Created Date: 8/29/2002 4:18:42 PM AS400 tutorials,ibmi,as400,AS400 programming,AS400 learning,AS400 with examples,IBM i, iSeries,system i,RPG,RPGLE,CL,CLLE,ILERPG,SQL,DB2 Tutorial guages such as SQL. A record is a representation of some physical or conceptual object. Say, for example, that you want to keep track of a business's customers. You assign a record for each customer. Each record has multiple attributes, such as name, address, and telephone number. Individual names, addresses, and so on are the data. SQL (i.e. Structured Query Language) allows you to create and maintain relational databases. It also allows the management of information inside those databases. Before discussing SQL further, let's define what the term "database" means. People use this term when referring to a collection of information (e.g. names, phone numbers SQL statements. Few rules to follow while writing SQL statements in . MySQL: • SQL is case insensitive. That means name and NAME are same for SQL. • Always end SQL statements with a semicolon (;). • To enter multiline SQL statements, we don't write ';' after the first line. We put enter to continue on next line. SQL/400 Developer s Guide provides start-to-finish coverage of SQL/400, IBM's strategic language for the AS/400's integrated database. This essential text provides comprehensive explanations and numerous examples to help you: Create new databases, tables, views, and indexes with SQL/400. Define primary key, unique, foreign key, and check SQL Server DBA (SQL DBA) : Complete Course Plan Course Description Duration Module 1 Database Basics, SQL Server Architecture & T-SQL Plan A; B 2 Weeks Module 2 Basic SQL DBA : Backup- Restores, Jobs, Tuning & Security Plan A; B 2 Weeks Module 3 Advanced SQL DBA: Always-On, Repairs, HA DR - Errors Plan A; B 2 Weeks Module 4 Azure SQL Database Fundamentals and Azure Tuning Plan B 1 Week Type the following Start SQL command on the system prompt: STRSQL STRTSQL screen. This way you begin a SQL session in AS/400. This application accepts most of the common SQL syntax (CREATE,INSERT, DELETE, SELECT, DROP, etc). Creating a table with SQL. From the SQL command line we're going to create the CLIENTS table and then insert some rows. SQL201 - SQL Class - Basic and Intermediate Overview This class will introduce SQL/400 concepts and applications to RPG • Accessing DB2/400 from non AS/400 systems o MS SQL, mySQL, PHP • PRTSQLINF • Authorizing users/Permissions Lab Sessions The format of the class will be lecture time followed by Lab sessions. New MS SQL Sever 3 SQL Server is available in various editions. This chapter lists the multiple editions with its features. Enterprise: This is the top-end edition with a full feature set. Standard: This has less features than Enterprise, when there is no requirement of advanced features. Structured Query Language (SQL) •Standard language for relational database managements •Domain-specific language •SQL only works on relational databases •Not for general purpose programming (e.g., Java, C/C++, Python) •Include the ability to process sets of data •Querying data •Controlling access to the database and its objects
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