, investigation, or artistic outlet. Be ready to act in the moment, for some of you this is passion that may come on quick and take you by surprise.

TAURUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars is kicking up a fuss through financial realms, sexual passions or angers, or divorce proceedings. These shared arenas are going to be active today for you and somewhere in this a friend, group or aspiration is being affected or is the driver behind the action. Expansion is the key here. Venus moves into Scorpio and your ruler is now back in your significant relationship zone until Jan. 7th next year so expect for things to smooth out much more and for the focus to be on love or money matters with this partner, agent, attorney, or specialist.

Tuesday Mercury moves into Capricorn and your thoughts will now move to travel, people at a distance, legal matters, media, publishing or marketing, or a class you would like to take or teach. It’s a time of the higher mind and adventure so open your mind to the possibilities and don’t be afraid to stretch out a bit. Emotions today may be a bit intense over a lover, creative project or child and how things are being shared here. You may also find a work, health or pet situation is the focus of emotional issues and how you connect with another.

Wednesday it’s time to get serious about the work project, a co-worker or employee, a service you are providing, a health issue or regime, or your pets. It’s time to commit or end something here. Mercury and Venus are dancing today bringing you good news or a chance to meet or talk about the trip, media, publishing, legal, or educational matter in a way that brings love or money through another important person you are connected with. Make the decision to hop the plane for love or to hire the attorney to help you with a legal matter, etc.

Thursday is all about that important relationship, be it a partner, marriage, agent, attorney, or other significant connection. You are under amazing stars today with this person for love, money and talks, meetings or agreements involving travel, media, law, or education. Mars is dancing with Neptune so passions may rise over the top in some romantic big goal of yours or you may find the motivation to pursue the financial backing for an artistic or spiritual career agenda, it’s all good.

Friday Mars and Uranus are sparring and this can be like lightning bolts sparring with a fire storm. You can expect passion, anger, action, and surprise, shock, rebellion, change, or sexual attractions to well up and a friend or social affair may be key to some of this today. It seems you are ready to go storming into the sexual, divorce or financial matter here and all kinds of unexpected responses may result.

GEMINI: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars is going to rev things up with a competitor, partner, representative, or specialist and this is all due to expansive goals or career agenda. Expect to see passions or anger peak in some way here or for actions to take you further than you may be ready to go. Venus moves into Scorpio so you are going to be back to dealing with a woman over work, health or pet issues or you will be looking at how love or money is affected here. You have until Jan. 7th, 2011 to figure out the triangles and reclaim you power.

Tuesday your ruler changes signs, moving into Capricorn. Mercury in Capricorn means more thought, talks, news, meetings, and agreements focused on financial matters, sexual attractions or issues, or divorce. Emotions are intense today as home and someone important come up for review. Feelings about partnership, love, money, passion, and divorce bring up the rear with more emotional need to be dealt with.

Wednesday is about getting serious with a creative project, child or love interest. It’s a day to commit to something here, put in the work and effort, or end it. Mercury and Venus dance opening up opportunity for you to talk or meet in passion, sexually or about reproduction or divorce, or to do the same over a financial matter. This is going to tie in positively with a woman at work, involved in health or a pet matter.

Thursday is all about the work you are doing, a health issue or regime, or pets. The day is glorious for dealing with big financial matters here or for talking about attractions that are going on or divorce issues that are affecting what is occurring. Mars is dancing with Neptune so you have passion and action with partners, representatives or specialists that should lead to opportunity to travel, do something in the media, market yourself, publish, take or teach a class, or make it legal, all good.

Friday Mars and Uranus are mixing it up big time. This is volatile to say the least and may look like all kinds of sexual passion and aggression or anger and action that is rebellious or wild. For you it is coming through a partner, agent, attorney, competitor, opponent, or specialist and will stir things up with your career, a goal, your reputation, an authority figure, or regarding your father, hold on to your hat, it’s a wild day.

CANCER: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars is going to spur you around work, with a co-worker or employee, over a health issue or regime, or with your pets. This is big active energy that is likely to have you stretching a big ways that may feel like a bit over the top through legal contracts or issues, media or marketing, education, or travel plans. Venus moves into Scorpio and will now continue her journey to help you find love or money through a lover, child or creative project from now through Jan. 7th, 2011. This is sexy energy with lovers and powerful energy for the creative field. If you don’t want to procreate use precautions during the rest of this transit, if you do, then get busy practicing.

Tuesday Mercury moves into Capricorn and enters your relationship zone. This means that you will be thinking about significant partners or representatives now more than before or that you will now feel ready to talk, meet, make decisions, or sign agreements with partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people. Emotions run deep today over work, health or pet news and how you are feeling about home and relationship.

Wednesday brings the Moon and Saturn together in your home arena for serious feelings about what is going on here. It’s time to commit or end something here. Mercury and Venus dance to help you talk with a partner, representative or specialist in a very positive way to make something happen in love, with a lover or love interest, with a creative project, or for a child. Look at ways to open up about love or money, it’s all good.

Thursday the focus is on the lover, child or creative project in a wonderful energy day here. You should find ways again to talk, meet or come to terms with someone significant over the child, creative venture or love affair. You can transform something powerful here today. Mars and Neptune dance bringing lots of action to the work you are doing, your health or a pet matter and opening up some financial aspect tied to this or helping you with the divorce or sexual attraction.

Friday Mars and Uranus are out to get in trouble or shock and shake things up. This is going to be about action, anger, aggression, or passion at work, with a co-worker or employee, with a health matter, or over animal rescue or pet needs. The big change, shock or surprise is coming through legal, travel, media, or educational ties to this. It’s volatile and uber sexy or highly aggressive energy.

LEO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday is about sexual passion that is over the top with some romantic interest of yours or it is about going after something for the creative project or child financially or through the divorce. It’s big either way. Venus moves back into Scorpio to tour until Jan. 7th next year so you are now going to see love and money matters find you at home or play out over property, moves, roommates, or mom. You should see things begin to smooth out here, take the time to handle triangles, passion or financial matters at home.

Tuesday Mercury moves into Capricorn and you will now be thinking more about work, health or pet issues. It’s time to talk, interview, pitch ideas, write, meet, or make decisions in these areas. Emotions run deep today regarding income and a child, lover or creative project. They will also be peaked over what someone says to you about the work, health or pet matter.

Wednesday brings a very serious talk, meeting or decision about commiting the time and effort to something/someone or deciding to end things. Mercury is dancing with Venus today in wonderful angle. This means you can talk or make decisions about work, health or pets in a way that brings love or money to the home, real estate deal, move, or roommate situation.

Thursday is about the talks, meetings, agreements, writing, or decisions you make regarding a lover, love interest, child, or creative project and this looks very positive and powerful. Mars is dancing with Neptune brings passion and action in the love arena or around what you are doing with a child or creative venture. This bodes well for one significant relationship or through someone who is positively representing you today.

Friday Mars and Uranus make all kinds of crazy out there as fire meets electrical spark and lightning ensues. You will see this charge through sexual attractions and true love in wild and unpredictable ways or through changes to creative projects or with children that involve the financial matter or divorce. Be ready to go with the flow or react on the dime.

Virgo: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars is active at home or over property matters, moves, or roommate situations so you can expect passion, anger or action here with something big coming from it by way of a significant relationship or an attorney or agent. Venus moves into Scorpio to finish her tour here from now through Jan. 7th, 2011. This means that you are now going to be more involved in writing, talks, meetings, or agreements involving women, love or money and working out any triangles or power situations.

Tuesday Mercury, your ruler, moves into Capricorn and you will now be thinking about love, children or creative ventures more. It’s a time to talk, write, meet, or sign agreements involving these people or projects. Emotions are going to be intense today over your needs being met at home and regarding income and changes to love or creative ventures.

Wednesday the money you are earning or spending is important to look at in a serious way, can you commit to something here or does something need to end? Mercury and Venus dance opening up a lovely opportunity for you to talk about true love, a child or a creative venture and really make some headway. There may be a female close by who can help you in this.

Thursday is a great day to write something, come to an agreement, have your say, give a speech, or meet with someone, again it’s all about the creative venture, a child or a love interest and it is a big opportunity so don’t keep quiet. Mars is dancing with Neptune to help you to take action at home that will lead to better work, health or pet situations.

Friday Mars and Uranus are taking each other on. This is about fire and volatile electrical energy banging heads and it is happening at home or over property, moves or roommates and someone who is representing interests, competing, opposing, or partnering here. This could be wild sexual passion exploding or fire, anger, electrical issues, or other unpredictable or unstable energy occurring so use care at home.

LIBRA: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars is going to be pushing you to take action through your aggressive words to stretch out on a work effort, health matter or pet issue. This can bring on all kinds of passions in what you say or spark your thoughts so that you make a decision to do something big here. Venus is moving into Scorpio to finish out her tour from now to Jan. 7th, 2011. This means you now have her smoothing things out for you in your income zone and you may find that women are beneficial to helping you earn more. Spending on luxury items is more tempting and love may be found while out earning your living.

Tuesday Mercury moves into Capricorn and you will now turn your thoughts to home, roommates, moves or real estate deals. It’s a good time to talk, meet or sign agreements here. Emotions are intense today over talks you have or news your hear as well as over how you feel about your own needs being met at home.

Wednesday it’s a serious day for you, your body, image, identity, or ego. Look at committing to something for yourself here or ending what you are doing that is affecting your body or personal needs being met. Mercury and Venus dance between home and income in a very positive way so write, talk or meet about ways to make money from home or spend on home, it’s all good.

Thursday is all about money you can earn or spend and the opportunities in the mix today at home, through mom/mother figures, or in a move or through a roommate situation. Look at taking in a roommate, borrowing from mom, setting up a home business, selling real estate, etc. Mars and Neptune dance offering you one very passionate encounter locally with a lover or a way to express passions verbally about a creative project that pleases. You may connect with someone today who can help you with your vision here.

Friday Mars and Uranus spar so the fireworks are highly charged, fire and electrical shock are meeting up and it’s happening through news you hear, a meeting, a talk or decision, over an agreement, with a sibling, or locally. Expect it to be tied to health, work or pets. Be ready to spin on the dime today baby, it’s going to be a wild ride.

SCORPIO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars is stimulating action on the money front towards expansion of a creative project or involving a child or love interest. This means you will feel like pushing here and stretching a bit more than normal whether that is because a child wants money for something, you want to buy something for your lover, spend on that creative venture or find bigger ways to monetize it. Venus moves into your sign again to finish her tour from now through Jan. 7th, 2011 and it is a golden time for you when you should be able to attract love or money more easily and find women are beneficial to your aims.

Tuesday Mercury moves into Capricorn and thoughts turn to writing, talks, meetings, agreements, short trips, siblings, moves, neighborhood, and ideas, be ambitious. Emotions are intense today regarding something social and talks that come up over money. The day also holds at least one very powerful communication that is going to either stress your limits or take you by surprise.

Wednesday is about retreat, rest, recharging of batteries, or working behind the scenes on an artistic project, research, or dealing with an institution. It’s time to set limits, get serious, commit, or end something in relationship to this. Mercury dances with Venus in a big opportunity for you with a writing project, meeting, talk, or agreement that involves you and your need for love or money.

Thursday is all about you and your image, the identity you are creating, your body, ego needs or something else very personal for you. The day is amazing for attention on you and any talks you can set up, meetings, agreements, writing, or short trips aimed at something powerful for you. Mars dances with Neptune opening up some kind of action you take to earn money from home or through a move, roommate, or you may feel like spending on the home today, it’s all good.

Friday Mars and Uranus are going at it and this is like mixing fire and electricity, the results can be sexual passion that shocks or anger that ignites, accidents or changes that throw things into a tizzy. For you this is going to trigger over income and a child, creative project or love interest, possibly a new twist on Mondays issues.

SAGITTARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday brings a lot of action from you. This could be because of a roommate moving in or out, passion stirred at home, renovations, moves, real estate deals, or other home related expansion. Venus moves into Scorpio to finish her tour here through Jan. 7th, 2011. This means you now have more going on with love, women or money behind closed doors, in secret, regarding spiritual or artistic pursuits, hospital or addictive issues, or tied to research or investigations. It’s a good time to secret away with the one you love, earn through music, painting or film, or to research ways to attract money.

Tuesday Mercury moves into Capricorn and your thoughts will turn to earning money, spending or dealing with a major possession. It’s a good time to apply ambitions to these arenas. Emotions run deep today over career and your personal needs as well as your involvement with a group, friend or social affair and the money you spent, are spending or are earning.

Wednesday is all about getting serious with a friend, group affiliation or aspiration. You need to commit time and effort and solidify or you need to sever ties and end things. Mercury is dancing with Venus in hopes that you find a way to talk about the money you have to spend or want to earn and come to terms over something artistic, spiritual, romantic, or tied to hospitals or other institutions, it’s all good.

Thursday is about the efforts you put into music, film, art, spiritual pursuits, clandestine affairs, research, hospitals, or retreat and the amazing aspects from this to talks or agreements regarding money. This is a golden day for earning or spending in these areas and transforming your situation. Mars dances with Neptune to help you talk action physically in your local scene or do something about your image or identity that benefits you romantically or artistically. Writers will benefit from inspiration now.

Friday Mars and Uranus spark whipping up all kinds of fire and electricity, shock and change, action and anger, passion and attraction, and for you this is going to involve you and your home or living situation. Expect to get into the mix again quite physically or personally as you deal with what is changing at home.

CAPRICORN: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars is going to spark action behind the scenes, through research, artistry, hidden romances, secrets, hospitals, or something you just don’t see coming. This in turn is going to spark big talks, news, agreements, or decisions that push you out there. It could involve a sibling or neighbor as well. Venus moves into Scorpio to finish out her tour here through Jan. 7th, 2011. This is about your social circle, aspirations, time with women friends, a group activity, or all of the above. You will find that you attract love or money through networking and social activities and spend or earn more with friends now.

Tuesday Mercury moves into your sign which will help you to focus thoughts on your own needs, body, image, or identity. You may hear news now regarding one of these things or make decisions you are now ready to implement. Emotions run deep today over legal, travel, media, or educational matters and something you hear. You may feel as if a goal or relationship is at a cross roads as well.

Wednesday its time to get serious about a career matter, this could be about taking on more authority or responsibility or setting some limits or ending something. Mercury and Venus dance which means that you can talk to a friend, group or about an aspiration or meet up, share ideas, spend time, or write, all of it positive for love or money.

Thursday is about the social occasion, networking, time with friends, group activity, or aspiration and the day is just amazing for you in this. Talk about your needs, sign agreements, meet, make decisions, it all looks powerful. Mars dances with Neptune and brings some kind of potential to make or spend money on something that you have been strategizing over or that has been going on in secret, again, positive and passionate.

Friday Mars and Uranus duke it out and this is all about tons of fire and electricity, causing actions, anger, passions, sexual attractions, shocking moments, surprise, change, and spilling out through news you hear about something you were not aware of, meetings or talks you have about something secret, behind closed doors, involving hospitals, retreat, film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, investigations, or clandestine affairs. It is anyone’s guess, just know it will be wild.

AQUARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday brings action, anger or passion through friends, groups or around aspirations of yours as you stretch out to earn more or spend on something big. Venus moves back into Scorpio to finish out her tour her through Jan. 7th, 2011. This means you will now find it easier to attract the love or money you are after on the career front, through career efforts, around a major goal you have set, through reputation, or an authority figure. Women should benefit you during this transit.

Tuesday Mercury moves into Capricorn and you will now be thinking about secrets, clandestine love affairs, research, investigations, hospitals, institutions, film, music or other artistic outlets, fantasy outlets, retreat, and spiritual pursuits. It’s a good time to talk, meet or sign agreements in these areas. Emotions run deep today over sex, divorce or financial matters and talks you have with a friend about it. You may also feel that someone far away is acting out or that a trip, legal matter, marketing plan, or educational issue is in need of change.

Wednesday it’s time to get serious about the trip, legal matter, education, marketing, ceremony, or person at a distance. You should think about committing to something here or ending it. Mercury and Venus dance to open up secret talks, meetings or agreements that help you to reach your goal involving love or money.

Thursday career, goals, ambition, and dealing with authority figures is very powerful for you and under positive stars. Look at what you can do behind the scenes and in secret or through imagination or strategy to artistically, romantically or spiritually further yourself. Mars dances with Neptune to open up something you can do with a friend that is very dreamy, artistic or socially romantic. All good.

Friday Mars and Uranus are at each other and this is your ruler being butted by Mars. This means that anything can happen today as fire and electricity spark. It will involve an aspiration and the money you have to spend or earn or it will involve a friend, group or social occasion and your money. Expect any last minute changes or surprises and be ready to react in the moment.

PISCES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars is going to push you to act on a big ambition or to do something big about the career, reputation, goal, or involving an authority figure or dad. This may be a stretch for you personally or physically. Venus moves into Scorpio to finish out her tour of this sign from now through Jan. 7th, 2011. This means she is now back to help you attract the love or money through travel, legal channels, media, publishing, marketing, or education. Women should be beneficial here as well and you should now be ready to deal with power players or triangles in the mix.

Tuesday Mercury moves into Capricorn and thoughts turn to friends, groups and aspirations. It is a time of more communications and invitations to social events and a good time to write, sign agreements, talk, meet, or make decisions involving these people. Emotions run deep today over relationships and news you hear about a big goal. You will also feel emotional about lovers, children or creative ventures and changes to aspirations or with friendships.

Wednesday it’s time to get serious about a major financial matter, sexual attraction or issue, divorce, or mortality matter. This is about committing more effort or ending something. Mercury and Venus dance helping you to talk with a friend or group, sign agreements, meet, or make decisions that help you attract love or money through legal means, travel, media/marketing plans, or education.

Thursday is a great day for travel, dealing with people far away, import/export, legal matters, classes you want to take or teach, media, publishing, or marketing matters, or ceremonies. You should find that your connection with a friend or group is much enhanced through one or more of these realms and that you can benefit through talks, meetings or agreements here. Mars and Neptune dance so opportunity tied to hospitals or other institutions, film, music or other artistic outlets, research or investigations, or clandestine love affairs, is bringing a chance to reach a goal, do something on the career front or get out there and be noticed.

Friday Mars and Uranus are sparking with each other which is like fire and electricity sparking and this is going to affect career, reputation, father, authority figures, ambition, goals, or achievements, and YOU. Expect change, surprise, shock, or excitement as everything gets kicked up a notch.

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