Home R16 EEE 3-2 Materials JNTUK R16 EEE 3-2 Energy Audit and Conservation_ Management Material Pdf Download JNTUK R16 EEE 3-2 Energy Audit and Conservation_ Management Material Pdf Download JNTUK NOTES INFORMATION. HOME DISCLAIMER PRIVACY POLICY TERMS & CONDITIONS. Contact Form Name Energy Conservation Promotion Act was put into force in 1992. In this relation many things have been done including announcement of the National Energy Conservation Strategic Plan (2002-2011) and Five Years Energy Conservation Plan (2002-2006). The nation-wide Energy Conservation efforts will contribute to lessening dependence on 1.0 Abstract Although energy conservation is an important priority, meeting remediation goals is the most The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) important. However, with more than one way to Energy audits (check- 8%) P &T a nd In Si 7% In Situ Onl 4% P&T, In S MNA Only(11% tu(63) lists), which need to be site- conservation is huge. P ROPOSED W ORK The paper proposes a simple idea on reduc ing the energy consumption. For the case study, a class room of size 129.53 sq.mt. that can accommodate 60 students Keywords: Conservation, Consumer, Energy audit, Energy management, Energy scenario _____ I. INTRODUCTION To institute the correct energy efficiency programs, we have to know first which areas in our installation unnecessarily consume too much energy, which is the most cost-effective load. An energy audit to recognize where energy is being PDF | Energy Management and audit save money and energy for industries unless the recommendations are implemented. 2008. [8] R. L. Secor, R. S. Curl, " Energy auditing and conservation methods Energy Management & Audit: Definition, Energy audit- need, Types of energy audit, Energy management (audit) approach-understanding energy costs, Bench marking, Matching energy use to requirement, Maximizing system efficiencies, Energy performance, Fuel and energy substitution, Optimizing the input energy requirements, Energy audit instruments Energy conservation can be achieved through increased efficient energy use, in conjunction with decreased energy consumption and/or reduced consumption from conventional energy sources. Energy conservation can result in increased financial capital, environmental quality, national security, personal security, and human comfort. ii. Carry out energy audit of an industry/Organization. iii. Draw the energy flow diagram of an industry and identify the energy wasted or a waste stream. iv. Select appropriate energy conservation method to reduce the wastage of energy v. Evaluate the techno economic feasibility of the energy conservation technique adopted. Lecture Notes-2 Types of Wires and Earthing. Lecture Notes-3 Types of Batteries and Characteristics. Lecture Notes-4 Power Factor Improvement. Unit-5 Power Converters. B. Tech 4th Semester Electrical Energy Conservation and Auditing (ELPE-411) Unit-1 Energy Scenario. Unit-2 Basics of Energy and its Various Forms. Unit-3 Energy management & Audit 1. Undertaking an energy audit 5 1.1 What is an energy audit? 6 1.2 Why carry out an energy audit? 6 1.3 How does an energy audit work? 6 2. Initial preparation 9 2.1 Arrange the introductory meeting 10 2.2 Agree the approach 10 2.3 Request specific information and data 10 2.4 Identify key personnel 11 3. Course objectives: • Understand the current energy scenario and the importance of energy conserva
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