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Sources of solid waste pdf

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From ancient times, people have been mass-producing solid waste. Most communities manage to burry solid waste just outside their settlements or dispose of it in nearby rivers or water bodies, but as population densities increased, these practices no longer prevented the spread of foul odours or disease [4]. As waste accumulated in these growing Solid waste management is the one thing just about every city government provides for its residents. While service levels, environ- mental impacts and costs vary dramatically, solid waste management is arguably the most important municipal service and serves as a prerequisite for other municipal action. Here the solid waste is characterized on the basis of where it is coming from, the types of solid wastes based on origin include: Residential. Residential waste refers to wastes from dwellings, apartments, etc., and consists of leftover food, vegetable peels, plastic, glass, metals, paper, clothes, yard waste, ashes, etc. Commercial 1.3. Types of Non-hazardous Solid Waste 5 1.4. Sources of Solid Waste 6 1.5. Public Health and Ecological Aspect 8 Review Questions 10 CHAPTER TWO: CLASSIFICATION, GENERATION RATE AND COMPOSITION OF SOLID WASTES 11 2.1. Learning Objectives 11 2.2. Introduction 11 2.3. Classification of Solid Waste 12 2.4. Generation Rate of Solid Waste 13 2.5. ADVERTISEMENTS: Some of the major various classification of solid waste are as follows: 1. Municipal Waste 2. Domestic I Residential Waste 3. Commercial Waste 4. Garbage 5. Rubbish 6. Institutional Waste 7. Ashes 8. Bulky Wastes 9. Street Sweeping 10. Dead Animals 10. Dead Animals 11. Construction and Demolition Wastes 12. Industrial Wastes 13. Hazardous […] There are various following methods of solid waste disposal: (i) Open burning involves burning of municipal waste in open dumps to reduce volume but the un-burnt piled waste serves as breeding ground for rats and flies. (ii) Sanitary landfills are areas, where wastes are dumped in a depression or trench after compaction and covered with dirt. source of energy. As a final resort, waste should be disposed of safely (e.g., in sanitary landfills or monitored dumpsites). Box 15.1 The Definition of Municipal Solid Waste Municipal solid waste (MSW), which is commonly called garbage, trash, or refuse refers to waste generated from the following activities: Crop farms, orchards, dairies, vineyards and feedlots are also sources of solid wastes. Among the wastes they produce are agricultural wastes, spoiled food, pesticide containers and other hazardous materials. 9. Biomedical This refers to hospitals and biomedical equipment and chemical manufacturing firms. Solid waste generation is the common basis for activity data to estimate emissions from solid waste disposal, biological treatment, and incineration and open burning of waste. Solid waste generation rates and composition vary from country to country depending on the economic situation, industrial structure, waste management regulations and life SOLID WASTE 3.1 INTRODUCTION The information on the nature of wastes, its composition, physical and chemical characteristics - and the quantities generated are basic needs for the planning of a Solid Waste Management system. 3.1.1 Termi


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