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Learner centered instructional strategies

Learner centered instructional strategies
















In this exploratory study, we examined how undergraduate students experience learning in a learner-centered teaching environment and their perceptions of motivation towards learning material in an introductory public speaking communications course. Six faculty members participated in a semester-long study where their teaching strategies were observed. The 28 Student-Centered Learning strategies are: 1. Cooperative Cooperative learning involves small groups working together to accomplish a learning task 2. Presentations Presentations are learner-presented assignments. Students can do these in groups or individually. 3. Panel/Expert Panels are a way to include many voices on a subject. Student-Centered Instructional Strategies Summary; Articles & Journals; Videos/Recordings; Additional Resources; Students need to be at the heart of how we know if they are learning, so engaging them in diverse ways helps them look at learning through a variety of lenses and to stay motivated. Here is a collection of strategies to engage 3. Using Direct Instruction to Teach Skills & Procedures Direct instruction is a useful tool for teaching students new skills and procedures. There are several key steps you should follow when 5 Ways to Boost Student Learning . Instructional strategies provide a delivery mechanism for presenting great content. Instructional strategies are the how, and content is the what. In many cases, how you present the content is more important than what you present. Students latch onto content that is packaged in an interesting and engaging way. Learner centered methods also: i. Give the learner feedback on their incomplete understandings and encourage them fix this, for example by helping each other. ii. Give the teacher feedback on which learners understand, and who needs help iii. Develop thinking skills such as analysis problem solving, and evaluation iv. In teacher-centered learning the teacher usually takes center stage. The teacher is seen as the scholar, providing lectures on the content and explaining teacher directed activities. The teacher more or less rigidly drives the curriculum. In learner-centered environments teachers do more listening. Students engage in dialogue with each other encourage students to challenge ideas and sources (e.g., debates, research critiques, reaction reports, etc.) use cooperative/collaborative learning strategies (e.g., peer to peer review, team projects, think/pair/share, etc.) incorporate concrete, real-life situations into learning activities Learning-centered Teaching Practices. Valencia educators will implement diverse teaching and learning strategies that accommodate the learning styles of students and that promote both acquisition and applications of knowledge and understanding. Resources and Courses A learner-centered approach views learners as active agents. They bring their own knowledge, past experiences, education, and ideas - and this impacts how they take on board new information and learn. It differs significantly from a traditional instructor-centered approach. Traditional learning approaches were informed by behaviorism, which Don't be like Mr. Lecturetoomuch. Instead find some better teaching strategies that will get your students actively engaged. Self Assessment. The key to a learner centered classroom is student engagement. An engaged class, that is, a class that's centered on learning and


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