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So, you thought June was a big month, well hold onto your cosmic hat because you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. The month opens with a bang, turns in the middle on a Solar Eclipse and heats up the whole last half around the GRAND CROSS. Your life is not going to be the same, you got a taste of what is changing and moving in June, this month socks it into place and it rounds out in August. Some years are like this when you look back, you say, wow, it was crazy and my life really took a new path at that time, well that is what is happening this summer and most intensely this July, it can be a very exciting time if you are willing to move along with the changes.

From the start we have dramatic energy at play with the Karmic South Node and the Sun meeting on the same degree in Cancer on Fourth of July. Expect something destined playing out here with home, mom, country, foundations, land, or real estate.

Uranus, the planet of surprise and change, Retrogrades on the 5th in Aries, turning you on a dime around physical excitement or shock, changing one’s mind, turns in the road, and this will likely play out through passion, an action, anger, or a strong motivation.

Venus moves into Virgo on the 10th and you will find that the small things are uber important in matters of the heart. The monetary picture will now depend on the details and a willingness to buckle down and do the work. Women will be more discriminating in all things, sometimes critical under duress, and overall, if something isn’t working now, it will likely get the boot.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse enters the picture on the 11th, opening up a huge new beginning in matters left touched by the Sun/South Node meeting on the 3/4th. So look to living situations, roommates, home issues, property matters, moves, renovations, land, country, family, and mom/mother figures to launch in new territory. This Eclipse is supported by positive energy that will motivate you and help you to make a decision that is right for you.

Up until the 21st of the month you are in the wind down of the Saturn in Virgo cycle, a testing period through health, work and pets that began in September of 2007 and that will end now on the 21st of July, 2010. Do your best in the first 3 weeks of this month to really wrap up the work, commitment, time, effort, responsibility, leadership, limits, restrictions, or the need to sever something through the work you are and have been doing, the work you have been preparing for, your connection to co-workers or employees, a service you provide, your health, or your pets. You were to master something here, what can you do in these last three weeks to really take that home?

Saturn moves into Libra on the 21st and begins a cycle of testing and commitment, responsibility and limits, time and most importantly self-mastery through serious relationships. This will mean that going forward now you will be looking at marriage, business partnership, connection with agents, attorneys, managers, producers, specialists, or competitors.

Chiron Retrogrades back into Aquarius on the 21st as well, hopefully giving us a bit of a reprieve with his wounding to our ocean or serious groups forming to do something about it and allowing each of us to wrap up any social wounds, issues with friends or groups, or vulnerability around our aspirations or dreams for ourselves over the next few months.

The Sun enters Leo and the whole world smiles on the 22nd. This is where the Sun glows its strongest and today he will aspect Saturn in an opportunity aspect so look around for the love or creative outlet you can share with a significant other person, someone to partner or represent you in matters of the heart, with children or in a creative project.

Jupiter Retrogrades on the 23rd and all of the major expansion or over the top actions will now slow as we adjust to the new territory we find ourselves in. Luck will be a result of your internal process now and the enacting of FAITH.

The Full Moon on the 25th if in the sign of Aquarius and will bring a peak experience around a friendship, group affiliation, networking or social event, or aspiration. Jupiter’s square to Pluto today means that it will likely be extremely big and change things in a major way.

July 26th marks the last of the ongoing War in Heaven that has been playing out between Saturn and Uranus since election day, November 2008. Since the last time this opposition brought all kinds of upheaval and change, radical new ideas and freedom in on the cosmic wind in the late ‘60’s, this time around we are seeing similar deconstructions of structures and the need for fresh air in our own personal lives. This last opposition will take place between the ‘I’ and ‘Ours’ axis of relationship, sparking commitments and break-ups that set us out into the next huge portion of our lives on the right footing regarding partnering, representation or competition.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 27th and takes communication to the work, effort, details, health, animal rights, environment, and services rendered department. The next few weeks are a great time to sign up for healthy new ways of working on your body or tasks, set your meetings, talk about what needs doing. The 28th will bring some excitement or change into the picture here so be adaptable and see what can be achieved.

Between the 29th and 31st Mars is going to be very active. First he moves into Libra to activate partnerships, connections with those who represent us or actions through competition. Anger and passion will play out with these significant relationships now. Mars will oppose Uranus on the 30th so there will be something shocking or a big change on the board between you and the other person. You may meet someone very exciting now or experience a break, whatever comes will send you in new directions. Finally on the 31st Mars conjuncts Saturn in the new ground of relationship to take an action on something that will be long term and have serious consequences. This may be positive or negative as you experience it but it will play out with a significant person and again, set the game of life off on a completely new course to build upon together or apart.

ARIES: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)

There is something fated opening up the month of July in areas of home and property, security and family so look closely at your foundations in life on the 3rd and 4th, is there something that needs to change here? You could have someone or something coming in or going out now due to the Sun connecting with the Karmic South Node, this could be about picking something up from a past life and moving forward with it or balancing something from that time. Uranus Retrogrades in your sign on the 5th which may be the catalyst to get you moving in a new direction.

Mercury will enter Leo on the 9th, opening up talks and meetings that ring with love, children, fun, and creative brilliance. Use these weeks to meet a love interest, talk about your feelings in the relationship, make a decision about a child or creative project, pitch your idea, or sign an agreement regarding any of these.

Venus moves into Virgo on the 10th, a new placement that should help you to attract love or money through the work you do, anything pertaining to health, your pets or animal rights, the environment, or a service you provide. Small things will matter to you in areas of the heart now and a woman may be significant in helping you at work, with pets or health.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 11th is opening up a huge doorway around your home, real estate deal, move, roommate, renovation, family, or mom/mother figure. This will likely be event oriented and the energy today is helping you to take action to get the work done here and use communications around love, creative projects, or children to your advantage.

You have been hosting Saturn in your health, work and pet arenas since September of 2007. This has been quite the transit of testing for you by making you work harder, streamline your work, deal with limits or added responsibilities at work, asked you to step up where co-workers or employees were concerned, to lead or master something new for yourself so that you could exit this transit with more authority in the work you would do, it has tested you through your own health, bringing limits or stress, issues with the structure of your body such as bones, back, teeth or aches and pains, it has asked you to get serious and limit yourself in some way as you mastered something within your own health, to take responsibility and lead your life forward through better health and to deal with any organizations over health issues, and lastly testing through loss or limits, added responsibilities and duty with pets or animal groups. As of the 21st you have passed these tests and will not have to host such a transit here for another 29 years!

Saturn now moves opposite of you on the 21st to begin a long cycle of serious and committed connections and testing period with marriage, business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. The next 3 years will likely bring a more solid base in one or more of these relationships or you will master something, take on more responsibility and perhaps sever a tie that binds if it is not strong enough to pass these tests. Chiron Retrogrades back into Aquarius today so the friend, group or aspiration is front and center, requiring some healing or there to share the wound. Use the time in the next few months to heal what is going on here.

The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and meets up with Saturn here so expect to have a month ahead of you where you shine in areas of true love, children and creative projects and that this is kicked off with an opportunity today to either commit or sever a relationship in a way that is beneficial to you. Again, the relationship can be partnering, competition, or a representative or specialist.

Jupiter Retrogrades in your sign on the 23rd, marking an internal journey about to unfold where you learn more about your own faith in yourself. This energy may bring some luck to your door today or you may find an exciting moment with a child, lover or creative project is looming. There could be someone from the past returning or a current love, child or creative project exiting for a while.

The Full Moon in Aquarius on the 25th is going to bring a friendship, group affiliation, networking or social occasion, or aspiration to a peak in your life. This will either be a celebration or ending. Accompanying energy suggests that at least one big goal of yours is deconstructing to be rebuilt on more supportive foundations in all of this, look at whatever occurs here as protective of your interests since Jupiter is in attendance.

Saturn moves into his final opposition with Uranus on July 26th and it will be important for you to look closely at your most significant relationships in life now. This war in Heaven has been playing out over your health, work or pets verses the artistic, spiritual, romantic, or hospital where unexpected and surprising things have come into play. Now, in new placements, this last opposition will show you what is there and what is not there with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. You may want to break away or find a new way to do things now with a significant relationship. The old verses the new, structure and isolation verses change and unusual approaches. So do you stay or do you go?

Mercury enters Virgo on the 27th opening up talks, agreements and meetings about work, health and pets. You have the next few weeks to make your changes or pitch your ideas, write it up and sign it, take a short trip to work it, or involve your local community or siblings.

The last three days of the month will have you VERY active as your ruler, Mars, enters a new sign on the 29th, triggering action, passion or anger through partners, representatives, specialists, or competitors. He will then oppose Uranus in your sign so there is going to be fireworks, something changes, it’s exciting or shocking but it isn’t going to be the same and you, your image, identity, body or needs are likely the catalyst. Finally on the 31st Mars comes to sit with Saturn and you are acting on the commitment or severing of the relationship.

TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)

The month of July begins with the Sun on his way to meet the Karmic South Node in your house of communications, writing, talks, meetings, agreements, ideas, short trips, neighborhood, neighbors, brothers or sisters, and this will be a fated time when you may meet someone while out in the local scene, have something happen involving a writing project, talk, news or decision you get, idea you have or something with your siblings that is about picking up a past life moment and moving it forward or balancing something from then. Uranus Retrogrades on the 5th in the part of your chart regulating spirituality, artistic projects, hidden romance, strategy, hospitals, prisons and other places of retreat, research and investigations and you will see a surprise or change here.

Expect for issues of home, living situations, real estate, or family to become focal on the 8th and to shift into a new paradigm on the 9th as Mercury moves into Leo. This will give you the ability to express your ideas or come to terms around where you are rooting yourself in life through agreements surrounding loved ones and your creative output here. This is a good time to sign agreements about home or property.

Your ruler changes signs on the 10th moving into Virgo and aiming your love and money needs on creative endeavors that require your services. You will be fine tuning your work here at this point and attending to detail. You may find that you have the urge to get into better shape now as well regarding the creative project or a love interest. If you need to handle money issues for children this is the time to organize this as well.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 11th is going to open up some pretty major floodgates for you to shine in some form of communications. You may hear news today concerning you that sets you off on a new path, a writing project may get a shot in the arm, you may have a talk, meeting or sign an agreement that is very crucial to your development, or you may get a fresh start in the neighborhood, through a move or with a brother or sister. Your creative juices and love prospects are tied positively to this.

Saturn has been touring your house of true love, children and creative projects since September of 2007, testing you in these areas, limiting in some ways and helping you to make tough decisions about what it is you really need and what work was necessary to move yourself forward to the next level. You may have taken on more responsibility with children, dealt with commitment issues or loss of love, worked on cutting away a relationship that wasn’t meeting your needs through love or recommitted to one that was, had to take on more work in the creative ventures or worked for less, all in an attempt by the universe to show you through these trials just what it is you truly want, what you were willing to let go of and help you to master a new level of maturity and leadership ability in all creative outlets, with love and children. That test is finally over on the 21st when Saturn moves into Libra not to return for another 29 years! This is the official green light for new love, kids or creative ventures that will be SO much easier and satisfying, if you have held onto a past situation through this, congratulations, it is strong and stood the test of father time (Saturn).

You are now entering a period of learning to master a new level in work, health or involving pets and you will want to partner or find representation, specialists or learn new ways to deal with competitors by the end of this period as you step into more challenging work, lead the way, master your physical regime, lead on some new level of health, and take on a role with animal rights, environmental concerns or with your own pets.

Chiron Retrogrades back into your career arena today as well to give you the next few months to deal with any outstanding wounds around reputation or career goals, fame or father. It there is something for you to teach or heal others in from your perspective at the top of the chart (through career, reputation or fame) here, then by all means move towards this now.

The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and connects with Saturn in Libra. This marks a 30 day cycle where you shine at home, with real estate matters or moves, in dealing with the foundations and security issues of life, family or mom/mother figures, and the people you live with. Todays connection to Saturn says you can get some serious work done here, attend to health or pets in this realm.

Jupiter Retrogrades on the 23rd and faith will now be an internal, mystical experience. If you have been trying to expand your mystical or spiritual knowledge it seems that now the universe is asking that you assimilate what you have mastered into your life. The best way through this will be pouring it into film, music, poetry, or any other artistic outlet, taking it with you into some place of isolation such as a retreat, hospital, prison or other institution, or working on something behind closed doors that you develop over the course of the next few months. You may have someone return or depart attached to one of these topics now.

The Full Moon on the 25th is bringing a career, ambition, fame, reputation, father/father figure, boss, or authority figure issue to a peak in your world. This may be a celebration of something achieved or an ending as something comes through and wraps up. As you meet a challenge through legal channels, media, travel, or education today look at any ways you feel limited or isolated or can take on more responsibility and then look again at ways to bring your spiritual truth into the mix.

The final Saturn/Uranus opposition occurs on the 26th and plays out over the limits or responsibilities you have through work, health or with animals opposing the change, exciting surprise or shock going on through retreat, hospitals, prisons, a film, music, poetry, dance, acting, or other artistic project, a research, investigation or strategy session, or through some addictive or self-undoing tendency. Let it jolt you into new territory and help free you from past chains, example, if you have had a responsible but limited way you were allowed to approach your work in a film or music project, this energy wants you to step out on the ledge and try something new, pulling from your internal sources, if you have had limits in health matters then finding hospitals with different approaches will serve you well now.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 27th and opens up talks, meetings, agreements, and short trips involving love, lovers, children, and creative projects. You can sign the contract now, attend to the details and talk about the effort or sense of service you feel in the matter.

Mars moves into Libra on the 29th, opposes Uranus on the 30th and sits with Saturn on the 31st. This means that there will be some real fireworks around work, health or pets. You are going to be motivated, feel like taking action, bringing your passions or anger on board, all around the job before you, the co-worker, employee, health issue, environmental issue, pet situation, or animal rights. Something will come at you out of the blue, change in the last moment, turn around involving film, fantasy, artistry, hospitals, prisons, research, investigations, work done behind closed doors, secrets, clandestine love affairs, strategies, addictions, or spiritual pursuits. You will again need to act in the moment and tackle the work, tend to health or pets. By the last day of the month you will do something to either commit to or sever ties with the health, work or pet situation.

GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)

The Karmic South Node is meeting the Sun on Fourth of July and your income is the arena this is going to play out. This may mean an income opportunity that is being generated now that is the flower from a past life act or it can mean that something happens to affect your earning potential ending one source at this juncture. You will want to watch your purse or wallet if out on this day. Uranus Retrogrades on the 5th and you will see a change with a friend, group or social occasion.

Mercury moves into Leo on the 9th opening up your communications zone in a great way. This is the ruler of talk, meeting, agreement, news, short trips, siblings, neighbors, moves, and ideas entering its place in your chart. Expect to have all kinds of interesting meetings and talks, sign the agreements or write something now that is creative and enjoyable. For single Gemini’s you may meet a love interest now in the local arena.

Venus moves into Virgo on the 10th and brings love and money matters home. This means that you can now attract love or money at home, to real estate deals, moves, through roommates or by way of mom/mother figures. A woman may be helpful now with one of these themes. Some change with a friend is affecting this movement today.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 11th is opening up a wonderful new energy forum through earnings for you. This means you may find a new source of income, increase the one you have, spend on something significant, or take a new approach with a possession. Action in the home or with a move, a real estate deal or with mom/mother figure plays prominently and positively here.

Since September of 2007 you have been hosting Saturn and his tests in your home life. This means you have had to deal with limits, responsibilities and a new sense of self mastery through what has taken place at home, with real estate deals, roommates, moves, your sense of security, family, and dealing with issues involving mom/mother figures. On the 21st, this test if finally over and you are free to open up in this area, this restrictive energy will not be back around here for another 29 years! Now, Saturn is taking his tests into the arena of true love, children and creative projects. You will not be frivolous here, a serious, steady approach wins this race. Expect to see someone entering the picture to capture your heart with an age difference or some kind of restriction attached that you must work through and master, for you to be tested by kids or through trying to have them, and for your creative ventures to demand real work and commitment as you build something solid for the future. If you are in an iffy love affair when this begins you may see it end now.

Chiron Retrogrades today as well and you will have this last few months to look at any wounds that might come up through travel, distance, import/export, education (teaching or taking the class), media, publishing or publicity projects, or in legal matters. If there is something you have to teach or heal others with through these doors, this is your time.

The Sun enters Leo on the 22nd putting you in the center of communications, writing projects, agreements, talks or meetings, ideas, short trips, neighborhood activities, or involvement with siblings over the next month. The connection to Saturn in Libra today bodes well for some good news or positive meetings associated with a creative venture, lover or child.

Jupiter Retrogrades on the 23rd in your house of friends, groups, networking, and aspirations. This means that the expansion and luck you have seen recently through these connections will slow a bit so that you can catch up to where you have journeyed and that you will now be bringing faith and knowledge to bear in what you are doing connected with these people or aspirations. You may get some surprising news today from one of your friends or a group you are involved in that is very exciting.

The Full Moon on the 25th is bringing a peak experience around a media, publishing or publicity matter, a legal issue, something you are teaching or learning, or through travel, a person at a distance or import/export. Ceremonies and religion are topical here as well as something is celebrated or wraps up and ends. There seems to be some big change around a financial matter, sexual connection, reproduction, divorce, or death that is playing into this Full Moon and your social obligation, friendship or group affiliation will be affected at this juncture.

The final Saturn/Uranus opposition occurs on the 26th and will play out between your friendship and your lover, your social needs and your creative responsibilities, your new aspirations and your limits or duty to love or children. You may have a break with a friend or run towards your soul group now in an attempt to deal with what is happening with the lover, child or creative outlet.

Mercury enters Virgo on the 27th and you will now be ready to talk about the home or living situation, sign agreements pertaining to where you are living or real estate deals, take meetings, make short trips, or involve siblings in things tied to property or mom.

Mars is incredibly active the last three days of the month which means you will be too. He moves into Libra on the 29th, opposes Uranus on the 30th and meets up with Saturn on the 31st. This is going to mean that you are doing something passionate or angry involving actions in the creative project, with the lover or around a child, that something coming from a friend or group is going to push on this and that you are either going to end up committing to something serious with this lover, child or creative project or you are going to sever ties by the 31st.

CANCER: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)

The Sun meeting up with the Karmic South Node in your sign in the first few days of July is significant for you and means that you are going to be stepping into something personally that has ties to a past lifetime, gift or talent. You may be balancing scales from that time period through image, identity or physical shifts or stepping into your own to continue something left unfinished at that time. Uranus will Retrograde on the 5th showing you a change or exciting new opening on the career front in line with this, here you go!

Mercury enters Leo on the 9th and you will now be in a position to have real talks or meetings about making money. You may sign an agreement now that brings in the funds or you may write something that earns income. If you need to interview or send out resumes, mark this time as important to do so.

Venus enters Virgo on the 10th and super charges your communications zone with love and money. This means that you may hear of someone’s affections for you, meet a love interest locally, write about it, earn from writing (isn’t it interesting how two separate indicators are pointing to this), or have a woman who enters the scene now who will beneficial to your communications projects or local scene.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse is occurring in your sign on the 11th and you will definitely be feeling this big time. This is like a rocket launcher under your personal needs getting a fresh start, a new image, your identity coming forth in some powerful way, or something new with your body. Talks and agreements are active and aimed at your needs while income and career agendas align to benefit you.

Saturn has toured your house of communication and short trips, writing, talks, ideas, agreements, decisions, neighborhood, and siblings since September 2007. This has been a long period of testing, limits, structure, stepping up and doing the work, taking responsibility and finally mastering something of the mind and how you communicate it to others. That transit is now ending on the 21st as Saturn moves into your home base. You are now entering a 3 year cycle of more responsibility and serious building on the roots of your chart, so look at home, moves, real estate deals, roommates, renovations, family, and mom/mother figures as the places you will test yourself, feel restrictions but master another arena of life up ahead.

Chiron will Retrograde into Aquarius today as well so you will have a few months to patch up any last wounds in the area of loans, debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, joint finances, alimony, settlements, royalties, commissions, or the other shared arenas of sex, intimacy, reproduction, or divorce.

The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and makes a nice connection with Saturn in Libra. This means that you will now have the next 30 days to shine in all matters involving making a living, bringing in the money or making some decisions on what to spend it on and the home will be favored here so you may earn from home or invest in a home or property.

Jupiter Retrogrades on the 23rd and you will now see a slowing of the major expansion that has been occurring on the career front. It is now time to do the internal work to catch up to where you are, bringing faith and knowledge into the picture. You may see a teacher type, foreign or legal person, or someone at a distance re-enter the picture now or take their leave if they are associated with your career or father.

The Full Moon on the 25th is all about bringing a peak experience intimately, through divorce or in a financial matter. You will be celebrating getting what you want or wrapping something up here and ending it. A powerful partner, attorney, agent, or specialist seems to be part of the picture and the way you are expanding with goals.

The last Saturn/Uranus opposition occurs on the 26th and will play out over the limits, commitment or ending at home or with mom, property, or living situations, and what is trying to open up for you on the career front in new and exciting ways. Try to find the best way to honor both sides of this but lean towards your heart.

Mercury enters Virgo on the 27th and opens up talks, agreements, meetings, writing projects, ideas, short trips, and anything relating to siblings or neighborhood. This is the time to open up here and make some decisions, ask for what you need and meet with those who you need to connect with.

The last 3 days of the month are very active as Mars gears up by moving into Libra on the 29th, opposing Uranus on the 30th and coming to sit with Saturn on the 31st. This is straight up about something big happening at home, with a move, a roommate or renovation, a real estate deal or something involving mom or a mother figure. You are going to feel passionate, angry, motivated or excited here and much of what is happening is triggered by the change or new opportunity on the career front. You will by month’s end have decided to commit to or sever something on the home front.

LEO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)

The Sun/South Node conjunction on the 3rd/4th of the month is going to open July in an interesting way for you dear Leo. This is about something hidden and Karmic that is about to come through for you and is aimed at who you are or what you are trying to do on a physical/body level. There is a hospital, retreat, strategy, film or fantasy, artistic outlet, spiritual pursuit, or clandestine romance in this that is tied to a past incarnation. The only thing to watch out for is any obsessive or secret maneuvering that would inevitably come back to bite you later.

Uranus Retrogrades on the 5th and will bring a change into your life via travel, media, legal matters, or education. You may see something exciting develop or go back to a past experience now to change your view or direction based on what occurred.

Mercury moves into your sign on the 9th so you will officially be open for talks, meetings, agreements, or decisions that are focused on you, your body, image, identity, or personal needs. See if you can open this up to involve the trip, media, educational, or legal matter today.

Venus moves into Virgo on the 10th and this is a great trend for you to earn more money, find income flowing in more easily, to spend on luxury items or for something that will help you to organize your life in a better way. Women will be beneficial to income now.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 11th is illuminating your hidden, mystical area of life. This is a huge new start for you through any artistic pursuit, dealings with hospitals or other institutions where you are somewhat isolated or away from the grind, in spiritual outlets, through clandestine romance, with research or investigations, or in dealing with an addiction or some self-sabotaging or escapist tendencies. There is a way to make or spend money on something positive and action oriented in this and some form of positive expansion through the travel, media, legal, or educational channel.

Saturn has been testing you by limiting or adding more responsibilities around earning money since September 2007. This time period was to slow things down so you made some tough decisions about what it is you really want to do to make a living and to help you to master something here so you could build positively for the future going forward. The 21st officially marks the end of this testing and a new area of expertise and tests begins, this time in your communications zone. You will have the next 3 years to get serious about writing, taking more responsibility in the way you think about things, look at a way to talk, take meetings and handle your ideas from a leaders point of view, and to this end what you say, write or agree to now will require more from you or things that come up to test you. This is an exciting time because your ideas will change, you will learn more and end this cycle having mastered something in communications.

Chiron Retrogrades on this day in your house of relationship to give you the next few months to wrap up any old wounds tied to marriage, business partners, representatives, specialists, or competitors. See if there is something you can teach or heal in others through your own experiences here, a group is key in this.

The Sun enters your sign on the 22nd and promptly connects with Saturn in Libra. This is marking a 30 day cycle where you are going to be in the spotlight in something near and dear to you, around things you do for your body, image or identity and todays connection means that there is an important talk, news, agreement, meeting or idea that sets you on your way.

Jupiter Retrogrades on the 23rd in your travel, media, education, and legal zone. This means that you will now slow on expansion that has been occurring here so as to catch up to your new position. You will be utilizing faith and knowledge in these arenas and you may see the return or departure of a teacher type through one of these doors.

The Full Moon on the 25th is going to bring a peak experience for you with a significant relationship. This is about a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor and something being celebrated or ending. The friendship, group affiliation, social occasion, internet, cause, or unusual circumstance will flavor the moment. Change occurring in work, with health or a pet is part of todays energy as well and the way it stretches the doors through travel, media, law, or education.

The last Saturn/Uranus opposition occurs on the 26th with some kind of serious talk or news, meeting or agreement that is up against the change or new input through travel, media, publishing, publicity, education, or legal channels. Look at limits, responsibilities, and change and then make your decision.

Mercury enters Virgo on the 27th to open talks about income. News you hear, an agreement you sign, a meeting you take or an idea you pitch will lead to earning money or a decision to spend some of your earnings on something. If you need to send out resumes, take interviews or try to reach someone about making money, do it now.

The last 3 days of the month are very active because Mars is all stirred up. On the 29th he moves into Libra and brings passionate or angry talks, meetings or news from a partner, competitor, specialist, or representative. On the 20th the action you took opposes Uranus so there will be some change, new opportunity or unique experience that is beckoning or leaving through travel, media, legal, or educational realms. By the 21st Mars sits with Saturn and you will make a decision, sign the agreement or have the talk that commits you to something or severs ties.

VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)

Fourth of July will be interesting for you as the Sun and South Node come together on the same degree to bring a past friend or group back into your life (this could be someone who you bonded with in past lives) or to see a current friendship or group affiliation end. Destiny is playing a part here so make sure that you are very clear about your aspirations since they seem to have a role to play in who comes in or exits. Uranus Retrogrades on the 5th bringing change to a sex, divorce or major financial matter, is there something you would change if you could?

Mercury, your ruling energy, moves into Leo on the 9th and opens up talks about the buried or hidden issues you’ve kept at bay. You may finally see contracts or decisions regarding an artistic project, research yields good results and you can talk about the hospital or spiritual needs. If you have been involved in a secret love affair, you may find it getting out now, for some of you this will be because a pregnancy or divorce pops up on the radar.

Venus enters your sign on the 10th and brings her love and ability to attract money to you. If single it is a great time to find a new interest, if you need money for a physical improvement or want to spend on upgrading your image, it will find you. Overall, love is more important now so put yourself out there.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 11th is going to give you major fresh footing in the realm of aspirations you set out on, a friendship, group you join or form, or through a major social occasion. There is positive action for you in this to express passions and to open up mentally through artistry, secrets, and the deeply shared realms. You may see a financial reward coming here as well.

You have been hosting Saturn in your sign since September 2007 and this has been a test to every area of your life. Things have been tighter, tougher, more streamlined, called for more responsibility, limits, work, and effort as you made tough decisions about what and who stayed or went from your life. You were ending cosmically an old 29 year cycle of the way you were moving through the world and setting up the next 29 year cycle to grow from this newer version of your aspirations and skills, dreams and desires. On the 21st you have officially passed the test, the hard part is over, not to return on this level for another 29 years. Now Saturn moves into your income zone and the only tests will be about learning a new level of mastery in ways to earn money and how to set limits or build structures around how you spend it. Your value system will morph a bit over the next couple years as well due to this transit . Chiron Retrogrades in Aquarius today as well and gives you a last round of healing any work issues, health matters or issues with pets, use this time to wrap up weaknesses here.

The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and opens up a 30 cycle for you to shine in all things you are doing behind closed doors. So if you need to get something done to your body or for your image, enter the hospital during this time. If you need to stand out on a film or music project or anything associated with the arts, now is the time. This is great for being recognized for your investigative abilities or spiritual pursuits as well. If there is an addiction that has plagued you, breaking the pattern is possible this month.

Jupiter Retrogrades on the 23rd and all the expansive energy that has been stretching you through divorce, loans, bankruptcy, inheritance, settlements, insurance, taxes, debt, credit, joint finances, alimony, or sexual intimacy will now slow and you will have a few months to apply the qualities of Jupiter to the place you are now in the situation, meaning faith and knowledge. You may see an attorney or teacher from the past return now or a current one exit.

The Full Moon on the 25th is bringing a health, work or pet issue to a peak. This is about something being celebrated as you see it come to completion or an ending as something has run its course. Major changes in creative outlets, with lovers or children is playing into the day along with that stretch in the financial, sexual, reproductive, or divorce arena.

The last Saturn/Uranus opposition occurs on the 26th in your financial realms, meaning that the limits, restrictions or responsibilities you have with earning, making a living, the actual money you bring in or what you do to bring it in, is up against the debt, divorce, bankruptcy, or any other outside financially shared situation, or the sexual or reproductive issue. There are new ways to free yourself here and it lies in combining or stretching in new ways.

Mercury enters your sign on the 27th and gives the gift of gab back to you. You may have been laying low for a bit but you will feel more like connecting with others now. If you have been waiting on certain news it should come your way and if you need to make a decision or take a meeting, you are as ready as you’ll ever be. Remember that your needs are important here and you should talk about your image, identity or body if necessary.

The last 3 days of the month are very active as Mars gets amped up. He enters Libra on the 29th, opposes Uranus on the 30th and comes to sit with Saturn on the 31st. So you will be kicking things into gear around income, going after a source of earning, seeing something with the loan, bankruptcy, settlement, debt, or outside resource change in some way, then make a decision and commit your funds or earning capability to a certain course or walk away from a current one.

LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)

July 3rd/4th will bring the Sun and Karmic South Node together in your career Midheaven. This is a fated kind of moment around your reputation, goals, ambitions, fame, career, with bosses, authority figures, father, or father figure. Expect that what occurs now will feature you here in some way that is meant for your personal growth and long history of leadership. Uranus Retrogrades in your house of partners, representatives and competitors on the 5th so you can expect a change of direction from a marriage, business partnership, with an agent, attorney, manager, producer, specialist, or competitor.

Mercury enters Leo on the 9th and opens up talks with friends, meetings that are social or networking in nature, you may join a group, here from an old friend, make decisions or sign agreements that involve these people, or feel ready to pitch your ideas that help your aspirations along. Writing projects with friends or in a group get a boost now as well.

Venus moves into Virgo on the 10th taking your ruling energy into the private, hidden, mystical realm of life. This means that love will play out clandestinely or secretly and that you will attract money through artistic projects such as film, fantasy, music, poetry, dance, and such or through research, investigations, hospitals and other institutions, spiritual or psychic work, or you may spend in these areas now as well. If you have recently lost a loved one, take this time to rest and love yourself, regaining your spiritual strength.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 11th is opening up a brand new frontier on the career level. You have a huge push here from the universe to launch something big and new, to make your reputation or find fame, to go after an important goal or ambition, or to set a new game plan for a business or with a boss, authority figure or father/father figure. It seems partnering with a friend or group or finding representation through them may be part of the way forward here.

Since September of 2007 you have hosted Saturn in the hidden part of your chart. A time of testing that can be quite challenging since it is there to dredge up any hidden and self-undoing tendencies that may plague your life. This has most likely been a time of great retreat from the world or of working behind the scenes, in closed or isolated circumstances. Some of you were tested through hospitals, prisons or other institutions, some through issues over spying, snooping, obsessive or manipulative researching or investigation, some through learning to master a new level of an artistic or spiritual outlet such as film, music, poetry, dance, sculpture, painting, or meditation, spiritual exploration, psychic abilities, or your own addictions, or escapist tendencies. It has most likely been tough as limits were imposed, you had to really step up and take responsibility and work hard. On the 21st that test is officially over not to return for another 29 years!

You are now the sign in the zodiac that is going to host Saturn in your first house. This means that ALL areas of life are going to require your leadership, work, streamlining, and serious commitment. To the extent that you step up and get serious about where you are, what needs to go, what you need to work towards, this next 3 years will be setting up the next 29 year cycle and you will be building upon it going forward. So, you have every reason to believe that the universe is about to bring you more things to step up to and master, you may get a big job or take on more work now, whatever comes is meant to put you back out into the world on a whole new level. If you have wanted to lose weight, this is one of the best transits ever to cut the excess. You are so ready for the next round of tests, good luck, I know you can do it!

Chiron is Retrograding into Aquarius today as well so you have a few months to do any last bit of attending to any wound around your creativity or a creative project, your love, love affair, lack of love or need for love, or with a child, desire for a child or anything relating to children.

The Sun moves into Leo on the 22nd and meets up with Saturn in your sign. The Suns position is giving you the next 30 days to shine in social settings, with friends, groups and in pursuing your aspirations so step it up, say yes and get out there. The connection to Saturn in Libra means there is opportunity for you in this in some positive way to be seen as the new leader or responsible party.

Jupiter Retrogrades on the 23rd in your house of partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, producers, managers, and competitors. This means that the expansion you have been experiencing through these people will now slow and you will get to catch up to where you have come so far. You may see one of these people exit now or one from the past return. Knowledge and faith will be important at this point in any significant relationship so put your energy here with these people.

The Full Moon on the 25th is bringing a peak experience around a creative project with a friend or group, a love affair or something that is dear to your heart around a love matter, or with a child or children’s issue. Changes at home or with your foundations or security are playing into the moment along with the expansive energy through significant relationships.

The last of the Saturn/Uranus oppositions occurs on the 26th and this is going to point out the ‘me’ and ‘our’ axis in your life in a big way. There is something you are going to have going on with yourself, a physical matter, ego need, image or identity issue and any limitations you feel here, expectation around leadership or authority that is yours, and responsibilities you take on. This is being opposed by the romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, producer, manager, or competitor and a change, break for freedom, or unusual experience that comes through them. This is your first test in the new Saturn position and it is a doozie, step up.

Mercury enters Virgo on the 27th and talks, meetings, agreements, decisions, writing projects, and short trips occur behind closed doors, around secrets or hidden strategies, film or other artistic projects, hospitals or other institutions, or research and investigations. A secret may come to light now. Brothers and sisters are also ruled by this energy along with neighbors so you may hear from one of these people about something you didn’t see coming.

The last 3 days of the month are very active as Mars is all stirred up. He will move into your sign on the 29th giving you a lot of energy and motivation, passion or anger to fuel the fires. Watch that you aren’t in an accident today! He will then oppose Uranus on the 30th so you will be doing something about or with the partner, agent, attorney, specialist or competitor and what crazy, exciting, shocking, or big change activity that is going on here. He will then come to sit with Saturn in your sign on the 31st and you will make a serious decision to commit or sever ties.

SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)

July opens with the Sun on its way to the Karmic South Node in your house of travel, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, education, and law. This means that by the Fourth of July you will see something coming or going that is meant to help you pick back up with a person or situation from past lives in these arenas or you will be balancing the scales on some level here. Uranus Retrogrades now as well so expect to see a change or new energy through work, health, pets, animal rights, or environmental situations.

Mercury moves into Leo on the 9th and opens up talks, meetings, writing projects, ideas, pitches, decisions, and agreements through your career corridors. You can send out resumes, pitch the business proposal, ask for the raise or promotion, or just make your bid for fame, set the record straight around reputation, or meet with bosses or authority figures.

Venus enters Virgo on the 10th bringing a female friend onto the scene or helping you to attract love or money through friends, group affiliations, networking, social occasions, or through the pursuing of your aspirations. Women will be more beneficial to you socially now.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 11th is about a huge new beginning through travel, someone at a distance, import/export, media channels or projects, publishing, publicity, marketing, teaching, taking a class or furthering your education, or through legal channels. Take action today with a friend or group through one of these channels since there is opportunity to make something happen with them. Talks and agreements today regarding your career or ambitions align with big expansion and luck arriving in the form of work.

You have been hosting Saturn in your house of friends, associates, groups, networking abilities, social occasions, and aspirations since September 2007. This was a time of testing, limiting, restriction, work, effort, time, isolation, responsibility, and serious moments with your soul group and aspirations. It was meant to help you weed out anyone in your circle who no longer was going to fit into the next phase of your growth, to help you to learn to lead and master your own aspirations on a new level, hence more isolation from the group or more work within it, and to step up to a more serious dream for your life. On July 21st this test is officially over not to return for another 29 years. You may have begun to meet some new potential friends or interesting groups that are to move you into your next phase, if not they will come along any day now.

Saturn is now moving into your 12th house for the next 3 years and by the end of that cycle will officially have brought you all the way around your chart so consider this next phase your last big mastery stage. You will now be tested, be given more work or leadership potential and need to get serious about artistic projects from filmmaking, acting, directing, music, poetry, dance, painting, or any other outlet you can imagine you are interested in, in areas of spiritual, psychic or mystical experience, through places of retreat such as spiritual retreats, hospitals, prisons, or other institutions, through research or investigations, secrets or clandestine love affairs, addictions or any self-sabotaging tendencies. This is the place of what we keep hidden from the world and sometimes from ourselves so you will be stepping up and mastering it, any work you do behind the scenes or call upon the muse or your spiritual nature to lead comes into play and if you need to get serious about something in a hospital or gear up your meditations, this is it. Expect to take on work now in one or more of these areas.

Chiron Retrogrades into Aquarius on the same day and you will have the next few months to tackle any wound that is still there around the place you are living, a move, home, real estate deal, roommate, security needs or foundations you are building upon, family, or mom/mother figure.

The Sun enters Leo on the 22nd and shines a spotlight on you and your ambitions, career, reputation, goals, fame, or boss/authority figure, father/father figure. This is a 30 day cycle when you can really be recognized for who you are and the goal you have set, you should go after the career agenda now in a creative way and today as the Sun meets up with Saturn in Libra there is an opportunity for you in this through the artistic, spiritual, romantic, or institutional arena with it.

Jupiter Retrogrades on the 23rd in your work, health and pet zone. This means that any expansion that has been ongoing here will now slow and that you may see a person or situation representing luck and expansion either enter the picture now or exit. You are now in a cycle here of faith and acquiring knowledge or sharing it so see what this means to you.

The Full Moon on the 25th is bringing a peak experience around the home, living situation, roommate, move, real estate deal, or mom/mother figure. There is something about your aspirations wrapped up in what you do to either celebrate here or end a situation. Talk, decisions or news is quite powerful today and changes things, and will affect work, health or pets.

The last of the Saturn/Uranus oppositions occurs on the 26th in the ongoing battle in Heaven that began on Election day 2008. This has been about tearing down old structures or freeing yourself in new ways, learning to balance responsibilities with change and in this last opposition we have new signs that it is playing out in. For you this means looking at limits or responsibilities or a leadership role through an artistic project, spiritual or mystical opportunity, retreat or hospital matter, research or investigation, or something hidden, addictive or clandestine on the one hand, and the change, excitement, new fresh air, or interesting people/situation through work, health or pets on the other. How do you balance or find your way to make this work?

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 27th and a talk, meeting, news, or agreement is on the slate with a friend or group. This is about opening up ideas and making decisions that will move an aspiration forward and about connecting with that person or soul group who is aligned with your future. There seems to be work in this or something beneficial to changes in health or for animals.

Mars is going to get very active in the last 3 days of the month so get ready. On the 29th he moves into Libra which represents a man entering the picture through artistic, spiritual or romantic channels, secretly or in working on something behind the scenes, or it means that you will be much more amped up, passionate, angry, or motivated to get things moving here. Hospitals and research are other areas this could play out. On the 30th this energy opposes Uranus so there is a big change, unusual event or something exciting or shocking coming by way of work, health or pets. On the 31st Mars then comes to sit with Saturn and you are ready to commit or sever ties, it’s active and serious and you know what to do.

SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)

July 3rd/4th is bringing the Sun together with the Karmic South Node in your house of sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, loans, debt, credit, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, royalties, commissions, settlements, alimony, child support, or joint finances. It’s big. There is something destined about to play out here that will bring someone or a situation back around from a past life to be continued or balanced and you can expect to see it play out through sex, a pregnancy or reproductive issue, finances, or divorce. Uranus Retrogrades on the 5th bringing change to a love affair, with children or in a creative project.

Mercury enters Leo on the 9th and opens up legal, media, ceremonial, educational, or travel talks, decisions, agreements, or meetings. It’s time to open up here, make a decision and share ideas. This ties in nicely to the change or excitement coming through the love, child or creative venture.

Venus enters Virgo on the 10th so a woman may enter your career realm or become the focus of a goal or you will find that you can now attract love or money through being ambitions, chasing goals, stepping up on the career front, or through fame or reputation. Love may come around the word ‘father’ as well.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse is occurring on the 11th in your 8th house and is giving you a huge new beginning through divorce, reproduction, sex, or major finances. If you need to find a loan, settle a debt, file for bankruptcy, take care of taxes, take the relationship to the sexual level, find answers for sexual issues, have a baby, or file for divorce this is it. Be proactive in going after what you want today since there is opportunity in the mix and talk, meet or come to agreements over the media, legal, educational, ceremonial, or travel issues for the sake of love, children or creative ventures, all good.

You have been hosting Saturn in your house of goals, ambitions, career, reputation, fame, father/father figure, bosses, authority figures, leadership, and public standing since September of 2007. This transit has been about streamlining, getting serious about what you wanted out of life, committing to the work it takes to get ahead, setting up structures to host your ambitions and career agenda, to climb the ladder of success through work and effort, and to take any career or place out in the world away that would in any way impede your personal journey and path you are supposed to be on. On July 21st this transit is officially over and you will not host these tests or added responsibilities here for another 29 years! You should know now what you want to be when you grow up because in some very real sense you have grown up a great deal during this transit and there should be some reward coming your way for this new found mastery.

Saturn now is moving into your social realm of friends, group affiliations, networking, social occasions, and your most cherished aspirations. Over the next 3 years you will cut away any connections that are not going to support your new life, you will get serious with the groups or friendships you do form, you will put in the time and effort towards your greatest dream for yourself and you may decide to isolate yourself socially a bit more as you connect with that dream or take on more responsibility with a group or friend to pursue it. If there is something you have always wanted to do, this transit is asking you to master the skills or put in the effort to get there.

Chiron is Retrograding on this same day giving you the next few months to handle any wound associated with your communications so look at a writing project, talk, meeting, agreement, short trip, issue with neighbors or siblings, and see what you can do to heal this.

The Sun enters Leo on the 22nd putting you in the spotlight over the next 30 days in a ceremony, trip, the travel industry, import/export, the media, publishing, publicity, marketing, teaching, classes you take, or legal channels. This is where you will be recognized and where you vital energy is best channeled. The connection to Saturn in Libra today means that a friend or group is part of the potential here.

Jupiter Retrogrades on the 23rd and since this is your ruling energy you will likely feel it personally. The expansion that has been occurring in love, with children or in a creative venture is now going to slow, you have come to this point now and over the next few months it will be about adjusting to where you find yourself and applying knowledge and faith to the situation. You may see a Jupiterian person leave now or one from the past re-enter who is part of the love, child or creative process.

The Full Moon on the 25th is bringing a peak experience around news you hear, a talk, a writing project, an agreement, a meeting, a short trip, something involving neighbors, neighborhood, or a brother or sister. This is going to have your aspirations attached in some way or a social aspect to it and will be about the celebration or ending. Another aspect of the day plays out over changes to income as affected by the lover, child or creative project.

The last Saturn/Uranus opposition is exact on the 26th in the ongoing War in Heaven that started on November 4, 2008. This is going to ask you to get serious and either limit or commit to a friend, group or aspiration on the one hand while pushing at the big change, surprise or shock coming through a lover, child or creative outlet on the other. You really need to look at the balance and ask yourself what it is you want.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 27th to open up talks, meetings, agreements, decisions, news, or short trips involving your career, ambitions, goals, fame, or authority. If you need to ask for a raise, seek a promotion, launch the business, sign agreements on the career front, do it now.

The last 3 days of July are very active as Mars gets in the mix and shakes it up! First he moves into Libra on the 29th and brings action, passion or anger into the friendship, group, social occasion, or around your aspiration. You are going to be motivated by what is going on here. On the 30th he opposes Uranus so the social activity is going to be buzzing around the excitement, change or shock coming through the lover, child or creative project. Do your aspirations fit in? Perhaps there is a big party about the birth of a child or conception, to introduce the new love or promote the creative venture and all kinds of exciting or surprising things transpire or you have to deal with a group or friend over something here. By the 31st Mars comes to sit with Saturn and you will either commit or sever ties with the aspiration, group, friend, or social occasion.

CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)

In the beginning few days of July the Sun is on his way to a meeting with the Karmic South Node in your relationship house. This means that something or someone is showing up or exiting in a big way to reconnect from a past life time or to balance something that went before. This could be a romantic partner, business partner, agent, attorney, manager, producer, specialist, or competitor. Uranus is Retrograding in your home arena on the 5th so a change to home, living situation, real estate matters, family, or mom/mother figure is also coming.

Mercury moves into Leo on the 9th and opens up talks, brings meetings, shares ideas, writes something, comes to agreements, or make short trips in the arenas of sexual intimacy, reproduction, divorce, and any outside financial matters. Today this is tied to an exciting opportunity at home or with real estate or mom.

Venus moves into Virgo on the 10th and this will be about a woman arriving through or associated with travel, legal matters, media or marketing, or education. You will now attract love and money through these realms and women will be beneficial here. If you want to share the love book the flight or get to class, earn through marketing yourself or signing legal documents, you get the idea.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 11th is a huge new start for you in a partnership, or with a representative, specialist, or competitor. There is potential for a wedding ceremony at this time or for delving into legal matters, a trip, having them come to you from afar, teaching or learning something together, or in marketing, publishing, or media ventures. Talks or agreements through intimacy, divorce or financial realms is here as well that links to home or real estate so you may be agreeing to move in together or to take some kind of jointly held money and invest in real estate.

You have been hosting Saturn in the arena of the higher mind since September 2007. This has been a testing period through trips, foreign ideas or people, cultural awareness, legal matters, media and publicity, and higher education. You have stepped up to limits here, cut away old ways of thinking that hindered your growth and claimed the higher knowledge to build upon your future. Although you may have carried more of a burden with a school loan or in a legal process, through traveling or in trying to utilize a marketing strategy, you have mastered this arena now and on July 21st will officially have passed the tests that Saturn meant for you to engage with.

Now Saturn is moving into your Career Midheaven and you will be stepping up, taking on more responsibility, leading the game, in all things career related, with getting serious about what you are building, your reputation, how you handle fame or notoriety, how you lead or handle authority figures, you will deal with any limits imposed by governmental agencies or corporations, make your way in your own business and through the tests of leadership will have mastered a whole other level in the career by the end of this 3 year cycle.

Chiron Retrogrades into Aquarius today as well giving you a few months to handle any wound that you still feel around your income, what you make and what you spend, anyone who affects your earning, and the possessions you have to deal with. This is also a good time to look at your value system and heal any wounding here.

The Sun enters Leo on the 22nd and meets up with Saturn in Libra. The Sun’s new position is going to put you in the spotlight over the next 30 days either in the embrace of a steamy, sexual liason, through deep intimacy with another, over reproduction or divorce issues, or over major finances. You will focus your vital energy here and be recognized for your participation! The connection to Saturn means there is potential for something serious to come by way of a legal, ceremonial, travel, educational, or media connection here.

Jupiter Retrogrades on the 23rd in your home base so all the big expansion you have been doing in your home or with a roommate, in a move or with real estate, with mom or a mother figure, will now slow so you can catch up to this new space. You may have someone leave or return home or to the real estate deal at this time that will affect your beliefs or happiness.

The Full Moon on the 25th is bringing an income matter to a big peak. This is about a big sum of money being celebrated, the landing of the job, the quitting of one source of income or it drying up, or there may be a possession that is the focus of this big moment such as a car, house or ring that is big news. Celebrate or end it. Something big and changing about your identity, image or a physical thing with your body seems to be wrapped up in this attached to what is going on at home or with the real estate.

Saturn opposes Uranus on the 26th for the final time in the ongoing war between them that started on November 4, 2008. This time the shaking up of old structures, the run for freedom, the issue of commitment or work, the new verses the old, is all playing out between limits, responsibility or leadership on the career front and change, new exciting or unusual things happening at home or with real estate. Look at what you can balance and find freedom and responsible outcomes together.

Mercury enters Virgo on the 27th and opens up the talks, helps you make decisions, opens agreements or meetings, writing projects or ideas through travel, with people at a distance, in media, marketing, education, or legal matters. It’s time to sign or write or meet about these things.

The last 3 days of the month are very active as Mars gets all geared up. He moves into your Career Midheaven on the 29th and you will be highly motivated, passionate or angry about some big goal, there will be action here and lots of energy. On the 30th he opposes Uranus at home, with mom/mother figure or over real estate/moves. This is about changes, unusual people or circumstances, excitement or shock, freedom or drawing outside the lines in this matter and you will feel it. ON the 31st Mars comes to sit with Saturn and you will commit to or sever something on the career front, with an important goal, ambition, reputation, or authority figure/boss/father/father figure.

AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)

As July kicks into gear you will have a rather fated moment at work, with your health or involving a pet or animal issue. The Sun is on its way to the Karmic North Node so there will be a person or situation that arrives in one of these arenas to help you to pick back up from a past lifetime or situation to move it forward now or to balance something that happened then. Uranus Retrogrades on the 5th, your ruling energy, and this will bring a conversation or decision that changes things, excites or shocks. There could be change in the local arena or with siblings as well.

Mercury moves into Leo on the 9th and opens up conversations, meetings, decisions, news, and agreements that involve a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. It is time to discuss the love, kids or creative output and any issues of pride or expression. At least one of these talks or agreements today changes things in a positive direction.

Venus moves into Virgo on the 10th and brings a woman into your shared financial picture of loans, debt, inheritance, settlements, insurance, taxes, bankruptcy, or any other outside resource, or onto the scene sexually, reproductively or in the divorce. You will be focusing on love and money through these arenas and things should go smoother here now. Just watch the tendency to spend on credit for luxury items during this transit.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 11th is opening up a huge new beginning for you in work, with co-workers, employees, health, or animals. It’s a great time to find new work, tackle the work before you, introduce new work techniques, hire someone, start a diet, work-out regime or adopt a pet. Talks or agreements with partners, attorneys, agents, or specialists support your efforts today and you should be able to act on the financial matter, divorce or sexual opportunity with passion.

You have been hosting Saturn in your house of divorce, sex, reproduction, and all financial matters since September 2007. This transit was a test to push you to set limits, deal with loss or restriction, step up and lead your life forward through the divorce, intimate connections, loans, debt, credit, insurance, taxes, settlements, alimony, child support, bankruptcy, royalties, commissions, inheritance, or joint finances. You have had to show up and look very seriously into these deeply shared arenas and learn about what it is you truly want and what you are willing to cut away. This test is officially over on July 21st not to be repeated for another 29 years. If things have been tight financially, if you’ve had to go through a divorce or if there were sexual issues, these things will begin to fade away as huge issues.

Saturn now moves into your arena of travel, media, education, and legal matters. Over the next 3 years you will be tested to take charge of your knowledge base, to master a broader perspective, to deal with limits, restrictions or more responsibilities in your travels, through a media, publishing or publicity matter, you may look at a marriage or other type of ceremony during this time period and step up to those responsibilities, legally enter into something long term and serious or challenge someone over legal matters, or you may deal with any limits or responsibilities as a teacher or student. At the end of this cycle you will have mastered this higher view of life and be ready for the ultimate passage at the top of your chart.

Chiron Retrogrades into Aquarius today giving you a few months to wrap up anything that is wounding to your ego, your body, your image or identity. Look closely at how you are treating yourself because others follow suit. Take this important time to heal what needs healing.

The Sun enters Leo on the 22nd and lights up your house of partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, and competitors for the next 30 days. This is where you shine and where you will be putting your vital energy, these one on one relationships. The connection to Saturn in Libra today means there is an opportunity here legally, through travel, ceremony, education, or media.

Jupiter Retrogrades on the 23rd in your communications zone so all of the over the top ideas and talks that have been going on around you, the big meetings and writing projects, any big expansion in the neighborhood or with siblings will now slow so you can catch up to your current position. Take this time now to apply faith and expand inner knowledge to whatever you are facing. A surprise communication puts you in a whole new place with a partner, representative or specialist today.

The Full Moon on the 25th is happening in your sign! This is about something peaking in a big way for you personally that will affect your body, image, identity or ego needs. You may have finished the diet or work out, had the operation, hair cut or wardrobe change, married or divorced (changing the identity), or you are seeing one personal need culminating. This is celebration time or endings.

The final Saturn/Uranus opposition occurs on the 26th. This has been a long radical orientation for everyone that began back in November of 2008 and involved your ruling energy Uranus to upset things that were stuck, old, out of date and ready for radical new energy to change things. Today in new signs, this will give you a last push to look at limits or responsibilities around legal matters, travel, media, or education and the way things are changing or should change in the way you think, talk, write, the agreements you come to, through short trips, neighborhood, or with siblings. See what shakes out.

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 27th opening up talks, meetings and agreements about the jointly held financial picture, settlement, taxes, insurance, inheritance, bankruptcy, divorce, sex, intimacy, or reproduction. Ask for what you need and make a decision. Under this energy the details matter so spell it out.

The last 3 days of the month are very active as Mars gets all worked up. He starts by moving into your house of sex, divorce and financial matters on the 29th. You will find that you start doing things about the divorce, the loans or debt, any settlements or other outsider resources and that passions or angers are stirred sexually. On the 30th Mars opposes Uranus and tosses a wild card into the mix over earnings so something will likely change here or you will do something to make it change. ON the 31st Mars comes to sit with Saturn and at this point you do something to either commit to or sever what has been going on sexually, in the divorce or with the financial picture.

PISCES: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)

July is rather intense for everyone and you are no exception as the Sun opens the month on its way to the Karmic South Node in your house of true love, children and creative projects. These first few days will be about a fated meeting or departure with a past love interest, the coming through of a destined child or something you have been working on creatively aligning with a karmic meeting or situation. Under this influence you will be picking back up from a past life to move something forward or balancing something now from past actions. Uranus Retrogrades on the 5th and changes something involving income or surprises over a possession.

Mercury enters Leo on the 9th opening up talks, meetings, agreements, and writing for work, with co-workers, employees, health, and pets. This is a good time to send out resumes, interview, pitch your work, hire someone, sign up for a gym, or decide to adopt a pet. You will find that income is aligned positively here so earn or spend in these directions.

Venus moves into Virgo on the 10th bringing a female into your partnership realm, or as a representative or specialist. You will now see love and money flowing through partners, agents, attorneys, managers, producers, and specialists. If single you might attract a potential mate during this transit.

The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 11th is opening up a huge new beginning for you through true love, children and creative projects. You may meet the love of your life now, take your current love to a new level, break from a bad situation if there is not true love involved, find out you are with child, start something new involving children, or get your creative project green lighted. The partner or representative is key in this and passions and actions get you there today. Talks or agreements about health, pets or work are important today as well are positive where money is concerned.

You have been hosting Saturn in your opposite sign since September 2007. You, like Virgo, have been undergoing some of the biggest changes in the zodiac as this placement has meant tests that played out over partners, representatives, specialists, or competitors. You have had to cut away anyone who tried to limit you, put in more work and effort to maintain relationships, get serious about what you wanted out of relationship or in connection with attorneys, agents, or other representatives, all the while Uranus was trying to shock you into the next level of your own individuality, opening up personal opportunities to shine your unique persona, showing you how to free yourself from past limitations and to stand in your own original masterpiece. You have been tested over the question of freedom verses commitment.

You are not the same person you were 2 and a half years ago not by a long shot and those who show up in your life will need to be different as well now because the mirror has to change to reflect this new independent spirit, even if it is entering into a committed relationship. So, although there has been loss or restrictions, extra work and responsibility, you have now mastered something within yourself that you get to carry forward and no one will be able to take that away from you. You will want new things from the people you share your time with and you have officially passed the test as of July 21st. This kind of testing will not occur again for another 29 years. Now Saturn moves into your house of sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, and all jointly held and outside financial resources. You will spend the next 3 years testing yourself through dealing with one or more of these issues through limits or leadership, cutting away or putting in the effort, whichever suits your personal journey and finally mastering these great outside resources, the experience of divorce or the serious side of intimacy.

Chiron Retrogrades back into your sign today as well to give you a few months more to deal with any personal wound you still carry, any wound with your body, image, identity or ego needs. If you need to get fit, divorce or marry (thusly changing the identity) or do something different with your image, this time period is all about you and healing.

The Sun enters Leo on the 22nd and puts you in the spotlight in work, health and pet matters for the next 30 days. You will shine here so put yourself out there if you are auditioning for roles, looking for jobs, interviewing, trying to hire employees, starting a diet or health regime, or helping animals in some way. The connection today with Saturn in Libra means that there could be something positive that comes to you here through financial, divorce or sexual realms tied to this work, health or pet matter.

Jupiter Retrogrades in your house of income on the 23rd and all the big expansion, earning or spending, that has been going on will slow to a regular pace as you catch up with your new found position. This time period will be about applying faith or knowledge to your income potential and expanding on an inner level here. You may see someone leave or return now who is in some way involved with your earning money.

The Full Moon on the 25th is bringing something you have been working on behind closed doors or keeping secret, a hospital matter, a film or other artistic work, research or investigations, or something mystical or spiritual to a peak in your life. This will wrap around an aspiration of yours or the social circle and will be a celebration or ending of something.

Saturn and Uranus have been locked in an ongoing war in Heaven since November 2008 and this ends on the 26th as they come to oppose each other for the last time. Since the onset this has been about relationship for you, the defining ‘me and mine’ against ‘you and ours’. It has been about the old against the new, structure against change. This last time these energies have moved into new territory so this last opposition will play out over finances, values, and perhaps divorce, sex, intimacy or reproduction. You will be looking at limits or responsibilities with shared resources, your sexuality or the divorce and at the freedom or change to income or through what you are earning. What do you want?

Mercury moves into Virgo on the 27th and opens up talks, agreements, meetings, ideas, writing, and short trips involving partners (romantic or business), agents, attorneys, specialists, and competitors. It’s time to ask for what you want and be ready to negotiate over the money.

The last 3 days of the month are very active as Mars gears up big time. First he moves into Libra on the 29th motivating you to do something about the loan, settlement, debt, commissions, royalties, investment, insurance, taxes, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, joint finances, divorce, sexual conquest or issue, or reproductive matter. You will be active here, passionate or angry and making a move. On the 30th he comes to oppose Uranus so this is about any changes to income, what you are earning or spending on, something new, unique, outside the box, independent, and how you balance this with what is happening with the sex, divorce or shared financial picture. By the 31st he comes to sit with Saturn and you will either commit to or sever ties sexually, through a divorce, around a reproductive matter, or through one of the outside financial matters.

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