3. In 1918 a male was diagnosed as M.S. because of blurred vision, numbness, and low back pain. In four months Dr. Klenner began his program and in six months the man was back driving the fire truck. He continued to improve and cut firewood during off hours. Early M.S. cases will respond quickly. 4. Buy Dr. Klenner's Multiple Sclerosis Protocol: HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: The Pioneering Work of FREDERICK ROBERT KLENNER, M.D. by Dr. Med Frederick Robert Klenner online at Alibris. We have new and used copies available, in 1 editions - starting at $43.88. Shop now. Keywords: Klenner, protocol, MS, multiple, sclerosis, nerve, pathology, vitamin b, metabolites, orthomolecular, peripheral Response of Peripheral and Central Nerve Pathology to Mega-Doses of the Vitamin B-Complex and Other Metabolites by Frederich R. Klenner, BS, MS, MD Journal of Applied Nutrition, 1973 The protocol of Dr. Klenner's I have followed consists of: (1) a daily intramuscular injection of vitamin B1 of 300 to 400 mg. The correct dosage can be determined by the level of fatigue the patient experiences. Some patients require 300 to 400 mg daily to experience relief of fatigue symptoms. The B1 is available in a strength of 200mg per ml Let this thought stay with you: We have already won. Around the world, everyone who can is taking supplemental vitamin C. The public already knows, in spite of the media rather than thanks to the media. More and more physicians, every single day, are recommending vitamin C. It is even bubbling up (or, if you prefer, percolating down) to government. The medical establishment will be last to The protocol I followed is titled "Dr. F.R. Klenner's Protocol for MS" published in the TLfDP Issue #238, May/03, page 102. As Wayne Martin mentioned, I also encourage patients to add refined high-dose fish oil daily to their diet in a 6 to 12 gram dosage (1 tbls). This will add an additional $50 monthly to the protocol and I feel this is Dr. Klenner publishes his vitamin supplement protocol to arrest and reverse multiple sclerosis. So does Dr. HT Mount, reporting on 27 years of success using thiamine. Also: Ewan Cameron, MD, and Linus Pauling, PhD, publish their first joint paper on the control of cancer with vitamin C, two years after Cameron began using high-dose IV vitamin C. Dr. Klenner's Multiple Sclerosis Protocol by Dr Med Frederick Robert Klenner, 9783750461864, available at Book Depository with free delivery worldwide. Dr. Klenner's Multiple Sclerosis Protocol: HIDDEN IN PLAIN SIGHT: The Pioneering Work of FREDERICK ROBERT KLENNER, M.D. 454. by Dr. med. Frederick Robert Klenner. Paperback $ 54.50. Ship This Item — Qualifies for Free Shipping Buy Online, Pick up in Store Check Availability at Nearby Stores I was informed of The Dr. Klenner Protocol by a rep. from Twin Lab. I think Dr. Sahelian has the best website; easy to read and very informative. I was taking Sam-d and i didn't feel right; so I read the article reduced my dose and I am fine. A. I am not familiar with the Dr. Klenner protocol for the treatment of multiple sclerosis with vitamins. This is a printable handout for expecting parents, Birth and/or Postpartum Doulas, Midwives or other Maternal Support Practitioners. This download includes our evidence based handout PDF on: -Dr Klenner Protocol All of the information provided on this handout is based on peer reviewed studies, This is a printable handout for expecting parents, Birth and/or Postpartum Doulas, Midwives or other Maternal Suppor
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