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Wavetek 2520 manual
















I'm in desperate need of an owners and service manual for a Wavetek 2520 as well, and haven't had any luck as yet. If you find a source, please keep me in mind. Don W. Post by k***@uhn.on.ca Hi. I'm in desperate need of the service manual for a Wavetek 2510A signal generator. All of the sources on the Big List have come up The 2520 is generally used for calibrating RF power meters, however, it can also be used to calibrate attenuators or video detectors, etc. Or it can be used in an automatic test equipment (ATE) environment for maintenance and verification of equipment. Wavetek 2002A Service and User Manual. Ricoh B391 Part List. Philips HB545/B If you have any other manuals for the Wavetek 25XT you can upload the files here . Model: 25XT. Date: 2000. Category: Measurement instruments. Group: Digital multimeter. Description: Information. This instrument is EN61010-1 certified for Installation Category II. It is recommended for use with local level power distribution, appliances Wavetek 2520A Details Wavetek 2520A. RF Signal Generator MODULATION Types: AM, FM, Std. Internal Source: 400 Hz, 1 kHz External Source: AM Frequency Response 100 Hz (dev. 100 kHz) 1 kHz (dev. 1 MHz) Freq > 1100 MHz (2520) 20 Hz (dev. 10 kHz) 200 Hz (dev. 100 kHz) 2 kHz Wavetek Meterman ist nicht ansprechbar für Gebrauchsverluß oder Folgeschäden, Ausgaben, Gewinnverluß, usw. E GARANTIA Los Multímetros Digitales Modelos 23XT,25XT,27XT,28XT están garantizados contra cualquier defecto de material o de mano de obra durante un periodo de un (1) año contado a partir de la fecha de adquisición. Wavetek 1060 Series Instruction Manual. Wavetek 1060 Series Instruction Manual This is an 88 page printed manual This manual covers the 1061, 1062, 1066, and 1067 models Printed on 28 $19.45. Add: Auf die Digitalen Multimeter Modelle 2020 und 2030 gibt Wavetek ein Jahr Gewährleistung ab Kaufdatum auf Materialund Herstellungsfehler. Siehe für Einzelheiten Kapitel "Unterhalt und Reparatur". Für weiterführende Ansprüche aus Garantiefällen, wie Folgeschäden, Gewinnausfälle usw. kommt Wavetek nicht auf. E. GARANTIA. atecorp.com Addeddate 2016-01-24 06:45:56 Identifier wavetek_meterman_2020_2030_manual Identifier-ark ark:/13960/t8gf4r61m Ocr ABBYY FineReader 11.0 Ppi 300 Scanner product Wizard 2000 Listing Template - AW2KLOT#:14206Wavetek 2520/2520A RF 0.2-2200MHz Synthesized Signal Generator w/Manual!We gladly ship to most countries!Email us for a QuoteWavetek 2520/2520A RF 0.2-2200MHz Synthesized Signal GeneratorItem is in good physical condition. Item does not turn on.Includes users manual and power cord. Re: Wavetek 2500 RF Generator Info. To answer your question about the EXT modulation input, yes you can input a MPX signal into this jack. You still need to get the level correctly. Only the manual will let you know what signal level the generator is looking for. As for "still internally modulate in the 2500". Re: Wavetek 2500 RF Generator Info. To answer your question about the EXT modulation input, yes you can input a MPX signal into this jack. You still need to get the level correctly. Only the manual will let you know what signal level the generator is looking for. As for "still internally modulate in the 2500".

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