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Zung, Thomas TK (2010), 'Houses for the Future', in AV Monografías, ed. by. Arquitectura Viva SL, 143, pp. 46-51. IMAGE CREDITS. Fig. 01. Arboriform pillars in PDF | Since2004,ArquitecturaViva,arenownedSpanisharchitecturaljournal in China (AV Monografias 150) from 2011, and Timeless China (Arquitectura Viva AV Monografías nº 193-194. España 2017 / Spain Yearbook. Montbau Library. Pg. 170-175. Arquitectura Viva. Madrid, 2016. PDFArquitectura Viva Monografías 225. Arquitectura Viva SL 2020 / editor: Luis Fernández-Galiano / 240×300 / 112p / EN + ES /isbn: 978-84-09-20691-9.
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