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Manual of Seed Handling FIGURES Figure 2.1. Seed extraction from fleshy fruits 9 Figure 4.1. Moisture isotherms 39 Figure 4.2. Predicting drying time 41 Figure 5.1. Seed germination testing on top of absorbent paper in Petri dishes 60 Figure 5.2. Seed germination testing by between-paper method 62 Figure 5.3. Seed germination testing in sand 64 3. Sowing behind the country plough (manual and mechanical drilling) 4. Seed drilling 5. Nursery transplanting 1. Broadcasting . Broadcasting is otherwise called as random sowing. Soil condition: a. Tilth is the most important soil factor influences on germination of seed. Small seeds require fine tilth whereas, moderate and larger seeds Seed Production and Training Manual - by Lambert Delimini - FAO - 12/05/2012 PREFACE Plant breeding activities lead to the development and release of improved crop varieties. The purpose of releasing improved crop varieties is to increase productivity and overall crop production to anchor food security. Food security is achievable through mass This manual provides details about the production of good quality seeds. The characteristics of good quality seeds have been defined.Factors influencing seed production and ways to maintain pure accessions like isolation distance, bagging technique, rouging have been dealt with. Post harvest processing details have also been discussed in detail. Germination medium Choose a germination medium such as 1% agar (see Box 1), sand (particularly Box 2: Over-sowing When germination testing collections with empty or infested seed, sow extra seed to compensate for the incompetent portion. E.g. if 45 of 50 seeds full: 50 ÷ (45 / 50) = sow 56 seeds. Number of full seeds in x-ray or cut test sample
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