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Nov 14, 2008 — Principle of Emulsion Formation. Oil. Water. Primary. Homogenization Homogenization is a unit operation using a class of processing. Abstract: - Homogenization is a process of achieving homogeneity through out a product by particle size modification. it is characterized into three major Homogenization is the process of emulsifying two immiscible liquids (i.e. liquids that are not soluble in one another) or. The homogenizer uses dynamic high pressure energy to break the particles in the fluids down to the smallest possible size, the nanometre. As a manufacturer of homogenizers and piston pumps, 9 |HST Homogenizers. The working principle of high-pressure homogenizationThe higher the homogenization pressure, the higher the speed. Homogenization takes 10 – 15 microseconds. During this time, all the pressure energy delivered by Thus the fat globules are reduced in size. Fig. 7.1 Working principle of a homogenizer. In actual practice most valves employ a combination of three principles The APV Homogenizer Group designs and manufactures high-pressure homogenizers (operating pressures up to 29,000 psi/2000 bar) for the processing of emulsions A homogenizer works by breaking or subdividing the dispersed components into smaller particles and then distributing them evenly throughout the mixture. The
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