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Oh you creator gods and divas, the week ahead has mythic proportions! Castor and Pollux are going to be center stage, Poseiden is getting into the mix and Zeus is bringing up the rear as Zeus is want to do, and in the midst of all this maneuvering in the Heavens, the Lights (the Sun and the Moon) are going to lock upon each other with a New Moon Solar Eclipse in Gemini!

So what does this mean for you, you ask? First, let’s look at the twins, Castor and Pollux. They are the mythological brothers who make up the sign Gemini. Castor is fathered of human blood while Pollux is fathered by Zeus (Jupiter). Both quested for the golden fleece and although one died a mortal death, both were reunited in the Heavens to take their place among the stars. They are an example of duality within the sign of Gemini, a place in every signs chart where you host dual modalities. There is the part of you that wishes to ground yourself in the real world and one that feels omnipotent. You are to look at your own personal quest for illumination and your place in the Sun (the golden fleece) with an understanding that it has a dual nature and that means from you as well as from the outside world at present.

In the week ahead read EVERY situation with an eye on the side of the story you are not getting. Both sides may be great, there is a huge new beginning coming for your life on the fields that these two hold, or you may see a façade with a completely contrary intention behind it. Mercury (Hermes) rules this sign and performs his role in duality by messenging between the gods and mortals. He is active this week as he meets with the Moon, moves into Gemini and sets up the Neptune Retrograde on Friday with information he has been saving for just this occasion.

So let’s break it down a bit. Monday is about values and income along with any serious matters here between you and another important person in your life. You should be willing to adjust a bit to what that person is going through.

Tuesday brings a decision around all of this. The Moon will move into Gemini and square Neptune. Pay attention to what is said or what is being said/unsaid if you could read between the lines or see what is going on behind closed doors. It will become much bigger on Friday. Yes, your gut is correct, there is more than meets the eye. Any news coming in tonight should be weighed accordingly. Neptune may just be taking you into issues with hospitals, artistic projects, or something you didn’t see coming that brings up Karmic transitions or nostalgia for things gone by. You can use this frictional energy to motivate on something here.

Wednesday brings the New Moon SOLAR ECLIPSE in Gemini. It’s an opportunity to begin new writing projects, sign agreements, meet new souls who may have important information for you, pitch ideas, get something going on better energy with a sibling, neighbor or short trip, and to set forth with an appreciation for the half of you that wishes to reach the stars and live forever, and the half of you that wants to simplify, ground and be of the world. If you are feeling bold, perhaps you will find a perfect new way to integrate these twins for this leg of the journey. This Eclipse may bring to your conscious mind just what that line between world’s means for you and begin to realign your personal identity as a reflection of this understanding. The Lights are aligning beautifully with Saturn in Libra so it seems there is someone in the picture or entering soon who is going to take this journey with you or assist you in reaching it. Can you meet or talk with them today? Is there an agreement in the offing or an idea in the wind? It is old astrology that you should NOT initiate under an Eclipse but just react to what others bring to you. If you feel this message is for you then heed it.

Mercury moves into Gemini on Thursday and he wants ALL of your attention. There are no classical aspects today, none, at all. This means that Hermes has a message for you. Mercury and Gemini amp us up to want to talk, share ideas and write but I implore you today to LISTEN as well. Get still and listen, you may receive the validation through your own thoughts in this stillness or you may hear it through a song, a passerby, someone at the coffee shop or library, a friend or antagonist may heap it upon you, but out there in the winds is something you need to hear/understand.

Neptune (Poseidon) is Retrograding on Friday. Imagine the seas of the world being one live creature and stirring in its long slumber to change positions, a rise and swoosh that follows along the mystical veil that Neptune rules follows and with that a tremor along our psychic perceptions, intuition, artistic inspirations, romantic longings, and those things that stay hidden at the bottom of the sea stir and rise. If you catch a glimpse of something that has been hidden from you today, do not be surprised, it is ready to enter your awareness. Mercury is locking onto a hard angle with Neptune, he has a message to impart to the god of the seas, it comes from on high and it is not an easy bit of information but he has chosen this day to deliver it so that we might get our minds around it here in the mortal realm. Remember I told you to watch for what came up on Tuesday, well today we hear it and begin to process it. Hospitals, addictions, self-sabotage, escapism, water issues, fluid issues in the body, all of these can come up for decision making today. It is important to note, that although this may bring some tough news it is where cosmic flow is connecting. It is interesting that this exact combination is responsible for the bulk of famous composers of the classical era and found in most renown composers of our day, it is a frictional angle of inspiration in the arts and can be used to propel your vision into ideas that can be communicated. Find outlets for your imagination today, it may be that you are experiencing this frictional energy between Mercury and Neptune as just such inspirational breakthroughs. Neptune now takes us all into the developmental or retreative stage of an artistic endeavor, spiritual pursuit, romantic ideal, hospital matter, or research project.

Friday is the last day of Jupiter in the sign of Aries. He begins a new luck cycle for everyone on Saturday and I will write in detail about that for you guys in the weekend forecast coming up or you can also read about it in the JUNE MONTHLY that I will post on Tuesday. As Zeus (Jupiter) is building this week in the last moments of Aries you need to be aware that wherever Aries is in your chart and whatever is going on with you and your body, image, identity, ego, passions, anger, and actions is going to grow exponentially throughout the week as he does what he can to find protection for you, help you meet with luck, expand, prosper, and find happiness. It may make for some major grabs out there and it will be unlikely that anything going on will remain small. It is the energy of our faith and he shows up to protect us here and carry us over the veil when we are ready to cross. It is good to understand this dynamic because what occurs this week is trying to get you where you need to go in the best possible way. On a last note, if ever the phrase, ‘BELIEVE IN YOURSELF’ had universal support, it is this week. The planet of beliefs and faith will not be back in the sign of personhood and body for another 12 years, do for yourself what needs doing this week and trust that you have set things on the proper course for yourself to carry you forward for these next 12 years in a direction generous and protective of who you are becoming.

ARIES: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com  )

Monday brings up income matters with an attorney, agent, partner, specialist, or competitor. There is positive energy around the actions and charm you have going for you in this realm, just be willing to work things out with the other person, they have some serious issues here.

Tuesday brings a decision or agreement about the income or at the very least there is information available for you if you look that could help you here. A talk or news about hospitals, prisons, retreats, an artistic project, clandestine affair, hidden enemy, or research project is going to stir the waters and show you what you still need to work on. Pay attention to what you feel here today because it gets bigger on Friday.

Wednesday is the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Gemini so know that major news may come in today. You have 2 strong weeks to initiate new pitches, meetings, talks, agreements, writing projects, short trips, or any new direction with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or decisions. You should be able to find the right partner, agent, attorney, or specialist today or find positive support in ending any liaison that is no longer working.

Thursday is about the communication, listening for that piece of information, a meeting that comes up or a talk you have or overhear that brings something your way. You can use this day to write, tackle paperwork, deal with vehicles, brothers or sisters, neighbors, or really work on your idea. This marks the beginning of more local activity for you and more time in communications in general.

Friday Neptune Retrogrades and gives you a few months to retrace steps on any artistic vision, music, film, fine art, your spiritual pursuits, any issues you have with hospitals, prisons or other institutions, to go back into a clandestine affair or issues left by that, or to put more imagination and research into development. There will be news that may be tough about one of these themes or news that pushes you to tackle more in these areas today.

TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com  )

Monday is about motivating yourself to get the work done, go after work, deal with a co-worker or employee, get your service out there, do something about your health, or get in there with the animals and make something happen. You need to be willing to adjust a bit in this today regarding the other person.

Tuesday brings some decision, news, meeting, or talk about what you are trying to do here. It could put you on a positive new course personally or physically. Once the Moon moves into Gemini, talks about income or spending will be brought to your attention. Expect that this will involve a friend, group, internet interest, charity, or aspiration. Pay attention to this as it will get bigger on Friday.

Wednesday is the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Gemini and a huge new window for you with income. You have two strong weeks to find the income you seek or increase current monetary flow. The universe is behind you on this and there is solid support from someone at work or with the work involved, perhaps you will be spending on an employee or health care provider or earning in these fields. It is also benefiting pets so look at ways to earn or spend here.

Thursday is about information you need to know regarding income or spending. Get still and listen, pay attention, write down ideas, and meet or talk with those you may feel can assist you with any monetary matters. The next few weeks will be all about these interviews, writing, short trips, meetings, and agreements around your money.

Friday Neptune Retrogrades in your social realm to take you back over artistic, spiritual, hospital, addiction, or romantic topics with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. You need more development or inspiration and there may be a few hidden nuggets in there that you will now find. That income or spending issue here is bigger today and asks that you communicate or make up your mind about what you are doing with the money.

GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com  )

Monday is about whatever it is you are working on behind closed doors or developing or about any clandestine affairs, secrets, artistic project such as painting, film or music, or hospital matters. There is someone important in all of this that you love or who is in some way creatively involved and you must make some adjustments to contend with what is occurring here.

Tuesday you make a decision or hear news about the artistic endeavor, hospital, spiritual pursuit, or clandestine affair that sets things off on a new course. There is a challenge to the goal, with an authority figure or on the career front in this and you will need to pay attention to what is coming through today as it gets bigger on Friday. Do your best to accomodate these authority figures or career.

Wednesday is the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in your sign. This is huge and it is about a major new beginning for you on a personal or physical level. You have 2 strong weeks to begin moving towards your new image, body, identity, or personal desire. There is solid support in this from someone else you love or involved in your creative endeavors.

Thursday is all about the information, ideas, decisions, or agreements involving you, your name, identity, body, image, and desires. Listen to what you are hearing and sit with any ideas you are getting about who you are and what you want for yourself going forward.

Friday Neptune Retrogrades taking you back into past career matters or with those in authority to look at what still needs developing artistically, spiritually, through hospitals or other institutions, or research and investigations. Someone in a position of authority in your life may exit now or a past boss or authority figure could reenter the scene. Ideas about how you fit in to this picture or what you want will come up to be dealt with now.

CANCER: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com  )

Monday is about working on something with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity with an eye on the monetary flow here. There is someone at home or involved with your living situation, real estate, mom, or security that will need some adjustment in the mix, see if you can motivate and get it all done.

Tuesday brings a new start with the friend, group, astrology, charity, or internet matter, this could be news or decisions, writing or agreements, meetings or talks that take you into new territory. Once the Moon moves into Gemini the focus is on something going on at a hospital, with an artistic project, or an issue that comes at you out of the blue and requires something through travel, distance, media, education, or legal means to handled.

Wednesday is the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Gemini and a huge new beginning with a film, music project, fine art project, hospital, dealing with an addiction, a hidden enemy, clandestine affair, secret, or spiritual pursuit. If you have been in some form of hiding or retreat this will begin to move you back into the light of day. There is solid support with someone at home or with a real estate deal or move tied to all of this so reach out.

Thursday is all about the information coming in about the hospital, music, film, or other artistic endeavor, a spiritual pursuit, hidden romance, or research project. Listen to your intuition today, get still and meditate, write down your dreams, you are in direct flow with the veil and inspiration may find you.

Neptune Retrogrades on Friday taking you back into past artistic, spiritual or romantic interests tied to travel, media, publishing, marketing, education, or legal channels. You have a bit more to develop here and may see something exit in this area now or someone from the past return. News today is challenging in this and will either push you to find your inspiration, retreat for a bit or deal with some hidden saboteur. If you are dealing with music in these outlets get ready to move.

LEO: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com  )

Monday puts a lot of focus on career or potentially on one conversation or decision that is completely goal oriented. There is a need to talk things out, write them up, reach an agreement, or negotiate terms with someone significant in this and you are going to have to make some adjustments if you want to bring it all together. If you don’t it seems some fancy footwork is in order.

Tuesday brings a fresh start in all of this and potentially a new idea to get behind. Once the Moon moves into Gemini you are going to be focusing in on a friend, group, internet interest, astrology, or charity with motivation towards what is happening with the outside financial resources, divorce or sexual attraction or issue. Perhaps someone approaches you to raise money for a charity or you are attracted to a friend? Pay attention to any combination you get in this as it gets bigger on Friday.

Wednesday is the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE which means a huge new beginning for you with a friend, group, astrology, the internet, a charity, or major aspiration of yours. If any was eclipsed here this is your fresh start and you have 2 solid weeks to initiate with others on the goal here or in new friendships or groups you join. There is solid support for you here with another person to talk, bounce ideas off of, write, or partner with on an idea.

Thursday brings one of those rare opportunities when you hear the message coming in loud and clear just when you needed to hear it and it will come through the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or all wrapped up around your dreams and aspirations. Listen carefully today and get ready to start communicating a lot more in these circles.

Friday Neptune Retrogrades taking you back into the past over artistic, romantic or spiritual needs involving sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, or any major outside financial resource. This past project or attraction, divorce issue or financial topic is moving behind closed doors or into developmental status. You may be retreating due to one of these themes, see a shift of the guard or something recently hidden come to light. There is frictional energy from the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or aspiration in this today so this may challenge with news or talks or motivate you to get inspired.

VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com  )

Monday will put your focus on legal matters, media, publishing, marketing, education, or travel plans. You need to deal with someone important in the mix about the money you are earning or spending here and be willing to work out any kinks.

Tuesday brings some news or decision about the trip, media or publishing deal, legal matter, or educational issue. Once the Moon moves into Gemini you will be locked in on a career matter with someone and trying to deal with an issue that comes up over artistic direction, romance, hospitals, or spiritual leanings. Pay attention to what comes up here as it is going to get bigger on Friday.

Wednesday is the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in your career Midheaven and you are getting a huge new start to career dealings, your business launch, reputation, fame, major goals and ambitions, or in dealings with authority figures. You have 2 strong weeks to put things in motion. There is someone in the picture who can get you the money you need or whose partnership is going to benefit your earning potential long term.

Thursday is about information or decisions regarding career or goals and it is important to listen to everyone and all signs around you today as there is going to be something that locks in for you if you do. You may make a choice about direction or hear of an opportunity, meet with a leader in your field who can help you or write something that launches your business in better ways.

Friday Neptune Retrogrades and takes you back into the past with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or open enemy. This is about the time needed to reconnect with someone over film, music, fine art, spiritual interests, hospitals, or research as you develop something here. There may be challenging news from or about this person today regarding career or goals. This will motivate you to talk it out or dive into the inspiration.

LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com  )

Monday is about doing what you can to work through some financial matter that involves outside parties. There is more to work through so nose to grindstone. You may want to focus on money for personal enhancement, work-out equipment, new hairstyle, bodywork, etc and again, the need to find ways to make it work are in the fine print. Divorce issues could try your patience today if this is your situation.

Tuesday brings some accord over the finances or divorce and a feeling that you are on the right path again. Once the Moon moves into Gemini the focus shifts to travel, legal, media, or educational matters and the work you need to do to reach a spiritual, romantic or artistic goal here. If health is an issue for you then a trip to the hospital may help you start that recuperative journey. Pay attention to what comes up for you today as it is getting bigger on Friday.

Wednesday is the NEW MOON SOLAR ELCIPSE in the area of life involving travel, ceremonies, legal matters, publishing, media, marketing, publicity, and higher education. This is a huge new beginning for you through what occurs in these arenas now. There is positive support for you through a partner or representative as well in this so reach out. Use the next 2 weeks to make your move.

Thursday is all about listening to any information you can gather about the trip, legal issue, media or publishing deal, or educational opportunity. You may hear what you need to know or have that ‘ah ha’ moment. Expect communications to amp up over the next few weeks in these areas.

Friday Neptune Retrogrades taking you back into the past over a work project, with a co-worker, employee, health issue, or pet matter. This is about you reclaiming something artistic, spiritual, hospital related, or romantic through work or tied to your health or pets. The news today about the trip, legal matter, media, publishing, marketing, ceremony, or education is going to challenge you to find new inspiration or motivate on what is presently before you.

SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com  )

Monday your feelings about a partner, representative or competitor are going to be under the microscope. There is something going on behind closed doors or in secret that you need to get at to feel solid again with this person and you are the perfect sign for the job.

Tuesday brings a fresh start through the information gathered about the person you are partnering with, representing you or in competition, or talk you have with this significant person. Once the Moon moves into Gemini it focuses in on sex, intimacy, divorce, or major financial matters and any issues romantically, artistically or spiritually you are feeling towards a love interest, child or creative project. Pay attention to what comes up since it will get bigger on Friday.

Wednesday is the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in this area of shared interest so expect a fresh start in sexual attractions or issues, divorce or major financial matters. You have 2 strong weeks to begin anew with a new amorous attraction or getting a current one back on the tracks, with moving forward in some new way with the divorce or because of it, and with any steps you take with a loan, settlement, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, taxes, commissions, royalties, insurance, or other shared resources. There is solid support going on with someone behind the scenes.

Thursday is about information and decisions involving the divorce, sexual attraction or issue, or financial matter. It is a day to listen. There is news, ideas, information or inspiration out there for you if you can quiet yourself and hear what is not being said in this or listen for clues or hints about what is really important here. The next few weeks will open a lot of communications in these areas.

Friday Neptune Retrogrades taking you back into the past over a love interest, child or creative endeavor to reclaim something romantic, spiritual, artistic, or to deal with a hospital or addiction issue here. It is a few months of internal workings and reconnecting with inspiration and developing along these lines. The hard angle to Mercury today in this means challenging talks, news or decisions surrounding the sex, intimacy, divorce, or finances that are affecting these Retrograde topics. You can use this to reassess or to motivate to get inspired.

SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com  )

Monday is about how you feel about work, health or pet issues and what you need to do regarding a friend, group affiliation, internet matter, astrological interest, charity, or aspiration. There is one significant person you can reach out to and try to work through issues here so do it.

Tuesday brings some kind of accord in the work, health or pet matter as you feel you are on fresh ground. Once the Moon moves into Gemini your focus will be a partner, representative or competitor and what is going on at home, with a move, mom, roommate, real estate deal, or your sense of security. Pay attention to what comes up for you with this person and your foundations as it gets bigger on Friday.

Wednesday is the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in Gemini and it is your huge new start with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or advocate. You have 2 weeks to seed new agendas here or you may see that the new beginning is something happening to them. There is solid support here from someone involving that group, friendship, internet matter, astrological interest, charity, or aspiration so reach out.

Thursday is again about the partner, representative or competition. Today it is important to listen. There is information out there about or through this person that is significant and you will benefit by stilling your mind and listening for it today. Mercury’s move to this part of your chart begins several weeks of heightened talks, meetings, agreements, and decisions with these people.

Friday Neptune Retrogrades in your home base which is taking you back into the past to reclaim something romantic, spiritual, artistic, or in dealings with institutions regarding your home, living situation, a move, roommate, real estate deal, mom, or family. There is something about your current living situation that is affecting one or more of these areas and you have a few months to get inspired and make changes internally about where you live or with whom. The hard angle today with Mercury means a talk or news from a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor that will set the ball rolling.

CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com  )

Monday brings up any feelings you have about a creative project, child or love interest and asks that you get serious about the goal here or how a career matter is influencing or being influenced by the current paradigm. Who can you reach out to on serious matters in this today to try to shift things a bit?

Tuesday brings accord over the lover, child or creative interest as you feel you have a fresh beginning on some level. Once the Moon moves into Gemini the focus becomes work, health and pets with a motivating need to talk, meet, look at agreements, or deal with the news coming in. Pay attention to what comes up today as it gets bigger on Friday.

Wednesday is the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE which marks a huge new beginning for you in health, with work, co-workers, employees, a service you provide, or with pets. You have 2 strong weeks to make your moves here. There is someone in the picture who is solid and helping you to achieve your goal or with needs on the career front as well so reach out to this person or get behind the expert opinion.

Thursday is all about the information coming in over the work, health or pets and it is a very important day to listen. You want to get still and heed what those around you are saying and write your thoughts down if it will help you focus. It’s a day to come to an understanding within. The weeks ahead will be gearing up with more talks, meetings, news, and agreements over work, health and pets and understanding which way the wind is blowing will help you field all that energy.

Friday Neptune Retrogrades taking you back into the past to reclaim an idea, writing project, local activity, something with a brother or sister, neighbor or vehicle, as you reconnect with artistry, romance, spirituality, or past hospital matters through this period. It’s a great time of introspection and imagination, going within and connecting to spirit. The hard angle to Mercury today is going to kick this off with news or talks that motivate you on the health, work or pets.

AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com  )

Monday puts a lot of focus on home with a need to connect with someone at a distance or deal with a trip, to look at legal issues, media or publishing ideas, ceremonies, or educational matters in the mix. This person not aligned with home and living situations right now so any efforts you make can help.

Tuesday should bring some accord at home as you feel you are on the right page. Once the Moon moves into Gemini you will be focusing in on emotional needs in love, with kids or over creative projects and looking at any monetary issues that might be tied to these. Pay attention to any income or spending issues that arise today in this as they will get bigger on Friday.

Wednesday is the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in your house of true love, children and creative projects. This is giving you a huge new start in love, with current lovers or finding new love, with a child or having a child, with starting a creative venture or expressing your creativity in new ways. There is solid support from someone in this through travel, media, education, or legal means today.

Thursday is about the information you can listen for about love, kids or creative outlets. It’s important that you understand where you are in these areas so quiet yourself and hear out the child, your lover or whomever is involved in your creative process. The next few weeks will amp up communications here so you want to understand where you stand.

Friday Neptune Retrogrades taking you back into the past to reclaim a past income situation or connect with someone who had an influence on your past earnings or spending. It is a good period to do any inner imaginative dreaming and development towards an income potential. The hard angle to Mercury today is going to help you see what to motivate on with the lover, child or creative venture here so communicate your vision and get ready to handle incoming messages.

PISCES: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com  )

Monday brings the need the need to be understood or to understand someone/something else and you will most likely feel motivated to do your best over topics of sexual attraction or issues, divorce, power, control, manipulations, triangles, mortality, or high finance. Attempts made today are towards adjusting with someone significant one way or the other.

Tuesday brings an accord as you feel like you are closer to understanding. Once the Moon moves into Gemini the focus is on home, moves, mom, family, real estate, or security needs. You seem to be under the gun here personally or physically and may feel a bit confused about how to proceed, either that or you are motivated artistically and pushing yourself. Pay attention to what comes up for you today as it gets bigger on Friday.

Wednesday is the NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE in your home base and a fresh start for you. Over the course of the next few weeks you have universal support behind new living environments, moves, renovations, real estate deals, fresh starts with roommates, family, mom, or getting your security on more solid footing. There is solid support for you in this through someone and a loan, settlement, commission, royalty, inheritance, bankruptcy, child support, alimony, or other financial resource, or through sexuality, intimacy or divorce.

Thursday is about home again but today you really need a bit more information. Try to get still and listen to what others are trying to tell you or to your own inner voice because talks, meetings, news, agreements, and decisions are going to get much busier regarding the living situation over the next few weeks and you want to have an idea about where you stand.

Friday Neptune Retrogrades which is more or less an about face for you on something personal or physical. It will occur in Neptune’s realm of artistry, spirituality, hospitals, addictions, research, or romance. This is your time to retrace footsteps and reclaim something important for yourself through these means. It’s a powerful time of aligning body and spirit so let your imagination lead you and head your inner voice. The hard angle to Mercury today means news or decisions about home or mom are going to motivate what comes next.

ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
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