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The ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW every Thursday night 8pm est/5pm pst on CBS radio listen live: http://newskyradio.com or call in to the show: 248-545-7685

This weeks show will be about what to expect with the NEW MOON in GEMINI on Saturday!

Alright you great creator gods and divas, this is your week! I will do my best to point you in the direction of your masterpiece. Mars has had a prolonged stay in Leo where he has been bent on stirring up all the trouble he could, motivating you to DO SOMETHING about the love in your life, the way you express your creativity or your relationship to children since mid October of 2009. He has been stirring dramatic passions and sending the heart in directions yonder and hither, roaring about stakes in pride and ferocious anger as he railed against injustices, he has stirred you from your sleep in the areas that bring joy and this week he is going to move on into a new sign.

On Monday Mars heads into Virgo where he will begin to duly kick your relative behind over your health, motivating you to DO SOMETHING about the state of your body and the way you look. He is going to roust you into dynamic form over work as well so expect to have more energy to tackle that pile up of a train wreck mounting somewhere in your life. Pets are of Virgos domain so you may feel like diving into something relating to your furry friends along the way.

Then we have Jupiter just freshly into Mars’ sign, Aries over the weekend, Uranus just freshly into Mars’ sign Aries last week, both meeting up on the same degree on Tuesday! This is BIG. When we see something happening in the sign of Aries, like Mars, we know things are going to happen. Uranus is something sudden, exciting, shocking, a CHANGE, while Jupiter is something big, over the top, lucky, prosperous, an EXPANSION. So we know Tuesday is a day when something changes in a big way and this could well be lucky and exciting or shocking and over the top. Mercury and Saturn align so income and the work, health or pet situation are aligning as well in nice, solid ways.

Wednesday Mercury is squaring Neptune which may mean some news that is sad or deceptive, talks or meetings that are confusing or you may find that you are trying to come to terms over a Neptune themed topic such as an artistic, romantic, or spiritual matter, an addiction, or something involving a hospital. Money may be at the root of this energy today. Again, a challenge threads through this.

Thursday Mercury changes signs, moving into his home, Gemini. He then connects in angles of opportunity with Uranus and Jupiter. This is the day to have your talks, write up agreements, news may come in that surprises, you may make up your mind on the spur of the moment over something interesting or new, it’s all very chatty and informative and upbeat. Even the Moon gets into the action from Gemini bringing emotions on board for the excitement.

Friday Mercury squares Mars. Something is said in anger or you may be rebuffed in passion, or you may hear something that shoves you to take action on the health front, with pets or work. A meeting may rub you the wrong way or heat up the attraction in a frictional manner, you may want to be extra cautious out on the road because accidents are going to hit a high today, especially true for Aries, Gemini, Cancer, or Virgo.

So…ready to rock and roll?

ARIES: (to schedule a reading call 818-613-6067)

Monday your ruler, Mars, is changing signs for the first time since last October so you will definitely be feeling it! He is moving into your health, pet and work sector to kick things into gear at last! Expect action here and take it when necessary, you can get things moving forward now on all fronts so dive in.

Tuesday Jupiter and Uranus combine in YOUR SIGN so again, something pretty big is about to happen to you. This could range from someone discovering you, a big break, a huge change or shocker involving your image or body, a whole new way of putting yourself out there, it is a day to be seen and ask for what you need. Luck is traveling through your sign in the year ahead, don’t hold back. Look for ways to align income with the work you want to do, ask for pay owed for work performed, or spend on health or pets.

Wednesday Mercury is squaring Neptune so the talk you need to have with the friend or group about money may challenge you over spiritual, romantic or artistic issues, you may need to discuss the hospital or addictive behavior, or there just may be an issue over deception or confusion playing out. Not the best day to sign agreements because something is not clear.

Thursday is electrical and a great day to make your phone calls, set your appointments, take meetings, pitch ideas, write, sign agreements, make a short trip, or interact with siblings or neighbors for support or help in expanding your horizons. News you hear today is exciting or changes things once again, know that there is opportunity in the air, express yourself.

Friday Mercury squares your ruler, Mars, so this is not the easiest day for you, you may encounter some clashes as people lash out or you feel like doing so, there can be issues at work, with health or over the pets. Do your best to let the energy motivate you instead of letting it overwhelm you.

TAURUS: (to schedule a reading call 818-613-6067)

Monday will be a burst of energy that pushes you into the arms of lovers, into action and expression with children, and into all kinds of activity around creative ventures. You will know what needs doing and have the motivating charge to take care of it. Watch that during this transit you try to find the passion and avoid the anger of Mars around those you love. Detail and organization will be important in your creative outlets as you dive in.

Tuesday is the big Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in your mystical house so expect big surprises, change or shockers today that will open things up for you in the land of spiritual pursuits, film, fantasy, poetry, music, or other art forms, hospitals or other institutions, research or investigations, and any addictions or clandestine love affairs. You may meet someone exciting today who really hits it off with you so be open to unusual or unexpected places or people.

Wednesday Mercury squares Neptune so you may have an issue you need to talk about involving how you are being utilized artistically or spiritually out before your public or how your reputation or fame is being handled and the money involved here if there is any. It’s not the best day to sign an agreement since something may go unnoticed or be hidden from you.

Thursday Mercury slips into Gemini and you will find that over the next few weeks you are involved in more money talks or negotiations. Meetings and agreements will come up that bring income to the table so be proactive during this transit. There may be a nice link today in this to the film, art, spiritual pursuit, or in dealing with the hospital or other institution. Take advantage of this energy to meet people through these doors since they will lead to income.

Friday Mercury squares Mars and money issues tied to a child, lover or creative project come up for discussion. Maybe the lover has to work and can’t connect triggering anger or the child spends on your credit card without telling you or you find you have to renew your membership to something creative, many ways for news to come at you and rattle your cage, try to breathe.

GEMINI: (to schedule a reading call 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars comes tearing into your home arena, are you moving? Angry about something going on at home? Need to do something about the piece of property or dive into things around the house? A male moving in or out of your surrounding? Passion playing a part in what is happening with the living situation? More going on with mom or the mother figure? The answer to some or all of these questions is now yes. Get ready to tackle the roots of your life in the next weeks, you have energy to spare.

Tuesday Jupiter and Uranus conjunct in your house of friends and groups so expect that something shocking, exciting, spontaneous, huge, lucky, or about a major change is going to happen here today. Find ways to talk or come to terms in private about the home situation since you can align in this positively and long term today.

Wednesday Mercury squares Neptune so the talks, writing, agreements or meetings that are going on in private, over artistic, spiritual, romantic, addictive, or interactions with hospitals meet up with some kind of challenge around legalities, education, travel, or media ventures. Don’t sign contracts today that involve any of these things and any news you hear about these subjects may be leaving something out or outright deceptive.

Thursday Mercury moves into your sign and meets up with Jupiter and Uranus so expect to have some wild moments over the next few weeks as you are the focus of much talk and agreements. You should decide what you want to do about your body, image or identity and link to groups or friends today for amazing and lucky ventures, especially those around communications or short trips.

Friday Mercury squares Mars and there may be a disagreement at home or about the living situation, you may decide to take action after hearing something or asking for something without being heard. You may have to make your announcement about what you want to do regarding where you live or what is going on at home and if so this is a challenge as well.

CANCER: (to schedule a reading call 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars finally leaves your income zone and after almost 8 months with him stirring up all kinds of added expenses for you, he is now ready to take his ardent nature and drive into your communications zone. This means that over the next few weeks you will be speaking more passionately or angrily, you will write with determination, sign agreements that have been bogged down, and get active in your local scene, neighborhood, with siblings or through a move.

Tuesday Jupiter and Uranus come together in a big way for you in your career Midheaven and the sky pretty much is the limit. This is about something sudden, surprising, exciting, shocking, or a huge change that is lucky, brings prosperity or opens things up for you in a new way. Talks and agreements with friends or groups bring long term solid results for you in the communications field, writing projects or tied to short trips.

Wednesday Mercury squares Neptune and you will find that the talk or agreement you have with the friend or group is either leaving something out, confusing or deceptive around the shared financial matter, sex or divorce. Your artistry, spirituality or involvement with a hospital is on the line here as well so do your best to see your way through the obstacle and don’t sign contracts today until you understand everything more clearly.

Thursday Mercury moves into your mystical house and connects with luck and change on the career front. This means that you can now begin to have your talks, meetings, and come to terms over the film, poetry, music, artistry, fantasy, spiritual pursuit, retreat, hospital, work behind the scenes, research, investigation, or hidden agenda. Big open doors on the career front are part of this today.

Friday Mercury squares Mars so you will have to have a conversation or deal with news you get that is either upsetting or motivating and most likely over something you didn’t see coming that hits you from left field. It’s a day to amp up the activity out in your local scene but watch for accidents on the road or road rage, you may be in a hurry.

LEO: (to schedule a reading call 818-613-6067)

Monday is like getting your release papers after hosting Mars in your sign for such a long time! You have had since mid-October of last year to deal with your physical body, your image, your ego, and your identity as Mars has had a time of it in these areas kicking you hear and there, involving you in a few passions, accidents, fights and for good measure, gearing up your energy at times to intense levels. Now, Mars moves into your income zone to help you refocus that energy out into earning or spending money, a trip, education, legal matter, or media venture seems to be a good place to start.

Tuesday Jupiter and Uranus connect on the same degree bringing something very big, lucky, expansive, prosperous, exciting, shocking or involving a major change through a trip, media venture, legal avenue, or education. Talks and agreements today favor solid, long term results around income and career.

Wednesday Mercury squares Neptune bringing up some issue with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor and the career or major goal. This will come through a talk, meeting, news, or an agreement so take care that you understand the fine print, put off signing til another day if possible, and take what you hear with a grain of salt as there may be some confusion or deception involved.

Thursday Mercury moves into your friendship and group arena and connects with Jupiter and Uranus in your travel, media, education, or legal zone so expect to meet up with friends or groups through these avenues, to expand your world, find happiness or excitement today through what you can do together.

Friday Mercury squares Mars so there will likely be some issue over money and the friend or group that motivates you or stirs up action or anger. Look at limits and see what you can do to get over the obstacle in the way.

VIRGO: (to schedule a reading call 818-613-6067)

Monday will have you ready to shoot out into space. Mars has been in the hidden, hospital, retreat, work behind the scenes, isolated spot in your chart since mid-October and this has had your energy reserves down a bit, low profile. Today that shifts as Mars Moves into your sign, giving you all the drive and physical vitality you can handle. You will want to get active, motivate on your body, image, or identity and get back into the game of life. No more secrets for you.

Tuesday Jupiter and Uranus connect in your house of sex, divorce and all things big money so loans, debt, bankruptcy, settlements, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, your partners money, anything outside of your own income. This means something big is happening now to change things, step it up! The Mercury/Saturn connection today cements something for you with a trip, ceremony, media venture, education, or legal issue and this is solid and long term.

Wednesday Mercury squares Neptune so expect talks or agreements, meeting or news about the trip, media, educational, or legal issue to meet up with something confusing or challenging with the work, health or pets involved. Don’t sign agreements today and make sure that everything is clearly spelled out, there could be something deceptive here or news that is sad, double check everything.

Thursday Mercury enters your career Midheaven and makes contact with the house of sex, divorce and big money. This means that you will be talking, meeting and coming to agreements over the next few weeks about your career, reputation, fame, father/father figure, authority figures, ambitions, or goals. Today that can open doors to the financial situation or link into an intimate opportunity or benefit your divorce.

Friday Mercury squares Mars so you are going to get news about the career or goal that pushes you to take physical action and this may be a bit of a stressor, watch out how far your push yourself physically today and if your reputation or a career goal is compromised this energy will stir your anger along with your motivating energies so pace yourself.

LIBRA: (to schedule a reading call 818-613-6067)

Mars is moving out of Leo on Monday and any anger issues you have had to deal with in groups or with friends and into the mystical house to kick start energy here. This means that over the next few weeks you have more energy behind the film, music, poetry, dance, painting, or any other artistic outlet, there is more going on with spirituality, retreat, hospitals, research, or work done behind closed doors as well. See how you can tie this into a partner, rep or specialist today.

Tuesday Jupiter and Uranus are conjuncting in Aries for a major surprise, shock, change or unusual moment around a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor, this is huge and can bring luck, expansion and prosperity your way so open up. Talks or agreements about high finance, sex or divorce are due to solidify things around the spiritual, artistic, addiction or hospital matter today.

Wednesday Mercury squares Neptune so you will need to handle the creative issue, child or lover as you talk or deal with agreements financially, sexually or involving divorce. Do your best to be clear and precise and watch out for any deception in what is said as it will inevitably come back to haunt you.

Thursday Mercury enters your house of publishing, media, travel, education, and legalities and you will find that over the next few weeks you will be talking more in these realms, sharing ideas, taking meetings, pitching ideas, or signing contracts. Siblings may be involved. Today a partner, attorney, agent, or specialist benefits in these arenas, even a competitor seems on your side at this moment or the competition can be ended, shaking hands.

Friday Mercury squares Mars so there will be a need to do a lot of research, film or artistic work, spiritual motivating, or taking action regarding a hospital or other institution, all regarding what you hear about the trip, law, media venture, or education.

SCORPIO: (to schedule a reading call 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars, your co-ruler, is finally leaving Leo where he has been challenging you with all kinds of activities on the career front since late October, to move into your social sector. This means that over the next few weeks you will see an increase in group activity, things to do with friends, networking, and more drive behind your personal aspirations. Today there is an interesting link to the opening you can make through the work you do, your health or animals.

Tuesday the big Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is combining expansion and luck with change and surprise through work, health or pets. Again, see what you can open up here, take anything coming your way through these arenas as positive and expand. Talks with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor are going to help you solidify a friendship or group acitivity.

Wednesday Mercury squares Neptune and you will need to deal with what is happening at home, with property, your roots, family, mom/mother figure, or a move. Talk with the attorney, agent, partner, or specialist to see what you can work through but know that something is unclear or down right deceptive here and act accordingly.

Thursday Mercury enters your high finances, sex and divorce arena. This means news or agreements today and the weeks ahead regarding loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, settlements, or any other outside resource, the divorce proceedings, or you may meet someone who lights your fire and becomes intimate. Today there is opportunity to work at any of this, to bring in benefits to health or animals through the finances as well.

Friday Mercury squares Mars so you need to again talk, meet, deal with agreements, or news that is about the financial matter, sex or divorce, this in turn is making it challenging to do things with friends or groups. See what you can do to balance your energy and guard against taking out frustrations over finances or some major transformation in your life on friends.

SAGITTARIUS: (to schedule a reading call 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars is moving into your career Midheaven. This means you will see a lot more action and drive around ambitions, fame, reputation, and leadership, expressing passions or angers here. A creative venture, lover or child is linked today in one of these arenas with an eye on expansion or change.

Tuesday Jupiter and Uranus meet on the same degree in your house of true love, children and creative projects. This is huge as you are experiencing something very big and expansive, about to change things in a major way through a child, love or the creative project you are involved in or about to discover! If single get out and about today, you may find out you are pregnant or make a change in a love affair or with children, or hear your project just got picked up. News favors work and health and a big goal you can solidify through talks, meetings or agreements.

Wednesday Mercury squares Neptune so you may feel as though the work, health or pet news or talks is going to in some way interfere with your artistic, romantic or spiritual needs. Don’t let thoughts get you weepy and take care with all communications as there may be something unclear or dishonest in the mix.

Thursday Mercury moves into your relationship house so talks and meetings will gear up with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, and competitors. You may sign agreements, pitch ideas or come to terms, news will focus on the balance between you and what you wish to achieve. Today that is ALL about the child, love or creative project and there is great opportunity to deal with the change in a beneficial way.

Friday Mercury squares Mars so although you are talking or hearing news regarding the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor, it seems to be frustrating your efforts to act on the career front or towards an important goal. See if you can express concerns and continue to progress towards your ambitions.

CAPRICORN: (to schedule a reading call 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars moves into your travel, media, education, and law zones. This means that you will now have more drive and activity around trips, people at a distance, import/export, media, publicity, marketing, publishing, taking or teaching a class, or legal matters, anger or passion is on tap here. Today this is linked to expansion and change through home or property.

Tuesday Jupiter and Uranus are coming together on the same degree in your home, real estate, move, family, or mom/mother figure zone. This is big! It means something lucky, surprising, expansive, change oriented, prosperous, shocking, or exciting is about to come through where you live, with whom, the property you buy or sell, the move or mom. Talks with children, lovers or regarding creative potential are slated to have a solid tie-in to the trip, media, educational, or legal matter.

Wednesday Mercury squares Neptune so the talk or agreement, news or meeting with the child, lover or creative venture needs to be watched where your income, purse strings, spending, or values are concerned. There is something confusing or deceptive afoot here so be clear and guard against anything iffy with the finances.

Thursday Mercury enters your work, health and pets zone. This is activating a few week period where talks and agreements will kick up over the work you are doing or going after, the health memberships or regimes, and any pet issues. You may make a decision around one or all of these themes in the coming weeks, today there is a beneficial tie to home and property for you, an opportunity for happiness or prosperity.

Friday Mercury squares Mars so you will need have a talk at work or with a co-worker, you may hear news from them, there could be an agreement or meeting involved, or if not tied to work, then to health or pets. This will in turn stir up action, anger or drive around the legal aspects, trip, media/marketing, or educational matter.

AQUARIUS: (to schedule a reading call 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars finally leaves the volatile place he has held in your partnership house and moves into the zone of high finance, sex or divorce. This means that over the next few weeks you will be driven to do something about the divorce, the taxes, insurance, settlement, bankruptcy, inheritance, alimony, child support, debt, credit, or joint finances, the sex or intimacy matter or reproductive issue. Anger or passion will find it’s expression through these arenas.

Tuesday Jupiter and your ruler, Uranus, meet on the same degree in your communications zone. This more or less guarantees at least one major bit of news that changes everything, a talk, meeting, agreement, decision that puts you on a new path, or something involving neighbors, siblings, short trips, or transportation that is big and surprising. Watch out for accidents on the road but over all this is a very lucky and expansive energy today so make up your mind and go for it. Agreements you make on the home or living situation are solid financially or tied to the divorce today.

Wednesday Mercury squares Neptune bringing up talks or decisions about the home, move, family, mom/mother figure, real estate deal, or property matter in a way that may be a bit weepy for you or you may feel as though there is something unclear or deceptive going on. Don’t sign today, wait til you see for sure what is happening.

Thursday Mercury moves into your house of true love, children and creative projects and opens up a few weeks where you will be talking more about love or kids, hearing news about them or the creative venture, making decisions based on them, signing agreements or taking short trips to get them going. Much luck is around what is said or agreed upon today.

Friday Mercury squares Mars so now you have to act on the divorce, high finances or sexual connection again in response to what is said or heard about the lover, child or creative project and this could be a rather frustrating day here so pace yourself.

PISCES: (to schedule a reading call 818-613-6067)

Monday Mars enters your house of partnership, representation, specialists, and competition. This means you can expect for a lot more to be going on with these people, for drive, passion, action, or anger to be expressed with these people and today that is going to link directly to your income.

Tuesday Jupiter and Uranus come together on the same degree in your house of income and spending. This is big and exciting, surprising or shocking, about a major change or happiness, prosperity or something very different showing up around a way to make money, something you want to spend on, or something you value. Talks or agreements with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors are positive and solid.

Wednesday Mercury squares Neptune so the talk or meeting you have about something hidden, artistic, spiritual, addictive, investigative, or involving clandestine romance will be unclear or somewhat deceptive, so watch what you say and what you believe today until you have a better understanding.

Thursday Mercury moves into your home base and talks, meetings, agreements, decisions, and short trips will now focus on home, living situations, moves, roommates, renovations, interior design, real estate deals, family, or mom/mother figures. Today there is a big open door to income here so do your best to take advantage of it.

Friday Mercury squares Mars so whatever you are talking, meeting or agreeing to regarding the home or real estate is going to push things with the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competition. Watch your anger and make sure that everything is clear once again in the balance between this place and this relationship.

ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2010 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com Catch Zoe every Thursday night at 8pm est/5pm pst on CBS radio http://www.newskyradio.com call-in 248-545-7685

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