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ASSAULT RIFLE ,;STEYR”. SEMI-AUTOMATIC. AUG Cal. 5,56 (223). Manual. Steyr Mannlicher Ges.m.b.H.. IMPORTANT-DONOTDISCARD. KEEP THIS MANUAL WITH YOUR FIREARM. INSTRUCTIONS fOR USE BETRIEBSANLEITUNG STEYR AUG Z IMPORTANT READ BEfORE USE! WICHTIG VOR GEBRAUCH LESEN! WWW.STEYR-MANNLICHER.COM Butt Housing group GasThis manual gives ba sic instructions on the proper handling and functioning of your STEYR. AUG. Your safety and the safety of others depend on you following. Steyr aug a2 airsoft manual. Steyr aug armorer's manual. The Aug. Steyr can be considered as the most successful commercial bullpup assault rifle. Manufacturer, Manual. CLASSIC ARMY, Classic Army AUG A1 Manual. CLASSIC ARMY, Classic Army AUG A2 Manual. JING GONG, Jing Gong Steyr AUG AU-1G 0448A Manual. Instructions for Use BETRIEBSANLEITUNG WWW.STEYR-MANNLICHER.COM Barrel Butt Cocking handle Safety catch Housing lock Magazine catch Trigger Housing group This manual is published for the information and guidance of personnel responsible for operation organizational, direct support maintained of the rifle Steyr FULLY before loading or firing your STEYR AUG. This manual gives ba- sic instructions on the proper handling and functioning of your STEYR. AUG.
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